Isn’t that counterproductive to PE’s ability and Philotic Entanglement?
How so? you can only run 1 per deck.
EDIT: sorry, my quote got messed up. My initial remark was a question about the number of agendas.
My thinking was: Philotic Entanglement wants more agenda’s in the runner’s scoring area. If you limit the number of agenda’s…
I was curious what the advantage was of playing less agendas in this deck.
I won one game on flatline, the rest on agenda points.
While Philotic Entanglement probably wont flatline the runner, it will still deal 2-3 netdamage which is great.
In general the netdamage works as a way to get rid of back-up breakers and recursion and not as a flatline threat.
Also it’s strictly better than Braintrust and Medical Breakthrough.
I’m not sold on running 3-pointers since RnD can often be leaky earlygame and it takes credits to defend Future Perfect which I don’t tend to have a lot of, but might be worth it. I like placing unadvanced stuff in a server though, it gives you some options bluffing agendas through if you don’t have secure servers.
Has anybody been experimenting with Susanoo in this deck? Seems like it would be a strong way to fling somebody at an Archer/Grim, and if they’re not running archives often enough to ICE (because Jinteki), you could do some serious harm with it (not saying go for the ol’ Jinteki archives kill, but it could definitely happen).
A single copy of Susanoo is strong if you got the economy to support it, but I don’t think I would run multiple copies.
This WE I played against a jinteki shutdown with an interesting twist. He played a lot of 1-pointers (I saw profiteerings in addition to the usual house of knives and clone retirement), accelerated diagnostics and 1 interns + 1 shipment from sansan + 1 subliminal messaging. This allowed him to flatline the runner in the late game by scoring philotic from an empty board position and only 2 credits (subliminal pays for the 3rd advancement counter). In case philotic was scored he had neural EMP as backup to combo up to 5 net damage in a turn (hard to set up, but 4 net is quite feasible). This eats up a lot of deckspace and I don’t know if it’s quite consistent enough, but thought it was interesting enough to share.
Subliminal is a cool trick if you only needed to combo for 2 cards (of course you could also double SfSS or just use your last click to advance) but its a neat trick to have in your back pocket.
I play a version of astrobiotics TWIY that runs PS/AD in place of 2 of the biotic labors that can combo out from 4 points (I WAS running a goofball Ronin in case I was setup and they went down to 2 cards before I was at 4 points, but having literally NEVER used the ronin, I subbed it out for the biotic labor). I play only 2-point agendas so the runner has to score 4 of them and I only need 2 (+combo).
You lose reliability. Some games will be brutally efficient, and others will see you choking on all your combo cards and/or lose one of your pieces (I have to be much more careful about using Jackson’s ability rather than just letting the runner trash him). You do need to devote a card slot for interns, SfSS, and at least 1 Accelerated Diagnostics, but it could work. 2 SfSS opens up the ability to score out of hand from 4 points with a Future Perfect. All in all you’re looking at a package of 3-6 incldues that open up some interesting doors. Between the combo and your traps, you will be drawing through a lot of “dead” pulls, and it would be devastating if you let the runner get within killshot range of a philotic entanglement only to see a Deus X hit the table, and now you’re stuck with all these combo pieces and have to scramble to your plan B.
Anybody playing with Power Shutdown Jinteki recently? Have you made any changes with Upstalk and Spaces Between hitting?
komainu and lotus field are both really nice in it. Not on par with neh and rp though, might be good with the new neutral agenda in pack 3
I have tried it in league for a while. Sec testing heart this deck pretty hard.But I’m still in favour vs crim decks. What really is a problem - cashe noise. In fact I leave my tries due to his popularity.
Chronos Project will make it sing I would imagine.