Double Use of a Regional Bye

I dont think that being more strict would be a problem for players. You pay to participate in regional. So you want game to be done right. Having laws dont make us sad, if they state the obvious ( wich doesnt seem obvious for some, and therefore laws are for them to respect).

I was at that first regional, and yes the TO didn’t follow the “Rules”. But is that so weird. I bet more TO’s don’t follow those exact rules, without being a bad TO.
Regarding the first regional, I’m pretty sure my friend only had to show his bye to the TO and was able to keep his after the tournament. My bye for the nationals didn’t get signed either. But this shouldn’t be a problem. Whe should trust each other. Yes the TO did cut some corners but that was imo not his biggest problem. I found it worse that those byes were originally added as normal byes (changed after swiss) and that he was not consequent with the planning (top 4 or top 8, it changed a few times). But that is another story. I just point it out so you guys can see that the TO was not handling that way because Mihn is a celeb.

About the possible ‘punishments’.
1: You actually have no power whatsoever.
2: Punishing just to punish achieves nothing, it just removes one skilled player from the scene.
3: Punishing because he is dangerous: Seriously?
4: Punishing to set a statement for other people: This is the only reasonable reason to punish a person for cheating like this. But honestly, I don’t think anyone is going to try something like this, after what happened here and on the facebook-group.

Seriously let’s all give each other a hug and play some goddamn Netrunner.


Well, here’s a personal example. I only went to one store championship at the store I go to league nights at. I was playing a CT stimshop deck and had just bought the pack with the dog breakers and wanted to put Lady in. However, I’m red-green colorblind and the stupid dog breaker’s art all look alike and the Anarch and Shaper ones are basically impossible for me to tell apart at a glance. So, I ended up building an illegal deck using the terrible anarch breaker instead of the amazing Lady. When this came up, it had caused my opponent to make a play assuming that I’d actually wanted to have Cuj0 in my deck rather than Lady, so rightly that game was called a loss for me (I was gonna lose anyway since @Cranked was rocking his ToL atlas chain pretty well). However, the TO let me go and buy a pack so I could fix my deck and keep playing in the tournament, which was awesome and I had a great time (and got to 8th so I could get a deckbox! Exciting :slight_smile: ).

I thought the situation was handled really well and it was cool for the community to assume I intended no harm and allow me to fix my illegal deck rather than DQ me. I’d still play netrunner if it got more strict, but I confess I’d feel pretty bummed if I got DQd from a store championship for an honest mistake. I’d rather the game and its community do a good job of being good citizens and thus allow the community to be forgiving, rather than assume an adversarial relationship between players and each other, and players and judges. It wouldn’t be as fun a game to play.


Did the decklist you provided mention lady or cujo ?

If you wanted to play «lady» but write down «cujo» on your decklist, this as nothing to do with colorsight :wink: .

But thats a medical condition so it s a completly different story than what we are talking here

Edit : to be more clear about my last post. Having a strict to is a good things because he can apply the rules if something goes wrong and olayers ask for his intervention. During your game, if opponent lost because of this (misplaced ices, lost a scoring window) he could have asked the to for a win and that would have been fair imo

I wrote Lady on the decklist, but under a strict interpretation of the rules wouldn’t I be breaking them? It would be a deck that didn’t match my list. And after all, if we’re assuming everyone is cheating who should believe me about my colorblindness? That’s what I’m talking about w/r/t the community as it is. If responsibility for players cheating falls to the TO like you implied, they’d be less inclined to trust me as they’re supposed to assume everyone’s cheating. It just feels like a crummier scene if you assume that players given room to cheat aren’t responsible for their own actions any more. TOs have to become wardens rather than party organizers.


Byes are more powerful when fewer rounds are involved. All 3 British Regionals have had at least 6-7 rounds so far, and all have had half or slightly less than half of players in the cut cashing in byes.

I think I’d rather have it so that byes are completely removed from the Store champ system, as the ratio of SC byes to regionals is far too high (All British regionals so far had 12ish SC byes out of 64 players). I do think winning a regional should mean something, though, and I think they should keep regional byes at Gencon/Nationals (Where 24/240 or 6/100 is a much more reasonable ratio).

The impact of the bye has also been slightly lessend with the new Average Opponent Game score that seems to be replacing Strength of Schedule as well, which is good.


At UK Nats last year, the TO tried to give a game loss to a player who wrote “Hedge Fund” instead of “Sure Gamble” in his runner list. Everyone (including his opponent) objected, and the TO backed down.


This is complete and utter bullshit. What you are basically saying is that it is OK to cheat as long as you don’t get caught.

AND that if you do succeed in cheating, that some other person who didn’t catch you is the one responsible for your actions.

Finally, that person who you are blaming, is the person who made the tournament possible for everyone, through no small effort.

If I were a TO I would be insulted and incensed by your statement. Your statement indicates to me that you think it is OK to cheat as long as you are not caught. I would be seriously inclined to bar YOU (not Minh) from any tournaments that I ran.

Your posts in this thread are an embarrassment to you.


Simmer down, folks. There’s no reason to start attacking each other. It doesn’t accomplish anything.


For the record, I was playing the Titan Atlastrain, which is a much worse deck.

But yeah, that’s a perfect example of really good TOing. Shouts out to @Nordrunner for being a standup guy in a situation that a lot of other TOs may not have handled as well.


Yeah, I knew that and typed the wrong thing because my netrunner mind knew that astro chaining would be much more reasonable. I edited the post to reflect your poor decision :wink:

There’s been some good discussion here, and obviously some hurt feelings as well. I agree with everyone who’s said that because FFG’s hand is too light it’s important for us as a community to figure out how to solve issues like this on our own. Anybody who has suggestions for a concrete plan of action (i.e. future policies for TOs or community-given punishments) that haven’t already been posted above should feel free to PM me or another moderator.