Questions from former Netrunner player

Sure, but androids in the Android setting don’t really have it any better than replicants in Blade Runner, and Earth may be in better shape but Mars is a mess. I’m not sure the setting’s actually less bleak, I think it just doesn’t focus on the bleak bits as much.

I am looking forward to reading it :wink:
And I am happy that I am not the only one preferring articles !

In terms of writing articles, anyone who has something worth saying and can say it reasonably well is probably welcome to contribute to stimhack. The regular writers are usually willing to proof an article. If you have a good idea, ask if it sounds worth it and write an article.

I don’t speak for the site, but I’m pretty sure that if you have a good topic and can express your ideas well we will all be reading your article on the front page of Stimhack.

Edit: I can’t approve articles but I’m personally willing to proofread and help with formatting. Get in touch if you want help.


I’m not sure about Dyper at the moment, it is possible to build a deck but with Foodcoats reppearing and in turn defensive upgrades more common I am not sure it is the best meta call.

Post rotation I have a few ideas but will wait till I see all the cards available before designing a deck but something with Equivocation, Medium and Demolition Run could be viable