
First time posting a deck here and it’s one I haven’t even tried yet, but just felt the need to share and get some input :smile: Still waiting for The Source to drop…

The Source isn’t out yet over here but I’ve been working on this deck in my mind since Sage got spoiled. Can’t wait to try it! Sage is such a weird breaker! But here’s how it works.

It’s a “fixed” breaker that gains strength from unused MU. The card itself is 2MU and we still need an AI or Sentry breaker. To fix the first problem we add Dinosaurus. Sage can break multiple types of ICE but still fits the criteria of being a Non-AI breaker so it can be hosted on Dino and gains +2 strength. So with Chaos Theory’s +1MU that leaves Sage at strength 7. Neat! As for the second problem: Creeper is 0MU if Link is 2 or more. Install a couple of Rabbit Hole and BAM full breaker suite using just two breakers.
There’s one last problem: multiple sub ice! Both Creeper and Sage are 2 credit to break a sub. e3 Feedback Implants helps out with this problem, and should you switch ID’s to Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker or the upcoming Haley, you can fit an Overmind in there use while setting up, which combos well with e3, as you may know.

As for the other cards: Money comes from a suite of doubles, 2x Lucky Find, 2x Hostage and 3x Power Naps to get started, Professional Contacts to drip money while drawing your pieces, and to bring it all together: The Supplier. You definitely want to mulligan for him or a Hostage.

Here’s the list:


Chaos Theory: Wünderkind (Cyber Exodus)

Event (19)
2x Diesel (Core Set)
2x Hostage (Opening Moves) ••••
2x Lucky Find (Double Time) ••••
2x Notoriety (Trace Amount)
3x Power Nap (Double Time)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x Test Run (Cyber Exodus)
3x The Maker’s Eye (Core Set)

Hardware (8)
2x CyberSolutions Mem Chip (Fear and Loathing)
2x Dinosaurus (Cyber Exodus)
2x e3 Feedback Implants (Trace Amount) ••••
2x Rabbit Hole (Core Set)

Resource (9)
2x New Angeles City Hall (Future Proof)
2x Professional Contacts (Creation and Control)
1x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)
1x The Supplier (First Contact) ••
3x Underworld Contact (A Study in Static)

Icebreaker (4)
2x Creeper (Humanity’s Shadow)
2x Sage (The Source)

14 influence spent (max 15)
40 cards (min 40)
Cards up to The Source

Decklist published on NetrunnerDB.

I think there is a famous quote in these forums regarding using Hostage for searching econ, and I think it stills holds even if you power nap.

You have a big problem though. In order for you to even start doing anything, you need to first set-up dino(or reinstall a second sage), then install Sage, find a rabbit hole somewhere, install creeper before you can even do anything. Facechecking with only Sage is a mistake which will cost you dearly. And if you don’t want to go broke you need to find E3. In order to find all these cards you run a whopping 2(!) draw cards, that really should go up to 3-6. Also, what’s NACH for as I find most Scorched decks run midseasons around here.

First change should be alot more draw cards, so you can use your powernaps. Then you probably have to change your econ package which probably will end up ditching all the doubles

If we’re going janky, then you might as well trade in for some of this stuff and go down to 1x dino, 1x e3.


Not entirely sure The Supllier is good for this deck. You have Personal Workshop in faction and only 6 resources that cost more than 0. Two of which cost 1. I think that influence is better spent on HQ pressure. Be that HQ interface or Legwork.

How about this? Skip the link/creeper shenanigans, added more draw, trade in + plascrete, supplier is still in (he works with hardware as well!). Femme can be installed using the test run + scavenge combo. Scavenge also there to move Sage, refill Overmind and Femme token.

DinoSophos Femme

Chaos Theory: Wünderkind (Cyber Exodus)

Event (25)
3x Diesel (Core Set)
2x Hostage (Opening Moves)[color=#4169E1] ••••[/color]
3x Lucky Find (Double Time)[color=#708090] ••••• •[/color]
2x Notoriety (Trace Amount)
3x Power Nap (Double Time)
2x Scavenge (Creation and Control)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x Test Run (Cyber Exodus)
3x The Maker’s Eye (Core Set)
2x Trade-In (Up and Over)

Hardware (6)
2x CyberSolutions Mem Chip (Fear and Loathing)
2x Dinosaurus (Cyber Exodus)
1x e3 Feedback Implants (Trace Amount)[color=#4169E1] ••[/color]
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)

Resource (5)
2x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
2x Professional Contacts (Creation and Control)
1x The Supplier (First Contact)[color=#4169E1] ••[/color]

