Breaking Overmind

Yeah I’m skeptical of it even in goofball CT+Deep Red decks (as a primary breaker), but my CT Knight deck likes to draw into them for speed since my first search is usually for a MO before knights (which hopefully I draw into as well. Its kinda nifty having MO, Medium and Sneakdoor all out with 3 knights and recursion. And the overminds play a critical role in letting me get that enormous rig up and running.

It does seem like there ought to be weaknesses, but they haven’t shown up much in my casual games yet. What are you expecting to be the problems?

As I said before, Jinteki with small ice. My Jinteki PE never lost to those Overmind decks, not even close. OM was very dependent on its events (scavenge, test run, etc.), so net damage was significantly more painful for the runner. After a few games where I torched the OM decks they just kind of faded out of the local meta. Very meta-dependant strategy, OM, so if you never see my style of deck don’t worry about it. Play it til it can’t win!

Agreed–played spags version of Over Kit at the monthly tournament last night to see if the Siphon-based econ held up better than mine. (It did.)

The main lesson I learned was that Komainu is really painful. Spend the majority of OM tokens to get through (relatively) unscathed, take a chance you lose Scavenge or whatever OM refresh card you have in your hand, or run card light hoping you don’t get flat lined on the back end.

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Really interesting stuff, thanks guys.

Part of my motivation for this deck is that I feel like it’s especially resilient to damage. You’ve got lots of recursion, Same Old Thing to re-run any event you aren’t drawing the second copy of, Levy AR Lab Access when you get down to the bottom, etc. Plus Deus X solves many problems. I’m surprised net damage was a big problem.

That said, I’ve only played a couple games against PE, and they did go pretty differently than my normal games. I don’t want to use my multi-access events nearly as often, so the math changes quite a bit. For Komainu, I found myself using Femme a lot (either to bypass or just to break). I even ended up installing Inti and using it to break Himitsu-Bakos, which I generally don’t do. I’m starting to think that 1x normal breakers is a good backup for the main Overmind strategy. (This thread on Reddit especially got me thinking.) Maybe I’ll throw a Zu.13 in.

Nice. Glad to hear it worked. Perhaps it is a good idea to fit in one parasite, given all the recursion here.

I heartily endorse this event or product :). It’s pretty painful for any runner!

I took my deck (41 cards and all) to the Wisconsin Regionals yesterday, and it carried me to top 16. It went 5-1 on the day, and took games off both of the top-8 players I faced. (My corp was not great, and went 3-3). I definitely benefited from some good luck and the surprise factor of an unusual deck, but it nonetheless felt pretty strong.

The one game I lost was against an RP deck, which feels like it might be a bad matchup. Tsurugi and Komainu weren’t really the problem, since I just got out my Femme and broke them normally. But Caprice on R&D really made my life hard, and the deck doesn’t feel good when it has to make multiple runs in a turn. That being said, I haven’t played against much RP, so I felt like I didn’t really know how best to play it.

Have you try ignore rnd until caprise is there and control remotes? Rep Per is not a deck that scores agenda from hand.

Problem with that is that agendas don’t tend to hit a remote until there’s at least an Ash there, possibly also with a Caprice. This is a problem because keeping their money down is mostly unfeasible long-term, even for Whiz and his free trashing money… if it costs them 1 click to install, and you at least 2 clicks and 2 credits to trash (imagine a recurring Mental Health Clinic or a Sundew behind a single Pup), you’re gonna get into trouble, sooner or later.

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If Caprice is on the remote she can’t also be on R&D (at least not active). The Corp has to give you one or other opening. If he needs to wait for the right remote protection before scoring out then agendas will start to pool in HQ.

What was your list @peterbb? Did you have much HQ pressure?

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My list was identical to the one I posted in post #9. I had 3x legwork, which generally did good work. He put a lot of big ice on HQ, though, and net damaged at least one of the legworks.

Necro thread alert

So I made an [Overmind][21] deck after [Leprechaun][22] was released. The idea was to fit [Opus][23] into an [Overmind][21] deck using [Leprechaun][22], allowing the runner to have both credits and Overmind counters. Here’s the decklist:

###[Kate PPVP Overmind][1] (46 cards)

  • [Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker][2]

Event (24)

  • 3 [Diesel][3]
  • 3 [Dirty Laundry][4]
  • 2 [Legwork][5] ••••
  • 1 [Levy AR Lab Access][6]
  • 3 [Lucky Find][7] ••••• •
  • 3 [Quality Time][8]
  • 3 [Scavenge][9]
  • 3 [Sure Gamble][10]
  • 3 [Test Run][11]

Hardware (14)

  • 2 [Akamatsu Mem Chip][12]
  • 2 [Clone Chip][13]
  • 2 [E3 Feedback Implants][14] ••••
  • 3 [LLDS Processor][15]
  • 3 [Prepaid VoicePAD][16]
  • 2 [R&D Interface][17]

Resource (2)

  • 2 [Same Old Thing][18]

Icebreaker (4)

  • 1 [Deus X][19]
  • 1 [Femme Fatale][20] •
  • 2 [Overmind][21]

Program (2)

  • 1 [Leprechaun][22]
  • 1 [Magnum Opus][23]

Built with [][24]

Basically use the Kate PPVP engine to get set up. Leprechaun comes first, then Overmind and Opus. I Test Run for Opus and take credit for 3 clicks sometimes if I don’t draw into Scavenge, PPVP helps to pay for the cost of Test Run so this move doesn’t slow your tempo down that much. Sometimes I also Test Run Leprechaun if I’ve drawn Opus, then next turn I draw the Leprechaun install it, then install Opus the turn after.

The Opus and Leprechaun are the main differences from the other Overmind builds. They should ensure that you get to have both your Overmind counters and an Opus for lots of credits. Also, I play E3 instead of Deep Red because I don’t intend to use the Overmind past the turn it’s installed cause it loses the LLDS bonus. E3 pretty much allows me to break as many ice with Overmind as I have counters, which I find more reliable now that there are plenty more multi-subroutine ice around.

Also I swapped out [Maker’s Eye][25] for [R&D Interface][17] cause after several playthroughs I found that I had too many events fighting for the PPVP credits and not enough hardware and programs to make use of Kate’s ID ability. Plus 2 R&D Interfaces makes it much easier for me to R&D lock the Corp considering Overmind’s limitations. Femme is there to bypass Tollbooths or Wraparounds to save money on servers requiring repeat runs (scoring remote or R&D).

The deck has 46 cards cause I really couldn’t figure out what card I should remove. I don’t think it affects the deck consistency that much, but recommendations on what card to take out are welcome.

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