Flashpoint Cycle!

It isn’t optimal faction-wide, but I don’t know what a better answer is for criminal. Most games where I’m playing against a trashing deck, money isn’t an issue (barring the occasional BS uncorrodeable types).

Why not just play another copy of the breaker you’re worried about? Scavenge is 2 influence, and Paperclip is 3. Color me unconvinced. Better yet, just play Rumor Mill to blank Batty. That’s only 2 influence and has value in nearly all match-ups. Weyland isn’t really playing Shutdown right now, opting for more tagging and bagging operations instead. That’s my experiecne of the meta, anyway.

It’s a fair point, one that I keep going back and forth on (although I haven’t tried out Rumor Mill yet in my criminal decks). I just find the utility of moving Fems around / keeping the 4 credits from a dead SDB worthwhile.

In the future, however, I really think that Crim needs something beyond redundancy. Beyond Batty / Keegan, I expect Enforcing Loyalty to be a common card. Can’t do much about rando-Jinteki: Potential Unleashed top-deck damage either.

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If you Scavenge Paperclip for free Parasite, that could be, well, errrrrr, something ? Maybe ?
Scavenge is one of the few no clic heap tutor, and it is sometime better than CC. Sometimes.

The flexibility of scavenge makes it worth considering. Sometimes you just need to have 3 clicks to use Sneakdoor, but it’s uninstalled, and you don’t have 4 credits. This isn’t necessarily edge case stuff either, crim lives same old thing, it’s not like you’d have to have that many scavenges. It’s only when your mind goes to things like Rex and LLDS that you’re running head first into jank territory. Femme is better than ever with Sandburg being a clear and present danger. So it stands that scavenges value went up a little. It’s not like we’re talking about Uninstall here.


This is a necro, but that’s also against the NDA. (luckily I don’t know what the strange thing is, so I wouldn’t be able to violate it that way if I wanted to)

On a different note, I’m very much looking forward to playing Paperclip (and Black Orchestra) in MaxX for free clicks and great Injects.


So did we ever find out which card is insta-Mwl?

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If we’re porting Scavenge into Criminal, we should also mention re-targeting Femme as needed as well. I know she doesn’t get as much love as Corroder or G-blade, but Femme is a pretty solid breaker with a very powerful ability that I think we often overlook, but with extra credits in criminal, she just might see more play.


Scavenge Crim sounds pretty appealing. Most crim builds also run Same Old Thing.

Man, Paperclip is the best!

Man I think Crim might really be super powerful with Temujin and Paperclip. I was playing today and I femmed an unrezzed piece of ice in order to steal an agenda and spending 9 creds after a couple temujin runs didn’t bother me one bit. Nor did not seeing Desperado in the first 30 cards of my deck. Normally going halfway through the deck without seeing Desperado is almost a guaranteed loss.

I think I would probably just add a second femme instead of a scavenge, in order to save influence, but it’s worth testing out.

Care to share your list? :blush:

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Rumor Mill?


New Data Pack annouced.

Bioroids and Stealth!!!


god damn smoke finally


Crim gets some… okay draw! Likely better if deck attack is more of a thing (given BoN and J:PU).

More Jackson replacements with Preemptive Action. And the Citadel Sanctuary looks… interesting. I’m a bit high at the hospital right now, but it seems like a tough thing to rely upon to clear tags (if it is really important, corp will just pay) or prevent damage (just trash it…).

Maybe EtF will have an econ challenger now? -4 rez for bioroids is nice.


Note that it’s any bioroid, not just one the runner is about to encounter. So it actually seems… ok? The 12 inf hurts a lot though.


Preemptive Action. I bet this is the Jackson replacement. Pretty much it looks like the life of Jackson after Political Operative: You have to pop on your turn, and no draw. Also, it is Terminal, so it has to be your last click.

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Blackstone while it is not really good might finally be the replacement stealth shaper needs for corroder. Using the data from knowthemeta the only two popular ICE that needs to be boosted are eli and Ashigaru both at str 4. So NRE or sucker and break Eli for 2?


Smoke looks incredible. 40 cards, 15 influence, recurring stealth credit? And with Blackstone around, the only influence you’re really spending on your rig is Switchblade and maybe a Silencer. You’re going to have all kinds of luxury influence kicking around.


Who knows if you even need a Silencer now - between Smoke and Mirror, which seems like a great option to ensure you can stick all your Cloaks, you have as many as five stealth credits a turn. Not even counting Ghost Runners. That’s bananas!

Just think of what you can do with that influence: three Account Siphon, anyone? Probably a bit risky these days, but it does seem incredibly satisfying.

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