DJ Hedgehog Reviews All That Remains

personally I prefer Paulo vitor damo da rosa’s ratings scale
10 Good cards, These are cards that dominate the games they are played in and also are featured in virtually every deck (if they can spare the influence) or are archetype defining effects. examples, Jackson howard, Astroscript, Eli 1.0, Biotic labor, datasucker, Sure gamble, Tag-me account siphon, Lucky find, R&D interface, stimhack with instant speed installation
9 solid Playables These are role players that are the glue that hold a deck together
examples, pop-up window, Mimic, Clone chip, Legwork Stimhack without support,
8. Playables These are cards that don’t get auto-included in faction but are often important parts of a particular archetype. Examples ; shipment from sansan, Lotus field, Tsurgi
7.almost Playable : these are cards you generally but play them because you have to These cards often end up on the chopping block as new sets get released
Examples Marked accounts, non tag-me siphon, PAD campign
6. Mildly unplayable : these cards are cards that have been chopped for better cards or are just unplayable as is but are cards that aren’t terrible
Examples, NBN TWIY*, Guard, Gabriel Santiago,
5. Somewhat unplayable These cards are bad and require other bad cards to work right, or are worse than actually not playing the card examples Order of sol , Ninja , Crypsis Beanstalk Royalties
4. moderately unplayable these cards are janky cards that don’t actually win games on their own,
3. significantly unplayable Strictly worse than good cards, and/or way to situational to actually be good, Examples Hades shard, Duggers, New angeles city hall
2. extremely unplayable Don’t play this card, unless you want to get laughed at , examples, Any anarch other than noise (except after O&C), Exile, Weyland Building a better world,

  1. An important part of my next family barbecue - might as well never have been printed

And here’s my take on the top eschelons:

10’s are the cards you need to have a plan against, and they are the cards you’re thinking about as you build your deck. They define the format, and you need to have ways to race/destroy/interact with them profitably in order to win games. Eli, Jackson, Legwork, Scorch, Architect, Fast Track, Parasite, etc.

9’s are the cards that are not specifically built around, but you will see day in, day out in any competitive event. Sure Gamble, NAPD, Sundew, RDI, Sweeps Week, etc.

The rest are fine, but I think there needs to be a distinction between Format Defining cards and Sure Gambles. No one is building their deck to deal with a turn 1 Sure Gamble more efficiently.


+1 on it being pointless to quibble over the ratings. Really the only thing I look to get out of set reviews are either “Yes, you’re not crazy, that card really is mediocre” or “You goofed, there’s this awesome thing this card does you didn’t think of.” for each card.

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perhaps it would simply be better to put sure gamble as a 9 "glue that holds a deck together"
Or split glue into two groups
9 Glue "staples"
8 Glue “semi-staples”

I’m having a lot of success in Noise with Cybsoft. It allowed me to play a memory free program economy card instead of Sahasrara, that freed up influence for 2 clone chips. Its a great card for Noise. Better than Cyberfeeder as it can install David’s, Djinn and others.


Utopia Shard is pretty good IMO, here’s the way I play it (try to install it early of course) :
-> Weyland, when I suppect Scorched / Sea Source
-> When I saw at least 2 Grails in hand versus Foundry
-> After the Corp, Jackson and trash 2-3 cards, they often keep Key Card (Money / Fast Adv / Astro) . So it will hurt them anyway, I run Archive let them trash Jackson and activate Utopia just after so there is no click lost.

EBC is really good as it just gives you one extra influence in Weyland (2 Jackson should be enough with 2 EBC), It’s also very good with IQ in Etf or Foundry. I think that’s the best Corp card in this datapack.


I’ve tried it. It isn’t. (But 1 adonis is.)

I second this. As a reader, the numbers mean nothing to me. What I’m interested in is people better than me telling me what possible new combo’s will result from the new cards.

In other words, instead of writing “Scavenge is a 7/10”, its more helpful for me as a reader to have “Scavenge works really well with Test Run because of X”.


Every numerical review spawns a new meta-discussion about the 10 scale that makes me want to fall asleep.


I for one think that we should stop having reviews of cards and instead publish a monthly review of new ratings systems.


I give this discussion on the /10 rating system a 4/10.

It just doesn’t have the consistency required to stand up in higher levels of nitpicky rating debates.

So hmm…NEH with DRT, Hostile Infrastructure, and a couple influence to spare seems fun. And by fun, if you’re able to get enough of those cards rezzed simultaneously, the runner is basically boned.

Make a successful run? Take some meat damage. Decide you’ve had it with the DRTs? Take slightly less meat damage and some bonus net damage for your trouble. I’m really struggling to see how the runner can break what’s essentially a soft lock, as them making any runs anywhere will cause them 4+ points of damage. I think that this could also be solid out of PE Weyland Edition, with an influence spread of 3x hostile, 3x snare, 3x Jackson and a whole bunch of 1 pointers, as you create situations where the runner technically HAS choices, but they are more along the lines of “which way do I feel like getting flatline today?”

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I played a Encryption Protocols version of that fun jank; Hostile is definitely worth a try: Dystopian Dreams · NetrunnerDB

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I’m honestly starting to feel that Lady has singlehandedly (single-paw-edly) put shaper back on top.

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Thats cuz you’re paw…tial alreaady.

Just kidding.

I don’t think Shaper will be at the top until Clot comes out. NEH still slaughters them. I agree that Lady is amazing in the current meta of auto include 3x Eli in most builds, though.


I’m gonna disagree. Hard.

For the record, I think HB is more of a problem for Shaper than NEH is, at the moment.

You landing enough tags with just City Surveillances? Also noticed you cut the Raven for a 2nd IO.

perhaps just digest ratings into more esoteric categories.

For example I might rate movies into categories such as: Planned evening out, Matinee’, Rental, Only with a gun to your head.

So perhaps (as a rough draft): Worlds Top 32, Local Tourney, Just for fun, Huh???