We all know that there are 2 win conditions for each side in Netrunner. We have been 4 main variants of the corps second win condition, flatlining, by net, meat, and brain damage as well as negative hand size. But I believe the runner win condition of milling has not been explored to the fullest yet. Is milling the corp a viable primary win condition? (Wall o’ text, tl;dr at the end.)
Recently, I was looking back at some old data pack unboxings for a laugh, and noticed that a lot of them discussed how “another 1 cost virus for that inevitable Noise mill deck” had been released, but I have not seen that deck come to fruition yet. Recently, I did a couple experiments of milling.
Experiment 1: Noise All Out Mill
Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire
Event (3)
1x Levy AR Lab Access •••
2x Mass Install
Hardware (7)
1x Brain Cage
1x Chop Bot 3000
3x Cyberfeeder
2x Turntable
Resource (10)
3x Aesop’s Pawnshop ••••• •
3x Duggar’s
1x Hades Shard •
3x Public Sympathy
Program (25)
3x Cache •••
3x Clot
3x Datasucker
2x Gorman Drip v1 ••
3x Gravedigger
3x Imp
3x Ixodidae
3x Lamprey
2x Scheherazade
15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Chrome City
This is the final version of a deck that is still not very good. I’ve found that Duggars is superior to Wyldside + Chronotype ,just because you can empty your bad in one turn with Mass Install The Hades Shard is still there just for insurance. Also, Turntable can slow the game down by feeding the corp low point agendas. The deck still plays painfully slow, and you end up with a bunch of money you can’t do anything with. So until a (probably OP) card comes out that converts credits into cards more than once (i.e. Don’t say Quality Time) comes out, I don’t think that the mill only plan out of Noise is going to work.
Experiment 2: Chaos Theory combo
Chaos Theory: Wünderkind
Event (12)
3x Amped Up ••••• ••••
3x Diesel
3x Quality Time
3x Sure Gamble
Hardware (6)
3x Clone Chip
2x Comet
1x Titanium Ribs ••
Resource (10)
3x All-nighter
3x Data Leak Reversal •••
1x Eden Shard •
3x John Masanori
Program (12)
3x Hyperdriver
3x Leprechaun
3x Magnum Opus
3x Self-modifying Code
15 influence spent (max 15)
40 cards (min 40)
Cards up to The Underway
I built a previous version of this and immediately won my first game. I was so pumped I played around 3 more games online and lost all 3. With lots of editing, I got the win rate to around 45%, still horrible, but if you have the surprise element, and the corp over draws with Jackson early, you can get so far ahead in cards in the corps deck. Basically, you gain a bunch of clicks, run into and ETR sub (or jack out) to get a tag from John Massanori, then DLR until they have one card left, then Eden Shard and pop it immediately for the win. This deck is very mentally fragile, as you have to count the corps cards in deck in your head. Nevertheless, no matter how fun it is to see you League mate’s reaction as they show you they had a Jackson on the board, it is not consistent or really good at all.
I honestly think that milling can be a win condition fairly soon, but I can’t make it work. Can you? Post ideas below.
tl;dr: My mill decks suck. Can you come up with a good one?