Books and lore of the android universe

I thought that merging into Asmodee would change something, but it looks like Europe is still a third world for them. I guess we need to make some noise, just like with Plugged-in Tour.

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Iā€™ve sent an email to FFG highlighting the problem (and proposing a solution of their foreign distributors gathering orders from them and coordinating shipping to save costs). If enough of us do so, it might be they do somethingā€¦

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Even $13USD, to ship 5 hours drive by truck, is enough to dissuade me off of this. Iā€™ll get it on Amazon at 40% off, I guess.


Indeed! If someone in the US is willing to do so, perhaps a bunch of us could place an order via them, then pay that person a premium on the actual shipping cost to our respective countries. Then that person would make a tidy profit out of it, and we would all be able to get the product with a reasonable shipping price.

If that someone is reading, please message me too, thanks!

More books on the way.
Monitor seems to focus on NBN (lncluding Jesus Howard and Jenkins) and Monster Slayer focus on Reina Roja.

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Iā€™m so sad/angry that we had such a bad AA for Reina when FFG have the one on Monster Slayer coverā€¦


ā€œby Leigh Alexanderā€


Who is that?

From these things:


My copy of ā€˜The Worlds of Androidā€™ arrived today. Paged through it once. Incredible amount of content, 272 pgs total including index. Makes me want an Android universe RPGā€¦ My only quibble would be that ~94% of the artwork is from cards already in circulation.


I think that Worlds of Android (and the universe itself) deserve a separate threadā€¦ Anyone with me? Anyhoo, Iā€™m one of those evil, evil people who splashed for the pre-release version, and I couldnā€™t be happier. The artworks is absolutely gorgeous, the writing is solid, the stories you can spin based on some of the paragraphs (or even single sentences) definitely invite the idea of a few RPG sessions interspersed with a few games of Infiltration, Android, or Android: Netrunner itself to spice things up.

One thing that stood out in my mind during the first reading (still going through it, itā€™s like good wine, hehe) is that Jack Weyland is actually quite a tragic character - he brought a lot of progress to all of humanity, and got ousted by ruthless people focused on profit. Now heā€™s aiming for the stars, as if trying to get away from the corporate hell he partially co-created.


This is the thread about the lore of the android universeā€¦ It was originally only for Worlds of Android.

Anyway, the insert of Order and Chaos also has some tidbit about Jack. And it is a quite classical tale of the genius who gets ousted from the company, which has many real world counterparts (Paul Allen, Steve Wozniak for example).