Null Signal Questions Thread

I heard the same (that it was New York) but what I heard was that the single elimination for the last few rounds was very positively received. I might be wrong though.

Understandable not wanting to deal with the issue in the immediate short term.

I heard nothing from it post event, I’m just remembering the drama that was going on beforehand. I’m on the wrong side of the ocean for it, and NISEI wasn’t even a thing then so I’m happy to admit I thought “well, I’m glad I’m not involved in having to arrange that” and moved on with my life :wink:

This seems more like a question for @icecoldjazz. Austin mentioned an altered Swiss format where pairings may not be the closest records that might reduce ID’s:

  • Slight modification to Swiss pairings.
  • Introduction of optional Tiebreaker Rounds at Competitive events to create clean top cuts.

So I think OP is aware and may be trying some things as it goes along.


30 posts were split to a new topic: NISEI Game Night Kits

Hey all! I have moved the prize kit discussion to its own thread as it was getting considerably large with no end in sight. Let’s keep further discussion of kits in that thread and other NISEI questions here :slight_smile:


Until when will the Q1 2019 kit be on order? (I.e. what’s the last date to get my order in?)

6th of Jan is the tentative close date.

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Being in Michigan, the Detroit playmat has particular significance and I’ve already ordered a few. Is NISEI set up such that old kits can be reprinted at a later date? Our local meta may want to revisit this kit down the road as well, especially if it booms under NISEI.

A: Kits will be available for a limited window and then we’ll close them. Once they’re done, they’re done. Any remaining stock we have after we ship will be liquidated somehow, either through a special sale or as additional support at bigger events.

Possibly, and take this with a grain of salt, things could be rerun or reused for future support and/or kits, but we’re not committing to that at this time.

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Apologies if it’s been made clear elsewhere, but how does one pitch an idea to the Nisei group?

Drop an email to and I’ll make sure it reaches the right person.

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Got ourselves one from the anonymous form:

A: NISEI can’t offer these directly because that’s most certainly an infringement on FFG’s copyright. If a there is a fan-made tool for it, great! But we won’t be involved in distribution of anything FFG owns.

Proxies of any cards will be legal at all NISEI events, and we’ll have a proxy policy up in the very near future. In addition, we’re exploring options for TOs to have blank cards for hand-written proxies at events.

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What are the future plans for nrdb? Who’s in charge?

A: We do have future plans. Additional features and moderation. I can’t discuss the details right now. NISEI is in charge of NRDB as of about a week ago.

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@Orbital_Tangent might not be allowed to spill the beans, but I am :smiley:

NRDB falls under the Web Development team, which itself falls under Community - i.e. my team. We’re currently reviewing what is working perfectly, and what needs improvement - the first thing that springs to mind is that cards in multiple sets are currently stored multiple times. Fixing that will also allow us to better handle multiple languages, and as an added bonus, alternate art.

Oh cool! We should have a NRDB feature requests thread.

My #1: I believe—and I might be wrong—a user’s card Collection is stored with the browser session. It would be nice to move this server-side so that your Collection follows you across your devices. I’ve always opened NRDB on a new machine and wondered why cards are there or not there. :slight_smile:

Really? Hand-written proxies, in the 21st century? As anything more than a temporary emergency solution for situations like a card lost or damaged?

Out of respect for my opponents, I would never show up to play with anything less than a decent quality color print. Where in the world do you expect NISEI events to happen where even a black-and-white printed proxy is hard to make?

Will there be a different Nisei Art for Card backs corp / runner? Like the curren red & blue, but also a different design?

That is on my list of things I’d like to see already :slight_smile:

You just named the exact situation when this is what we’d do… i.e. emergency replacements for lost or damaged cards.

That said, I don’t know everywhere that Netrunner is played. and I’m not going to tell someone they can’t play because they can’t afford a printer.

Yes, there will be different backs. Exactly what the runner design will look like, I can’t tell you yet.


What a needlessly aggressive answer. Good for you that you can always print proxies, but as someone who used to move house about every 2-3 months for work I have been in many situations where I couldn’t. I don’t own a printer and I don’t always have access to the one at work (quite apart from the fact that if work found out I was printing Netrunner proxies on their printers, they probably wouldn’t be too happy), and sometimes I just needed to make short-notice changes to my deck.