Yes, I was using only one copy, in CTM. I replaced a Hedge Fund with it, since usually if I’m having money problems, Hedge Fund wouldn’t help, and if I’m not having money problems… Hedge Fund doesn’t help. It was a test, and I’m fairly certain I’ll drop the Midseasons for either the third Hedge Fund (most likely), or for a second MCA Informant.
(Originally Midseasons was what I was running to counteract Aaron, so it makes the most sense to just drop Midseasons for MCA.)
2x MCA feels like the right balance between seeing it often enough and not eating too many deckslots. It may be a bit situational, but there are a bunch of other useful connections you can trash with it if they’re not playing Aaron.
Instead of “tier 3”, they should have made this 1 per deck. It would have been much simplier. That would made those cards unconsistant and inable to be a core of a deck.
I agree somehow with Sifr getting 4 inf in non-anarch, like a Siphon would.
In Anarch decks, well I don’t know. It would have been better in T2 with a base of 2 inf but that’s not the case.
Sensie / Blackmail are OP, sure, but tier 3, I don’t really know. I would put those in T2 for a start.
I disagree completly with t3 DDoS. This is some sort of a non-recursive Inside Job that cost +1c+1clic+1run and doesn’t make the corp loose money. T3 for this ?
Faust is ok there. People need to move away from those Anarch decks, we have plenty of new shiny stuff now.
Mill would be ok in T1.
5 inf for this in a non-anarch deck, you’re serious ? :S
DDoS isn’t on this list due to its power as an inside job, but because of its abuse in Dyper decks.
It’s collateral damage and that’s sad (hyperdriver unique would have been better imo).
Or just don’t touch dyper, I wouldn’t complain
I don’t think you have played against competitive dyper-players.
I’ve won 3 store champs this year due to Dyper, most games end in 7-8 turns.
It’s consistent and actually really fast if you know how to play it.
Ok then.
But can you still win in 7-8 turns with -3 inf ?
Yes you can, I guess.
While the other multi DDoS “normal” and fair decks gets a -3/-6-9 inf, this is a stupidly OP nerf.
Keyhole & False Echo is what makes those decks win.
Nobody plays False Echo in any deck, ever => put this on MWL T1 or T2.
This would harm a lot less decks.
Keyhole is a stupid OP card that need to be took care of aswell. It is making netrunner more dumb. => MWL T1 or T2 aswell.
T2 for both simply removes Dyper from the game (or leave it with 1 inf, which is making Dyper vegan), if this is really what drives the change needs.
People would get some Medium then here take an access risk, making Snare a better card again.
Play and lose against it tournament after tournament, knowing the only thing you could’ve done as Corp to win is “draw better”.
What? Just… what?
Regarding DDoS, its use in Dyper is problematic, but also its use in Account Siphon spam or Valencia En Passant decks. In all these cases, it just acts as the enabler for the ‘degenerate strategy’ but as we also saw with Mumbad City Hall, it’s the enabler that’s the problem in all these cases because you have very little counterplay against it available (in-game that is).
Aside from its status as enabler, DDoS - just like Rumor Mill or Employee Strike - says “Opposing player cannot do X”, which is very shitty design space and warrants to be taken care of in order to create more interesting gameplay in general.
Tier 3 seems pretty close to a ban list. There might be mono decks that can circumvent this, but other than that, -3 inf is crushing. I’m happy with the spoiled changes. I think it probably ushers in a short era of Andromeda being queen of all she surveys. I’m surprised Aaron isn’t wanted. You can’t get anything to stick with that guy.
It’s funny that I feel almost the opposite as how you do on most everything. I don’t think Tier 2 really needed to be introduced (just to keep the complexity level down), but otherwise agree on Sifr. I’m fine with Blackmail saying “Valencia needs to only play Anarch cards if she’s using this.” For reasons other people have stated better, I think DDoS is really dumb. It just works too well with Anarch ICE destruction in addition to the dumb Dyper stuff.
I don’t actually see Faust as that big of an issue. I do agree that people should try other styles of decks, but I think it was fine on the normal MWL if DDoS is tier 3 (to weaken the Hate Bear archetype). I don’t think Faust’s power level requires it to be tier 3, but I am interested to see how that change shakes up the metagame.
Rumor Mill is where I disagree with you most. Tier 1 basically does nothing to the card, which is usually a one or two-of but is still extremely dangerous in that role (especially since recursion is easy). I think that, if a Shaper wants to sit back until the corp gets to five points, set up their big stealth rig, and play Rumor Mill to instantly lock out any glacier deck, I think they should absolutely have to pay five influence for the privilege. I’d prefer that they have to try a little harder, with effective use of Political Operative to deal with Caprice or Interdiction/Clone Chip/Councilman/SacCon to deal with Batty. That’s just my opinion, though.
I know Rumor’s Mill is strong, it’s not my reasonning.
My reasoning is saying, for Shaper, does Rumor’s Mill’s 5 inf does a better job than a Siphon’s 4 inf.
I wouldn’t say that.
And having only red MWLed cards (almost) will make red decks just like this : lots of red MWL cards + 1 inf, which is totally bearable as an Anarch right now.
I will still be able to play Whizz + Sifr x 3 + Faust x 3 + Parasite x 3 + DDoS x 3 + Rumor’s Mill x 3 + whatever is red & sexy on the MWL + one influence, like the Professor can use MWLed cards, because the way the MWL is done, and the poor choice of “only red is OP” => MWL needed false echo there.
Dirty comboes are not only red/red.
Runner side, 8 / 12 are red.
The only reason I feel uncomfortable with Blackmail MWL is that there’s a whole slew of Bad Publicity-related cards, and yet only two ever see play: Valencia herself, and Blackmail.
It points to the card pool that currently takes advantage of Bad Publicity being underpowered as a whole, and thus I’m wary of nerfing its only redeeming quality.
Still, Blackmail out of Valencia can be oppressive…
Bad Pub is economically insane. Almost none of the corp cards that give bad pub see play (Grim occasionally, obviously Hostile Takeover, but I bet if you could turn down the 7 creds and it give no bad pub it would be much better and it would be played in that mode most often), as soon as you play them you declare that you’re not particularly trying to tax the runner of credits. If you’re playing Val why wouldn’t you play Blackmail. It seems as if this list is trying to make ICE great again, and that’s fine by me.
The 3-influence-penalty inclusions on the rumored MWL to me read less
“We thought the meta would be healthier if, in order to play this, you had to lose three (or all but one) of your influence.”
and more
“We would have really rather not have printed these cards and we would rather you don’t play them, but we are hesitant to ban cards.”
To this point, I think Blackmail and DDoS are likely not on the list because they need to be for a healthy metagame, but rather they are on the list because they are considered mistakes.
Given the Michael Boggs interviews I’ve heard, I believe the concern about Blackmail and DDoS is less about the effect they are having on the metagame, and rather how they are experienced by the casual player.
I think that pulling away all of this specific Anarch archetype’s influence does leave them functional but open to many more counterplay options. Specifically those built around massive credit advantages. One of the many oppressive things about the archetype right now is that it can also include Temujin, or siphon, or Mopus. In faction, Anarch has to rely on Liberated Account(without Career fair), and Day Job which I don’t think can keep up with fast paced decks that are prevalent at the moment and will probably always exist.
This can lead to major credit disparities which in turn leads to tags, booms, and dead Wizzards.