NISEI Game Night Kits

Make an achievement-based prize structure, then. Install more than four things in a turn? Get a prize-point. Play Exile? Get five prize points. Install a Monolith? Get ten prize points. Whatever. At the end, most prize points gets first dibs on a prize, and go on down the line.

Maybe they don’t want to compete for wins. In that case, distribute all prizes equally and just have a nominal entry fee to cover the cost. If the prizes can’t be distributed equally, save them until they can be distributed equally, or use only those to run a tournament for the real players competitive players.

(I feel it necessary to specify that the strikethrough was 100% a joke and shouldn’t be taken seriously at all…)

The main thrust is that the kit has a ‘suggested’ distribution model that presumes a competitive tournament, simply because that’s going to be the most common distribution. If you charge an entry fee, we assume you’re not catering to the casual crowd. You don’t have to follow that suggestion, though, and can make your own.

A Casual Play Representative is an interesting idea though.