
Some suggestions from my own experience with street chess.

  • You can easily run one femme since you run Test Run & Scavenge
  • 1 Aesop’s is not enough. You want that thing ASAP as it can power your whole econ. Run 3. Cut the 2 Dirty Laundrys instead,
  • You have no surprises in play. If your opponent locks down R&D and a remote you’re out of luck. I run indexing and Escher precicely to make leaving HQ or R&D lightly defended a vulnerability.
  • You have no way to pressure archives. Which means your opponent can simply never install ICE there and triple-ice HQ and R&D instead, making your pawn engine almost useless. I run 1x Sneakdoor Beta and it works wonders.
  • Since you got all that link, you can easily add a Zhu for Code Gates.

Might as well update so we’re all on the same page. I’m here now and money is less of a problem. Still need to figure out multi access though. Consistancy is no longer a problem. I’m not sure what I’d bring aesops in for, and in this deck I don’t really need it till the mid-game.

I’m not a huge fan of clone chip, but it’s a nice solution for getting pawns back. Maybe that’s a place to look for aesop replacements, though it’s a boon in the early game for setting up. I do see the love for parasite now that I’ve played more. It’d be nice to shorten centrals. Having a more solid pressure point on archives would be nice as well, though most people ice it against me anyways so I don’t have an easy server to run. (Also, I tend to imp NAPDs/Future Perfects & RP will ice it to spite me).

Mind Chess, Dawg II

Exile: Streethawk (Creation and Control)

Event (17)

Hardware (6)

Resource (7)

Icebreaker (4)

Program (11)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Source

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

I think chameleon has me wanting to try Dirty Hands again. Starting with 1, maybe moving to 2 leprechaun, 2 chameleon and 1 sahasrara, I think we can up the attack with this deck. I know Travis would hate these changes, but he’s quite picky as is. Any other (former) Dirty Hands gurus wanna test this out?

Exile Streethawk
15 influence spent (max 15) •••••••••••••••
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Underway
Event Event (16)

3x Diesel
1x Escher
2x Freelance Coding Contract
1x Levy AR Lab Access
3x Quality Time
3x Scavenge
3x Test Run
Hardware Hardware (7)

1x Astrolabe
3x Clone Chip
1x Plascrete Carapace
2x R&D Interface
Resource Resource (1)

1x Rachel Beckman •
Icebreaker Icebreaker (9)

1x Atman
1x Cerberus “Lady” H1
1x Chameleon
1x Cyber-Cypher
1x Deus X
1x Faerie •••
1x Femme Fatale •
1x Inti
1x Sharpshooter
Program Program (12)

1x Copycat •
1x D4v1d ••••
1x Imp •••
2x Leprechaun
3x Magnum Opus
1x Parasite ••
3x Self-modifying Code

The chameleon means you don’t need 2 cy-cy, which is where I slotted it. Shook it up with copycat over mimic because you can just use chameleon on that too (thats where rara comes in, as reinstalling it over and over would be a PITA, but rara helps install other tools as well, and can spend, then become a scavenge target). I’m not 100% sold on it, but it also helps with FCC if you recur it mid run, in hand ready for next turn’s massive draw and FCC. Anyone else making changes? Faust???

Why is losing a click everytime you need to install a cham better than cyber cypher?

It’s ability as a wildcard breaker if the specific type isn’t accessible from the available tutors (clonechip or smc). The playstyle is typically not to make a bunch of runs, but only as needed, so you wouldn’t be throwing it down as often. It seems like having 1 in the heap guarantees a response to a wide array of cards the corp could throw at you, and then its in your hand when you need to run again.

Since it comes back to hand, you don’t need to burn a tutor when, lets say, you do point cy-cy at a codegate on a server, you now have a sentry or barrier breaker in hand to deal with how the corp reacts.

Basically I’m not saying that it is something you’ll always want to use, but it fits in the toolbox as just another way in, for fairly cheap. Granted, it might not fully replace mimic vs architect, which is where I’m most concerned with the change, rather than the Cypher.

Edit: I guess more directly, if cycy is pointed at rnd for the normal attack, you have something that works elsewhere, but isn’t as dedicated as Zu.13

idk putting toolboxes in toolboxes seems pointless. SMC is already a wildcard breaker that costs 2 credits.

Yea I’m willing to bet you’re probably right, I was considering the return to hand effect as well. Maybe its only good in those dedicated builds. Just seems like one of those things thats much easier to evaluate in-game than on paper. I just wanted to bump the thread and see if anyone has been playing the deck lately.

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With two Leps you have to try and slot hyperdrive! I think Chameleon fits the theme of this deck really well but I’m not sure it pushes it to the next level. I think I like mimic over Beckman these days. She’s kind of like Edge of World for me, an amazing card that should be game changing but really isn’t.

I really like the Parasite addition. I think it’s a must include in today’s meta. And imp is a huge bonus.

I had thought of hyperdriver but I had some issues. First, it essentially says “hit opus 3 more times once” which leaves me wondering if maybe we could just include better tech to not need as much money. Second you can’t FCC it because you literally never want to use any form of tutoring (smc/CC/TR/scav) for it, because they’re too valuable.

