Another Road to Worlds (still from Germany)

Inspired by Servas who sold a lot of his collected swag to go to worlds I’ll do the same. It just seems wrong that the 1st and the 3rd of the German nationals go and the 2nd stays at home. Besides I am really looking forward to meeting a lot of Netrunner players from abroad. Below you will find the items I am willing to sell with some arbitrary prices (based on and prices I have seen elsewhere). Some might seem a bit high but don’t let that distract you. You can offer any amount and if I consider it fair enough, I’ll sell. I live in Germany and will ship from there. Pickup at Dutch and Belgian nationals and the next Euregio Championship can be arranged, too.

The flight is funded, so I won’t update the list anymore. Thanks to everyone who supported me. :smile:

Nationals 2014
2x Noise (english) – 50€
2x Noise (german) – 50€
1x Noise (french) – 50€
1x Agenda counters – 50€

Regionals 2014
1x Playmat “Pawn” (german) – 40€
2x Corporate Troubleshooter (german) – 25€

Chronos Protocol
2x Playmat “Chronos Protocol” (german) – 50€
2x NBN Making News (german) – 40€
1x NBN Making News (french) – 40€
1x Voting Card (german) - 10€

Store Championship 2014
2x Kati Jones (german) – 10€
3x Kati Jones (english) – 15€

Game Night Kit 2014 Season 1
1x HB:EtF (polish) – 25€
1x HB:EtF (english) – 25€
3x Wyldside (german) – 2€
3x Wyldside (english) – 3€

Game Night Kit 2013 Season 3
15x Adonis Campaign (english) – 2€

Game Night Kit 2013 Season 2
2x Scorched Earth (german) – 10€


I apologize for my ignorance in terms of how this forum works. I have lurked for some time, but I have not yet thought it necessary to make an account. In any case, the answer to this question may be very obvious.

How should I contact you to make an offer? Is there a private messaging function that I can’t find? I would appreciate your charity in explaining things.

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No need to apologize. There is a private message function that you can find by clicking on the name or forum avatar of the person you want to contact. (It will open the profile page of said person and there you can find a big button labeled “Private Message”. I welcome you to use said function to contact me, naturally. :smile:

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I’m afraid I’m being an awful ass in having trouble with this, but I still can’t find it. Could it be that private messaging is reserved for a higher rank of member? This is relevant to your thread only in that I am looking for this functionality in order to message you. I’m sorry that I’m making it out to be a help-box.

(To our moderators, if it is indeed a privilege issue, kindly remedy the problem for me. I hope you know me to be trustworthy. If it is not such an issue, well good lord I look like a nincompoop.)

Pretty sure it’s considered an “essential community function” and doesn’t require any sort of privileges. Could be wrong, though! You don’t see this if you click on ff0x’s name?

Nope, not there. Must be a privilege thing. Makes sense not to allow me to spam individuals since I only created an account today. I’m sure it will be dealt with soon. I’ll be in touch with ff0x once it is.

Thanks so much stoppable for clearing it up in so concise a way. Sorry to have troubled you.

EDIT: Was awarded the privilege in seconds. Wonderful.


@ff0x, when Stimhack decides to let me PM you, I will do so, as I have something to offer you that few others can. In the meantime, can you give the forum and update on the items you have remaining?

I see no edits to your orignal post, so you have either failed to sell anything or have not updated the post in a week. :smile:

I edited 8 times already, so I have had some success. :slight_smile: I am looking forward to your pm.

Oh, I’m an idiot. That little pencil = # of edits…I was expecting a “last edited” line at the bottom of the post.