Are we not talking about Mandatory Upgrades yet?

Reasons? Thoughts?

Possibly to distract them from centrals by burning clicks checking remotes, entice them into running late in their turn, bluff out agendas if they stop checking. Also, more things to architect

Mostly because NEXT makes every match-up involving parasite worse and thatā€™s every match-up except Leela and Stealth Andy. Also because I think money is going to be the deckā€™s weakness. The sexbots tend to be worse outside ETF because you lose money up front thst you canā€™t afford but you never rez btw unless you are at worst neutral. Also this deck actually threatens flat-lines so running late in the turn is worse for the runner. And finally because you arenā€™t really going for gear checks, you want to make runs on centrals taxing whilst you mushin away.


The problem I was finding in that particular decklist is deck space. What are you going to cut for the warehouse?

Cybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded (Chrome City)

Agenda (10)

Asset (12)

Operation (9)

Barrier (6)

Code Gate (4)

Sentry (3)

15 influence spent (max 15)
18 agenda points (between 18 and 19)
44 cards (min 40)

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Even with the warehouse money is going to be a big issue, I went with shell corp in order to have some sort of sustainable econ. If you stick it under an overwriter its almost safe (vamp/denial will hurt). I donā€™t know if the brain chips are worth it as the deck I posted is more or less about that first maybe second bluff. Did you score ManUp or did they hit an overwriter? If neither of those happen it will be very difficult to winā€¦ you then have to hope for an aggressive sec or a super valley grid server.

I agree. I think thatā€™s the sort of thing that only playtesting will reveal. But I do think that the economy is light and that sacrifices will have to be made to get some more in.

To make it worse thereā€™s loads of other stuff Iā€™d like to squeeze in. For example Iā€™d love Archived Memories in there to recur Mushin. And Iā€™d like Blue Level Clearance to get me to Mushin and targets quicker (and because its amazing once Man Up is scored). But space is really tight. I suspect with only 15 ICE that Valley Grid is going to be underwhelming - although again Iā€™d like to see how 15 ICE in a 44 card deck plays out before committing to that.

To quote Colonel Stonehill from True Grit, ā€œI do not entertain hypotheticals, the world as it is, is vexing enough.ā€ :smile: I really love that movie.

A blank 6/2 is not in question here, because MU is not a blank 6/2. Itā€™s a 6/2 that provides an impressively powerful ability. Blank 3/2s DO exist, in the form of Project Vitruvius. If Iā€™m in a position where I can score a Mandatory Upgrades over three turns (taking 7/9 clicks to do so), then most of the time, I personally would probably prefer to score 2 Vitruvius (taking 8/9 clicks across three turns). Thatā€™s the real question here. When is scoring MU better than something else you could be doing?

If Iā€™m at 3 points or more, two blank 3/2s is better. If my remote server cannot be secured, a blank 3/2 is better (because I might be able to bluff an asset/trap or FA it out with Biotic Labor). If any MU gets stolen, my ability to score another is greatly diminished since my opponent now knows to look for it, as opposed to ABT and PV, which are standard anyway.

Perhaps Iā€™m missing something; I remember trying out the deck this one is based on, Upgrades Incorporated, but I really canā€™t imagine this deck winning consistently against the vast array of potential IDs and archetypes one can expect to face at high-level play. As a specific meta-call, or against less experienced opposition, it can be quite powerful.

You canā€™t replace one card with two cards. So letā€™s first ask, is mandatory better than one blank 3/2? Unless youā€™re on 5-6 points, thereā€™s always that possibility.

Even if you assume that the top card of your deck is another blank 3/2, it still doesnā€™t guarantee you four points over mandatoryā€™s two. Youā€™d have to spend two more clicks to score the four (one to draw it one to install it) and it could be stolen out of your deck or hand while youā€™re scoring the first one.

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The agenda suite in the link posted in the top is 2x ABT, 2x MU, 3x NAPD, 3x Virtruvius. So itā€™s just replacing one MU with an ABT and changing the last one to taste, be it Efficiency Committee or what have you.

