[Terminal7] Ep. 22 “It’s Giving You Lyme Disease” is now live, talking about The Source and giving the gift of Netrunner!
Steam, MP3, RSS: Terminal7 22: It's Giving You Lyme Disease - Idle Thumbs Network
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/terminal7/id74293488711
[Terminal7] Ep. 23 “Broom-Hands” is now live, talking about the major H-B and NBN deck archetypes
Steam, MP3, RSS: Terminal7 23: Broom-Hands - Idle Thumbs Network
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/terminal7/id74293488711
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[Terminal7] Ep. 24 “Encountering Cosmic ICE” is now live, talking about the Weyland half of O&C with special guest Quinns from SU&SD!
Steam, MP3, RSS: Terminal7 24: Encountering Cosmic ICE - Idle Thumbs Network
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/terminal7/id74293488711
[Terminal7] Ep. 25 “Code Gates are Creamy” is now live, with Quinns from SU&SD returning to talking about the Anarch half of O&C!
Steam, MP3, RSS: Terminal7 25: Code Gates are Creamy - Idle Thumbs Network
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/terminal7/id74293488711
February 17, 2015, 5:47pm
@Nelsormensch Awesome! Looking forward to listening – the corp one was very entertaining.
[Terminal7] Ep. 26 “Life as a Dung Beetle” is now live, talking about the upcoming card game Karmaka with its creators!
Steam, MP3, RSS: Terminal7 26: Life as a Dung Beetle - Idle Thumbs Network
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/terminal7/id74293488711
And for folks who want more details about Karmaka, it’s all available here! http://www.karmaka-game.com/
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[Terminal7] Ep. 27 “The Worst was Had by You” is now live, talking Jinteki and Weyland archetypes!
Steam, MP3, RSS: Terminal7 27: The Worst was Had by You - Idle Thumbs Network
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/terminal7/id74293488711
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[Terminal7] Ep. 29 “Out of Work Intellectual Camp” is now live, featuring special guest Netrunner’s art director Zoë Robinson!
Steam, MP3, RSS: Terminal7 29: Out of Work Intellectual Camp - Idle Thumbs Network
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/terminal7/id74293488711
April 22, 2015, 4:46pm
GodDAMN, Nels! Solid work! Not only did you conduct a fantastic interview with a cool FFG employee, but you and Jesse’s unbridled enthusiasm and excitement are contagious.
Keep up the great work, kids.
That was one awesome episode.
It was interesting to hear that Ms. Robinson was not a huge fan of one of the best pieces of A:NR art theming yet that found its way into The Valley (being deliberately vague here).
Woo, thanks guys! As evidence, we were also pretty stoked to chat with Zoë. Both the similarities and differences between analog and digital game design processes are still super interesting to me.
April 24, 2015, 6:39pm
Did you ever watch the ‘Fargo’ TV series? It was strong, and, for added fun for you, took place in Bemidji.
Just 2 weeks, might have been 2,5
I haven’t but now I probably should!
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May 12, 2015, 8:54pm
Thanx for the ANRPC shout.
re: PNW circuit
Coming soon…
Yeah, I saw that teased like a day after we recorded, heh!
[Terminal7] Ep. 31 “A Dog Steals Your Skull” is live, talking about the BC Regional and Chrome City!
Steam, MP3, RSS: Terminal7 31: A Dog Steals Your Skull - Idle Thumbs Network
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/terminal7/id74293488711
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