Where is the MWL? - As of August 20th, 2018 - MWL 2.2 is here (effective 2018.09.06)

Yeah, as people who have tried to make Alix Talbot work can tell you, having to click to use the paid ability is gigantic.

Unfortunately, since FFG OP consists of two interns who have one computer to share, it’ll be a while before she gets addressed.


I think that’s fine. Honestly, it’s been a while since I’ve felt very threatened by a Moons deck. They were terrifying when they came out, but these days I’ve had far more challenge playing against SYNC or Sol or Aginfusion. The meta is varied and awesome right now.


German publisher had a file with something looking like new MWL on their server for a while. Changes were:

  • removed: Lady, NAPD Contract, D4v1d
  • added (level 1): Aaron Marron
  • added (level 3): Friends in High Places, Accelerated Diagnostics

Wow, no Moon, but friends on level 3. Not sure how I feel about that. NAPD coming off makes sense with there being a lot of good 4/2 agendas now.

Friends deal with other factions’ asset spam decks as well, Estelle was played in EtF and sometimes IG. Also IMHO Estelle is harder to play right, so leaving her and removing Friends is a good choice.

Think napd anf david remove is because of rotation.

Blackmail is still in and AD was added.

Except D4V1D isn’t rotating? It’s from Lunar.


D4v1d’s removal is almost certainly because there’s actually good high-strengh, multi-sub ice now so it’s less likely you can use just one D4v1d to get into multiple servers, even with Cutlery.


It’s already been pulled down. Consensus is that it was fake. If you look at the pic, the resolution of the background is garbage compared to the text. I find it hard to believe that FFG wouldn’t give them a blank background to work with.

Right, forget my post :slight_smile:

From Facebook:

Nationals participants just received an E-Mail by Asmodee Germany that suggests, that the MWL was meant for the german national championship but was removed.

So maybe it was only relevant as an experiment for the tournament or it is a poor excuse :wink:

Soooooooo. Anybody heard anything?

I’ve seen a comment on Facebook where someone claimed they heard from Boggs that things will be different for Canadian Nationals (which are on Sep 24th)


Currently it says at https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/op/legality/ that first two cycles will rotate out as of October 1st


It would be fantastic if we could see what the MWL was going to be once rotation hits. Worlds is less than 2 months away and it’s anyone’s guess what decks will be viable options.

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I don’t think the options are as wide open as you seem to suggest. My recommendations would be to build decks based on the current MWL, with an eye to what impact it will have if the most likely suspects get added. I think we all have a fairly good idea what those suspects are, and can plan accordingly.

This creates two lines of preparation. You are either wanting to use said suspects yourself, and/or need to prep tech for facing them. In the first case, have an alternate build ready for not including them. In the second case, tech for playing against them and consider what options you would include if they aren’t likely to appear.

Oddly enough, these same considerations are not terribly far from trying to predict the meta. Have a Plan B ready for when the MWL gets announced, and you should be fine.

I’m wondering if ETF Moon can function if Friends gets put on MWL 3, as has been hinted in some quarters. If FiHP gets hit that hard, is Corp back to square one with finding a viable deck in the current Runner meta?

I think Moon Spam will survive by playing more copies of Clone Suffrage Movement to recur a single FiHP, but I could be wrong. There’s also the option of playing something like Whampoa + Restore (to mitigate the downside of using Restore). In a world without Whizzard, contesting those assets could still be a tall order even if they can’t recur them as efficiently.