
Yesterday I was on the receiving end of a very hilarious Chronos. I was Leela playing vs uncorrodeable Gagarin. Score was 6-5 for the corp, I depleted my stack and grip, lost all my Corroders. If that wasn’t enough the guy closes the game out with Chronos. I finished the game with: no grip, no stack and … no heap. It was like I didn’t even show up for the game.


Those Weylands are ruthless, for them winning is not enough, not even killing you is enough anymore, they want to erase every trace of your existence from the world…to make you a non-example I guess?


In that case they failed - the ID was still there on the table :stuck_out_tongue:

code gates. Meta has shifted in favor of cgs.
Wormhole. Iq. Lotus.

Undeniably. I’m referring specifically to the anti-stealth tech’d RP build i’ve seen here and on youtube. It’s fringe at the minute but i can see it becoming popular should stealth rigs become more of a thing.

I hadn’t thought about it before, but Chronos is also good for uncorrodable decks, thanks for the idea!

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I’m still in favour of calling this deck “Lady Killer” from now on.

On a slightly more serious note, uncorrodable wasn’t that great even when Criminal was top dog. Is the presence of Chronos enough to make it work in an environment where recursion and PVPs are everywhere?


Of course not. But a least it made my day once.

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In all fairness, he did wrong that time.

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Truth, but he made it farther than either of us.