Underway Set Review

I have been having a lot of success with Hyperdriver. I have been playing it in Chaos Theory with Leprechaun (which mitigates the memory issue), Magnum Opus, Wanton Destruction, Eater and Keyhole. The ability to use it, Wanton Destruction all 5 cards from hand and have a click left to check archives, or to Same Old Thing Wanton Destruction to clear 5 cards is fantastic. Also, using Keyhole loads of times in a turn is great. It accelerates set up times, allows you to click Opus extra times in a turn before running, gives an Opus deck speed against NEH, extra clicks against RP. In my opinion, I think it needs a higher rating, but with the ā€œBuild Aroundā€ tag.


The problem is that given its inflexibility, fragility, advancement requirement, and trash-to-use, Iā€™d rather use Isabel McGuire, and nobody should ever rather use Isabel McGuire.


Or Iā€™d rather just have another Campaign instead of the Test Ground.


Muertos is decent, especially in Geist, but I see where the low rating comes from. With the corp choosing the card to derez, itā€™s a terrible card against the two strongest corp IDs at the moment (RP and NEH) since they each play a few low-rez cost cards to shield against Muertos; Popup Window, Jackson Howard, Pup, Mental Health Clinic, to name a few.

I played Geist at my last causal night and MGM did huge work against a couple HB corps, however. The corp rarely had multiple cards rezzed because I saw all 3 MGM early and kept derezzing ICE with Crescentus recursion, too.

My strategy is, MGM, if I hit a big ice early. Parasite for all the small ice. So far, in the right matches, itā€™s affect on the match can be really great to prolonge the early game. Iā€™ve paired it with Gabe for thematic purposes but also because he really shines early game where he can get into HQ cheap.

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It clear that Fenris is black, so immune to Doom Blade. Totally OP.


Fenris? Iā€™m not so sure - Grimm however, is most certainly black.

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Iā€™m with @erinrockabitch, and more concerned about analysis than rating in my card reviews. I think most people that are active on the Stimhack forums are astute enough to evaluate cards and come up with their own rating, but it is often helpful to suggest some interaction or deeper analysis that other may not of thought of. Here is some deeper analysis on some of the cards:

  • Faust - The Quetzel deck with Faust discussed in this thread seems pretty decent: Let's make a pact - Faust discussion
  • Drive By - I donā€™t think anyone is going to pre-rez a SanSan, so this card is pretty great against NBN. Also, good against Adonis or Eve (unless they have BBG). They probably will rez a Caprice/Batty/Ash, but all those are unique, so they canā€™t double up with the same upgrade on a central, in which case your lines of play are very clear, which is a pretty good deal for not actually playing the card. Probably a 1-of (maybe 2) in Criminal and double decks.
  • Muertos Gang Member - I think a lot of criminal IDā€™s like this, but you are right that you have to get it early. For Gabe it could be run HQ, rez ice, MGM, Siphon (Leela and Geist were already mentioned). The drawback does get mitigated late game when they have everything rezzed (you just cycle the card then). Itā€™s probably Criminalā€™s best tool against turn 1-2 OAI Curtain Wall.
  • Hyperdriver - Most obvious uses for massive number of clicks: Keyhole (on cheap R&D) or probably better, DLR. Leprechaun is a very easy solution for the MU (and can be tutored). With 2 of these on a Leprechaun, you can Masanori, and DLR for 9, then check - all for a low low cost of 6 credits plus the cost of card draw/tutors to get find the pieces.
  • Test Ground - As other have said Adonis/Eve, etc. and on rez cards like Mills. I do like the ā€œ[Unsupported]ā€ tag, since in this case itā€™s mostly unsupported, but something to keep track of as new packs are released.
  • Pachinko - I think it has strong synergy with Midseason decks, because you want the runner to waltz through to steal that first agenda, but want to make it very hard to get through once they are in tag hell so they donā€™t score out before you flatline or Psycho them for the win. Itā€™s probably an easy swap in the IO slot(s).
  • Spiderweb - If youā€™re playing this card, youā€™re likely playing Blue Sun, so it mitigates the Parasite vulnerability. Prepaid Mac is the most common runner at the top tables, so thereā€™s a strong case for this. I donā€™t think Fire Wall is a good comparison; if you compare it to Bastion at the same rez cost, itā€™s the same to break with Corroder, but taxes Lady 2 counters.

Yeah, with Lady you have two basic options - Go big, so the difference in strength doesnā€™t matter as much, or go wide, with either a ton of subroutines or a ton of barriers. Spiderweb does number 2 quite well, and Fire wall doesnā€™t really do either (I mean, it can do the go tall thing, but not without a few advancements).

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One of which limits the runner much more than the other :wink:

True, but both are valid approaches to the problem. Breaking Curtain Wall still sucks for Lady.