Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn

magics colors do retain some of their theme even at the highest levels. Over the lifespan of the game the merfolk and goblins have both been viable at various times. What I’m hoping is expansions add more signature spells and allies to each Phoenix born so in addition to the “good” stuff decks there is the potential to see a mono “Jessa” deck that can be viable as well.

I can tell you right now that there are going to be stronger abilities than Jessa coming, don’t you worry. Besides, Aradel is probably better than Jessa right now anyway.

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The new artwork from Fernanda for a future expansion (I can’t say which one) came in. And guess what?

One of the new Phoenixborn is mostly topless. And many of his cards. :no_mouth:

Power creep confirmed lol.

@chill84. Dont know if you are still on here at all, after you left the competitive community, but I can finally leak the art for Leo.

Tried this for the first time tonight. Overall, it seems like a fun game, though I’m a little wary of the dice. I don’t know what it is about it, but it makes me feel like I’m doubling my chances of bad luck. In most card games certain rare orderings of your deck can be crippling, but now I have to deal with shit die rolls too. I like that one Illusion based card that changes dice for you as a side action. A lot.

A few of my netrunner buddies bought core + a few expansion packs so I’ll probably get a few more games in over the coming weeks.

God I hate the art to this game. It just feels super generic. To each their own I suppose.

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I’m surprised to hear that (although as you said, to each their own), I feel like it’s a very attractive game, and have never been disappointed with a piece of art, while being extremely positive about most.

I rarely had any problems with this. It’s been a while since I played, but can’t you mill yourself to mitigate bad rolls? I think that does a lot to smooth things out.

Yes, it definitely smooths it out. It’s just a first impression, I’m sure it’s not as big of an issue as it seemed in my first few games.

The luck produced by the dice is mitigated by the small deck and choosing your starting hand. Plus you can mill your own deck as a side action to change facings of dice.

I’m reasonably sure the German translation makes you discard from hand to change the die. It speaks volumes that the game is still a ton of fun even if you play it like that, but man what a mistranslation!

Meditate lets you discard cards from hand, ready spells in play, and/or cards from your deck to change the face of your dice.

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Got around to learning Ashes this past weekend and I had a blast.
I felt like the mechanics were super solid, and that I was playing a super streamlined (in a good way) version of magic (caveat: I am not a magic player).

There’s a tournament coming up this Friday that I’m thinking of attending, any pro tips? Pro dex?

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All right @Chill84, you win. This game is anime porn. Ashes art, awesome as it is, has finally crossed the line.

But those sweet hammer knight alt arts! I NEED THEM.

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They are pretty sweet. And the two new decks I can say are pretty darn awesome, especially Odette.


how do you know this :o

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Beta testing. It’s not a break of NDA to say that they are freaking awesome!