That assumes you clicked to draw at some point; not always the case.

I feel like MU is viable in the right build; this deck has too many weaknesses that others better than I have already pointed out for me to really think itā€™s a top-tier deck. Whizzard makes the gameplan much harder. Dedicated ICE destruction can wreck you. Stealth uses recurring creds. You might just lose off R&D/HQ before you can score 7 since you only have a few copies of the most taxing ICE. I like the idea of using Encryption Protocol and MU and asset spam to just tax the runner into oblivion while you sit on Scrooge McDuck money. But I think runners are too tricky, with too many ways around that gameplan to be really viable.

The main reason itā€™s viable in RP is because of the ID ability, the power of Caprice Nisei, and Nisei MK II as a fail-safe. HB doesnā€™t have the tools to copy that (aside from Caprice, and ELP is the closest thing in-faction).

I got the chance to play against this yesterday and I wasnā€™t that impressed. My opponent did manage to score the Mandatory Upgrades without me getting in, but in the time it took to score it I was able to install a Keyhole and use it over and over again. At that point my opponent has to choose between spending time away from Man Up to protect RnD I might be able to get in and take it, and if they ignore me Iā€™ll build up a huge advantage.

Man Up is clearly insane when scored, but taking 7 clicks to score it is often what loses you the game. Even when you can protect it.


One of my favourite plays in the game is Fast Track, install ManUp naked, advance. Then advance, advance next turn and chuckle at the runnerā€™s confusion. I actually scored one in regionals last weekend after Archived Memories, Fast Track, Install; Advance, advance, advance. Alas, I still didnā€™t win that game if memory serves.

Hypothetical to entertain: You spend 3 turns scoring MU, Noise takes a Vitruvius and Turntables it :stuck_out_tongue:


That is awesome!

Yikes. Really makes agenda abilities a bit worse in general. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a good thing or not.

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I donā€™t think turntables is going to be that much of an issue, if it is Iā€™ll eat my hat.

Mandatory Upgrades is doable with a caprice on board, thatā€™s how I score it anyway. Or over advance Ares. Or score a 3 pointer for that matter. Yeesh.

Yeah, MU isnā€™t really unreasonable as a card, but you definitely need some combination of things to get it in - likely a taxing server plus a Caprice/Ash (maybe both) to ensure they stay out. The issue is that sometimes you just want other stuff when you see it. That can be true for many cards and agendas in particular, though, so maybe itā€™s not a big issue.

Turntable will see play for sure. I donā€™t know how big it will be. Probably be hit or miss most matches - either itā€™s great and makes your game much easier, or itā€™s just a useless install.

I started playing the Turntable game, where every time I drop a Grimoire in a tournament I pretend itā€™s a Turntable. So far 3/4 games in my last GNK it would have been a huge impact, swapping for loaded Nisei, swapping a Chronos for a PriReq, and an NAPD for a loaded Astro.

You have to score agendas to win- if youā€™re winning, then great, youā€™re winning. If not, you take the ā€œtrapā€ agenda NAPD and reverse it, gaining your opponentā€™s advantage and giving them a blank agenda.


Did you tell your opponent what game youā€™re playing? For example, if I see Turntable get installed as RP, Iā€™m going to burn that Nisei token on ETR whenever it looks like you have a reasonable chance to score. As NEH Iā€™ll probably score that Beale in my hand right away rather than hold out for an Astro chain.

Like Vigil, the Corp has a lot of counterplay to the console if they can adjust their strategy.

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I agree with your reasoning here - Turntable on the board is going to change how any corp plays.

The interesting thing to me is that both of the ā€œcounterplayā€ examples you give are examples of the corp choosing sub-optimal play. Getting RP to blow a nisei early or NEH to slow their roll and score out blank agendas early are both potentially pretty great results from this card.

Overall I think this is great card design, can be played around but also must be played around. I think it will see play as an ā€œanarch astrolabeā€ (i.e.: this deck needs 1 more MU and this is a cheap way to get it in faction that has nice utility as well) similar to vigil.

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