Icebreaker (4)
1x Femme Fatale (Core Set)[color=#4169E1] •[/color]
1x Overmind (Honor and Profit)
2x Sage (The Source)

15 influence spent (max 15)
40 cards (min 40)
Cards up to The Source

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

I quite like the creeper rabbit hole thing. I’ve been working on my own version of this and I originally had 3 Overmind, but my worry was that if Swordsman starts turning up more when Eater is released, it will really ruin this deck’s day. Here is my list as it stands:

Power of the Mind - Workshop

Chaos Theory: Wünderkind (Cyber Exodus)

Event (9)
2x Diesel (Core Set)
2x Legwork (Honor and Profit) ••••
2x Stimhack (Core Set) ••
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (16)
2x Dinosaurus (Cyber Exodus)
2x e3 Feedback Implants (Trace Amount) ••••
3x Lockpick (Opening Moves)
2x MemStrips (Order and Chaos) ••••
2x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
3x R&D Interface (Future Proof)
2x Rabbit Hole (Core Set)

Resource (3)
3x Personal Workshop (Cyber Exodus)

Icebreaker (4)
2x Creeper (Humanity’s Shadow)
2x Sage (The Source)

Program (8)
3x Leprechaun (Upstalk)
2x Magnum Opus (Core Set)
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)

14 influence spent (max 15)
40 cards (min 40)
Cards up to Order and Chaos

Deck built on http://netrunnerdb.com.

As you can see, I’ve included Memstrips from Order & Chaos, because that’s going to feel pretty good with sage. I’ve gone for Leprechaun as well for hosting Sage and Mopus. Sometimes I’ll want Sage on the Dino, other times Creeper will be a better fit. Depends on the matchup.

I’ve never actually played with Personal Workshop, but my hope is that it’ll get around the timing issue of seeing Mopus or Sage before Dino or Leprechaun.

Also, Lockpick can used to break code gates with Sage. I don’t know how that will actually end up being, but it sounds fun.

Why wouldn’t you use Dyson Mem Chip over Rabbit Hole? Dyson gets you the +1 link and +1 mem for Sage

Lockpick! That’s some neat card interaction :slight_smile:
Magnum Opus is probably a better pick than the doubles-based economy, I just thought it would be such a hassle to set up.

I had that initially in my first deck but the it’s the instant +2 link that’s the thing. At least in my build where it also triggered the Underworld Contacts, here I don’t see why not Dyson.

That’s a very good point on the Dyson, those are going straight in.

The other version of this I’ve considered ditches the personal workshop and stimhack in favour of more draw power and more copies of everything, plus scavenge. Scavenge lets you play out programs early to keep the pressure on and move it onto Leprechaun or Dino when needed.

I want to see how this plays with personal workshop first though, so I think this is the version I’m going to try out at my next Netrunner night. I’ll report back on the results.

Power of the Mind - Workshop

Chaos Theory: Wünderkind (Cyber Exodus)

Event (11)
2x Diesel (Core Set)
3x Legwork (Honor and Profit)[color=#4169E1] ••••• •[/color]
3x Stimhack (Core Set)[color=#FF4500] •••[/color]
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (14)
2x Dinosaurus (Cyber Exodus)
2x Dyson Mem Chip (Trace Amount)
3x e3 Feedback Implants (Trace Amount)[color=#4169E1] ••••• •[/color]
3x Lockpick (Opening Moves)
2x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
2x R&D Interface (Future Proof)

Resource (3)
3x Personal Workshop (Cyber Exodus)

Icebreaker (4)
2x Creeper (Humanity’s Shadow)
2x Sage (The Source)

Program (8)
3x Leprechaun i[/i]
3x Magnum Opus (Core Set)
2x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)

15 influence spent (max 15)
40 cards (min 40)
Cards up to The Source

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

I’m currently running this out of Kate, and I’ve made a couple observations. One, 3x e3 might be needed, as seeing one is crucial to your breakers becoming really efficient on multi-sub ICE. Two, D4v1d is all but required to deal with CW and HW in BS. Three, ICE like Tsurugi and Komainu are pains without being able to destroy them via Parasite.

Taking these points into consideration then, it feels like 1x D4v1d, 2-3x e3, and 2-3x Parasite seems to me to be the only really good way to spend your influence, leaving you with one left over for a Stimhack or something. That being said, that leaves you with no real ability to pressure HQ or Archives, which is less than ideal, and means that you’re probably stuck running 2-3 RDI and 2-3 Maker’s Eye, as that’s the only central you can threaten heavily in faction.

I don’t get Sage really it seems really awkward. Can someone try to extol its virtues? You save a card slot if you don’t need extra breakers, but you lose MU. It’s crappy compared to shaper decoders and marginal compared to shaper fracters.

