Warhammer 40k Conquest

Could I persuade you to do Call of Cthulhu instead? I’d totally buy it if there was someone else at our store who played.

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If the cardpool wasn’t so huge, I would. I can buy fully into Conquest for 80-100 dollars, wheres CoC would cost a lot more; additionally, I much prefer the 40k source material.

Not to get too far off topic (maybe we need a CoC thread?) but what I’ve been told is that you can buy 1/2 cores + a deluxe or two and have tons of deckbuilding options available. You don’t really need the datapacks for CoC, apparently.

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The most central place for Conquest is the Conquest CardGameDB forum, which is quite active and is integrated with the CardGameDB deckbuilder as well, so many people post tournament-winning decklists up there. Articles usually get posted to the CardGameDB frontpage or on TeamSandCrawla.net.


Ah, see, I’m a completist who has to have all the deckbuilding options available. Call it a character flaw.

I’m also going to be looking into Thrones 2nd Edition at GenCon, so I think it’s either that or Conquest for me.

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Will do :wink: I don’t think I have all of any netrunner cycle, even. I don’t have whatever pack has BWBI and I don’t have the pack with GRNDL, or the one with Blue Sun… I’m sensing a pattern, here.

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The Great Devourer, Conquest’s first deluxe expansion, released to the public some time ago. This expansion contains a new faction, the Tyranids, who play quite differently to the other factions in the game, eschewing the alliance wheel system in favor of their own unique mechanics and large in-faction cardpool.

One other interesting thing is that the release of this box makes Conquest by far the easiest LCG to get into financially - since the Tyranids didn’t have cards released for them in the first cycle and don’t use cards for other factions, you can get into Conquest and build a competitive Tyranids deck with only one copy of The Great Devourer and one copy of the core set (and honestly you might well be able to obtain a rulebook, tokens, and planet cards from local players for free).