PE help

My abysmal 0-4 in the SSCI notwithstanding (mostly all stupid mistakes on my part), I think Tennin is still a viable alternative to RP, even with the introduction of clot. Jinteki doesn’t need to kill the runner to be successful; it just needs to rely on the wonders of Caprice Nisei and setting up thorny layers of ice.

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This is the closest ruling that I can think of:

“Doing” damage results in the Runner “suffering” damage, but “suffering” damage does not mean the damage was dealt. So however the Runner gets the brain damage for Sentinel Defense Program it will result in 1 net damage, but as you note The Cleaners will not give extra damage to Tri-Maf Contact. “Taking” is synonymous with suffering, but is not used frequently and should probably not exist as a term.

You can prevent or avoid damage when it is being dealt or suffered and before it resolves. If you do not prevent or avoid enough damage so that you have fewer cards in hand than the amount of incoming damage, then you flatline without trashing the cards one by one (because the game is over and the order of cards in the heap is not important). If you prevent the brain damage from Wotan the run does not end from that subroutine.

I can see it go both ways. The above ruling does clarify that suffered damage can be prevented/avoided. But, as @GreedyGuts pointed out that Tori says “would do”, while Chronos Protocol says “first net damage the Runner suffers”, which seem to be distinct enough to work differently. It could be that they are updating their templating.

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