If you can make a giant sage then it will be good against stuff like firewall and lotus field. Hive makes it sad. I actually think e3 isn’t particularly important Hive and Next Silver are the only things you really want it for. 1c vs Enigma I guess. Inti is better than e3 for solving Next Silver for so many reasons.

It’s odd enough to try to make it do something, that’s all this card looks like to me. Sorry.

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The main thing for me is that the art and flavor text are pretty sweet. The actual card is indeed very awkward and not worth jumping through hoops for. My janky theme deck with it uses Iain. Basically you meditate and do nothing for as long as possible while accumulating supplies, then do some stuff.

###[Stirling Sage][1] (45 cards)

  • [Iain Stirling: Retired Spook][2]

Event (12)

  • 2 [Emergency Shutdown][3]
  • 2 [Inside Job][4]
  • 2 [Legwork][5]
  • 3 [Special Order][6]
  • 3 [Sure Gamble][7]

Hardware (8)

  • 1 [Dinosaurus][8] ••
  • 3 [Dyson Mem Chip][9]
  • 1 [E3 Feedback Implants][10]
  • 1 [HQ Interface][11]
  • 2 [R&D Interface][12] ••••

Resource (16)

  • 2 [Bank Job][13]
  • 3 [Daily Casts][14]
  • 3 [Earthrise Hotel][15]
  • 1 [Kati Jones][16]
  • 2 [Mr. Li][17]
  • 2 [The Supplier][18]
  • 3 [Underworld Contact][19]

Icebreaker (8)

  • 3 [Faerie][20]
  • 1 [Mimic][21] •
  • 3 [Overmind][22]
  • 1 [Sage][23] •••

Program (1)

  • 1 [Sneakdoor Beta][24]

Built with [http://netrunner.meteor.com/][25]
[1]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/decks/S9SBFhWrPLdXHTQin
[2]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/iain-stirling-retired-spook-honor-and-profit
[3]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/emergency-shutdown-cyber-exodus
[4]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/inside-job-core
[5]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/legwork-honor-and-profit
[6]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/special-order-core
[7]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/sure-gamble-core
[8]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/dinosaurus-cyber-exodus
[9]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/dyson-mem-chip-trace-amount
[10]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/e3-feedback-implants-trace-amount
[11]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/hq-interface-humanitys-shadow
[12]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/r-d-interface-future-proof
[13]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/bank-job-core
[14]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/daily-casts-creation-and-control
[15]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/earthrise-hotel-the-source
[16]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/kati-jones-humanitys-shadow
[17]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/mr-li-future-proof
[18]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/the-supplier-first-contact
[19]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/underworld-contact-a-study-in-static
[20]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/faerie-future-proof
[21]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/mimic-core
[22]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/overmind-honor-and-profit
[23]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/sage-the-source
[24]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/sneakdoor-beta-core
[25]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/decks/S9SBFhWrPLdXHTQin


One upcoming card that will synergise with Sage is Data Folding for economy. But currently there’s also the option to use Overmind to subsidise breaking low strength multisub ice instead which Shapers can recur easily enough.

Ok. I’m glad I’m not going crazy. I agree it’s cool and interesting and could be a part of something from left field once a few more support pieces arrive.

Until then it lives in ekovermind jank purgatory.

Here’s my build for a DinoSage deck:

Sage of Chaos

Chaos Theory: Wünderkind (Cyber Exodus)

Event (12)

Hardware (12)

Resource (9)

Icebreaker (5)

Program (2)

  • 1x D4v1d (The Spaces Between) ••••
  • 1x Parasite (Core Set) ••

15 influence spent (max 15)
40 cards (min 40)
Cards up to The Source

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

I decided to work towards setting up as fast as possible and go for an R&D lock. Mulligan for Personal Workshop. Order of Sol is there to facilitate setup. D4v1d and Parasite for tackling problematic ice. Dino alone should boost Sage’s strength to sufficient levels against most decks. D4v1d + E3 fills the gap before then.

Stimhack is good to make a run on an agenda early game while still setting up. Any excess credits can be spent on PW. Overmind helps reduce the cost of breaking low strength multi-sub ice.

Only 2 Sure Gambles cause I was trying to keep the deck to 40 cards, plus the high play cost means it just builds up in hand during the setup phase. With Armitage out, it’s still good for a surprise burst. Start turn with 1 credit, click Armitage twice to hit 5. Sure Gamble (with Order of Sol) to hit 9 (10), run with last click. Same can be done with Lucky Find.

Feel free to make suggestions and recommendations!