East Coast Championship at PAX Unplugged

Hello all, I am proud to announce that a few of us on the US east coast have something special that we have been organizing. We are calling it the “East Coast Championship”. There will be an official announcement on the NISEI website soon, but I wanted to give everyone information on the basics so that people have enough time to organize travel + buy passes to the event.

Here are the basics:

  • The tournament will be taking place on Saturday, Dec 7th at the PAX Unplugged convention in Philadelphia.
  • There will be prize support
  • 64 seats have been set aside for us
  • Pre-registration will be available through the PAX Unplugged app/guidebook page when it becomes available later this fall.
  • This will be a FREE EVENT, but we will be taking donations to recoup the cost of prize support, with any extra money going towards the Childs Play (the charity, not the scary movie)
  • We WILL be accepting byes from NISEI regionals, so if you won one and couldn’t make it to nationals, you can use it here.
  • I am working on getting wired internet secured, so that CodeMarvelous can stream the event!

More details will be announced soon, so keep an eye on this page and on NISEI.net.


Thanks for arranging this!

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