~300k OCTGN game stats

Guys, I’m a bit worried about the next stats. It feels like through the last months there have been a lot more games where people left before the game was officially done. Maybe it’s that I pay more attention to this or maybe it’s actually something that has changed, but it feels significant enough that it is going to skew whatever analysis we would like to do.

I already remove concessions before doing any analysis, so it should be pretty obvious if there have been a lot more of them in the new data.

I think what’s really going to skew it is the rate of data pack releases. It will be hard to draw any meaningful conclusions from a dataset where the card pool shifts so rapidly.

I think he means people just leaving, not concessions.

That unfortunately is undetectable, since disconnects (whether intentional or not) aren’t tracked. But unless there’s been a truly drastic increase in intentional disconnects, I have a hard time seeing them introduce anything more problematic than winrate depression for high-winrate IDs – basically some additional uncertainty. So far, we’ve had more than enough separation between ID winrates to distinguish the top tier from the rest; a huge change should be fairly obvious.

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@db0 I’m sure your busy with Order and Chaos but any chance of an OCGTN data dump. We haven’t had one for a while and would be good to have a look at shl2 stats.

Yeah, this is over now isn’t it? I’ll get one out


That’d be awesome db0!

For competitive cut stats top 31 of this page would work (almost but not quite 1600+ elo)

Cheers man. I’ve just signed up to your patron programme and recommend others who play on OCTGN to do the same, You can pledge as little as $1 a month and support the great work he does and also get latest datapack news. Wanna know when Order and Chaos will be rezzed on OCTGN? Divided by Zer0 | AI Horde, Fediseer, Pythorhead, Pythonseer, Video Games | Patreon


yeah just did as well, much easier than trying to remember to manually donate every couple months. was already donating monthly to octgn but the client is useless without the anr support. go @db0, can’t wait to play O&C shortly

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Just a reminder, if you sub at 3+, lemme know your usernames to supercharge you :wink:

SO I have the export but I’m struggling for time to anonymize and release what with O&C out. It’ll have to wait a bit

Done: SHL2 Stats now available


so sick

Awesome. Downloaded the 400k dataset. Lots of code to run.

Did any results ever come from this?

Hey db0 is it possible to get the dataset for the SSCII ?
Would be awesome to get some more detailed stats for this tournament.


I have results and plots, but no article yet.

Did people use a special [Tag] to mark it? If so, maybe. If not, not :wink:

I know some people used [SSCI], but I don’t know if it was done universally.