We have a habit in our meta of running “just for fun” tournaments at our casual nights every few months, usually with some kind of unusual format attached. It’s always good to mix things up a little and we like to experiment with different formats. I thought I’d share some of these tournament ideas for people to try and to share their own formats.
Stealth Operative
Each player is given a role at the start of the tournament. Most are blank, but there is one corp operative and one runner operative. These players are trying to lose their corp or runner games respectively. For their given side, they get 0 points for a win and 5 for a loss (normal players get the usual 3 for a win). A secret vote is held at the end where players vote for who they thought the operatives were. If the majority guess correctly that player loses their points for that side.
Easter Egg Hunt
Every player is given a 3/0 agenda to add to their corp deck at the start of the tournament. This does not affect deckbuilding in any other way, it’s simply added on top. If the runner steals this agenda (the egg) they keep it and must add it to their corp deck. Corps can score the agendas to keep them safe. At the end of the tournament, each egg you have is worth 2 prestige points.
Build a standard 45/15 deck for any faction you choose, usual deckbuilding rules apply. At the start of each round a selection of IDs are distributed randomly to each player. Pro tip: don’t include Nasir, it’s mean.
Team tournaments
We’ve done a few of these with different themes. Essentially, players are split into teams ahead of the tournament and build decks along a theme. Boys vs Girls was based on the runner IDs (Apex and Quetzal were allowed either side). HB vs Jinteki is self explanatory. There was also secret santa where players would a play a different teammate’s deck each round.
We’ve also done deck swaps, jank tournaments and custom ID tournaments, but I think the formats for these are reasonably well established. Do others have unusual tournament formats they’ve had fun with?