So I’ve posted this on NRDB and also on Facebook at Netrunner Geeks, but I wanted to get input from Stimhack as well. This is a deck that I piloted at 2 store championships in Chicago, getting me 3rd and then 1st.
First the list:
Clicking hell v1.3
Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future
Agenda (10)
3x Accelerated Beta Test
3x False Lead
1x Project Vitruvius
2x Project Wotan
1x Utopia Fragment
Asset (5)
2x Eve Campaign
3x Jackson Howard •••
Upgrade (13)
3x Ash 2X3ZB9CY
2x Crisium Grid ••
3x Heinlein Grid
3x Red Herrings ••••• •
2x Strongbox
Operation (3)
1x Archived Memories
1x Biotic Labor
1x Rework
Barrier (5)
3x Eli 1.0
2x Heimdall 1.0
Code Gate (5)
2x Enigma
2x Hourglass
1x Viktor 1.0
Sentry (8)
1x Architect
3x Ichi 1.0
1x Ichi 2.0
2x Swordsman ••
1x Troll ••
15 influence spent (max 15)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Source
As I’ve written elsewhere, this deck has a unique play style and rhythm that you have to get used to if you want to play it as written. A standard turn is installing a single card and then clicking for 2 credits. This play style provides you with 2 main benefits: 1) it allows you to fill your deck with things that help you win the game, rather than mere money cards and 2) it makes the deck exceedingly annoying to run against. By installing one card per turn in your remote, the runner has to guess when you finally have an agenda in your remote. The runner will burn up a lot of resources getting in to your remote, only to find a Heinlein grid and an Ash. When they don’t run you’ll be able to sneak out False Leads and an occasional ABT (which you should only fire if you have Jackson as a backstop). Getting a False Lead or two scored can be very helpful for late game, but don’t worry too much about rushing the pace of your game. You’ll have a pretty strong late game.
The lynchpin of this deck is Heinlein Grid. It forces the runner to break all of your ice or lose their money. You’ll catch many runners off guard once by rezzing a Heinlein Grid and an Ichi or an hourglass. If you have a false lead scored, sacrificing it as the runner approaches an Ichi is absolutely devastating for the runner (I’ve won at least a dozen games based solely on this combo).
The mixture of ICE is completely a meta call. I was teching against anarchs with the swordsmen (they did very well for me, though I missed my second troll). I wasn’t expecting a ton of Yog so I replaced Viktor 2.0 with the 1.0 version.
This deck can easily purge its HQ (laughing at wonton destruction and itinerant protestors) so if you don’t get enough ICE feel free to prioritize your remote and R&D defenses. Crisium Grid should go on whichever central will hurt the runner most (I prefer it on archives because retrieval run is very common right now).
I’m not super eager to win a second bye, so I’ll probably switch to jank for the rest of the tournament season, but I’ll probably return to this deck at some point. Feedback and advice is welcome.