2014 World Championship Report: 1st Place

It needs to be stronger than Andy so everyone plays it. That way we’ll finally have enough rounds of Swiss and a better cut.

2xplascrete carapace, magnum opus, monolith, corroder, torch, femme fatle(? Not sure), keyhole(!)

Edit: just realize that I, still need feedback filter to beat PE. Ok swap one PC with it.

You need two 'cretes, too, or else you can get double-scorched no-problem.

Congratulations on winning the whole thing, I’m glad a fellow OCTGNer rightfully took the spotlight (finally!). Almost makes me want to come back to the game. I am only slightly sad that a PE deck didn’t win it, but oh well.

Try to resist the dark mistress that is Hearthstone, I grinded up to the top before and it’s a lot more boring and draw dependent than Netrunner at top tier. It felt like grinding poker for play money. Unless you can get thousands of viewers on Twitch, then slowly hook them into Netrunner, then it’s okay =)

About the card you got to design, maybe you can try to produce a runner card that erases abilities of scored agendas, or at least makes it unable for them to use their power token (such as Astroscript and Nisei ). It could even just consume the counters for money or whatever. Something of the sort could shake up the metagame a bit.



This was already discussed:

Thought you were anti-chess clock.

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Well I think the chess clock is impractical, (if the game were played on a computer, it would be totally practical, see paper mtg vs mtgo). That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love it if everyone hurried the fuck up.


You know I’m totally down for this. :thumbsup: :clock330: :watch: #hurrythefuckup


New rule: if your game goes to time, everyone gets -2 prestige. #hurrythefuckup


New rule: if you go to time, both players put out one of their hands, their choice, into the middle of the table. The judge will then hit both with a hammer, once each. #hurrythefuckup


Why not just a winner take all Psi game if people go to time?


Had an idea for Psi game tournament:

Each player gets a fixed amount of money to play on psi games.
Corp/Runner are randomly chosen.
6 Psi games are played each round (4-2 in favor of the corp being a draw).
To enter the tournament, participants must pay an entry fee of either $3, $4, or $5.
If they guess the wrong number, their money is taken but they will not be entered into the tournament unless they wish to try again.


The variable entry fee is much better than the normal Psi to see if your $5 fee is accepted. Count me in.

Can we somehow incorporate Push Your Luck into this?


Winner of the tournament takes the combined entry fees and plays push your luck with the TO. If the TO guess right, winner owes TO the combined entry fees over again.


in addition to everyone hurrying up, it would be nice if FFG gave more time for tournament rounds, especially in the finals or elimination rounds of tournaments. FFG is clearly killing FA, but it’s just going to lead a bunch of decks that can’t be reasonably played in the time allotted.


I sometimes set up a small digital clock next to the game so I can point at it when my opponent is going too slow.

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New Rule: the maximum number of seconds your turn can take is equal to the size of your credit pool. #hurrythefuckup

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New rule, if you play glacier and are concerned about time #shutthefuckup


Does anyone know why the elimination games were so tightly timed? What time did the tournament finish?