Your overall best case scenario is like, parasiting down the last ice on RnD that causes you issues, and going ham on their RnD, but without keyhole, you’re probably going to do the same damage in 3-4 clicks as 7.

What would you reasonably want to do with hyperdriver is my main question.

And yes, I think the cycy was not needed if you can get another okay answer to CGs, and squeezing imp in, and putting parasite back in all feel really good these days.

I might disagree on beckman, as I was 100% happy to see her in the SSCI, and won all but 1 game that I got her installed IIRC, for 1 Inf, she’s really pretty good, if you can learn to manage the tempo hit, and as long as PE and snare stay underplayed.

Sorry, the hyperdrive comment was a bit of a joke.

I know Beckman is really good and gives Mopus a little more legs. And the tempo hit is on par with proco (net 6 vs 5), a card I run 3 of and can never see soon enough. But as a 1 of it seemed like I was only seeing her ealry enough to play about half the time. You can’t play her vs. NEH and with all of the tagging going on in today’s meta plus Snatch and Grab I just don’t think she’s as good as I want her to be. But I could be totally wrong.

I did pull CT Stimshop out and play it the other day. That’s another one of my favorite shaper builds. It too really needs parasite though.

I dunno, I think hyperdriver could be a legitimately good card outside of jank decks. You probably would want some more spammable effects though such as keyhole.

Also I don’t think sahasrara (or whatever it’s called) is actually in the posted list.

Travis would strongly object if it was. :wink:

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He would. And I went to 46 for it XD



So Wasteland is good. Technical Writer is good. Harbringer is good. Aesop’s is always open. Why can’t that be a deck?

Cyberhobo v1.1

Exile: Streethawk (Creation and Control)

Event (10)
3x Diesel (Core Set)
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control)
3x Scavenge (Creation and Control)
3x Test Run (Cyber Exodus)

Hardware (8)
2x Astrolabe (Up and Over)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control)
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
2x R&D Interface (Future Proof)

Resource (9)
3x Aesop’s Pawnshop (Core Set)
1x Film Critic (Old Hollywood)
3x Technical Writer (Data and Destiny)
2x Wasteland (Data and Destiny) [color=undefined]••••[/color]

Icebreaker (6)
1x Atman (Creation and Control)
2x Cerberus “Lady” H1 (All That Remains)
1x Femme Fatale (Core Set) [color=#4169E1]•[/color]
1x Gordian Blade (Core Set)
1x Sharpshooter (True Colors)

Program (12)
3x Cache (The Spaces Between) [color=#4169E1]•••[/color]
1x Clot (The Valley) [color=#FF4500]••[/color]
3x Harbinger (Data and Destiny) [color=undefined]•••[/color]
2x Scheherazade (Second Thoughts) [color=#FF4500]••[/color]
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)
15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

Please tear it apart.

When Exile came out, I really wanted him to work, but he didn’t. With any decent deck you had to ask yourself, ‘why wouldn’t this be better in Kate?’.

I’m not sure this deck really answers that question, although I can see that it tries.

Kate’s ability (-1 cost on first hardware/program install) is generally better than Exile’s draw a card when installing from the heap, largely because ‘installing programs from the heap’ is a smaller subset of ‘installing hardware & programs’. There are only two occasions where Exile’s ability is better.

The first occasion is when you are installing 0 cost programs from the heap. At zero cost, Kate’s ability is wasted. The only 0 cost programs I see here are SMC, and Harbinger (which I suspect you will rarely install from the heap). I’m not sure that’s enough.

Edit: I see Scheherazade in there too, so I guess that’s a little better.

If you want to strengthen this aspect of the build, take a look at some of the 0 cost programs that you might reasonably install from the heap. Faerie is an obvious one, and Endless Hunger actually plays really well with the assets you are planning to install for Aesops, so it could be a great trick to include.

What about Inti for Ice Wall and Wraparound?

Retrieval Run plays very well with Exile, of course, and because you pay no costs Kate gets no added value while Exile does. Very nice with Femme, if they have not been icing Archives.

The second occasion where Exile’s ability is better than Kate’s, of course, is if you are installing multiple programs from the heap in a single turn. That’s going to be a play decision, of course, and very much dependent on player skill.

The only Exile deck I made that didn’t work better with Kate was a stupid Femme tricks deck that ran Test Run/Scavenge/SoT. These days London Library out of Kate is probably better for that sort of thing, though.

your overall point (that most exile decks would just be better in Kate) is sound, but there are a few gaps in this kind of “tally sheet” reasoning you’re doing here:

  • a credit and a card are barely equivalent. In almost every case, a card is better. This is basically impossible to quantify exactly, but it’s safe to say that one-for-one comparisons will always have a few leaks because of this.
  • w/r/t zero cost programs, you’ve missed scavenge, which makes essentially any program “zero cost.”

Of course, it’s all completely moot, as you are completely right about that list: it’d be better in Kate. imho any exile list not running some kind of re-usable recursion like street chess is probably a waste of time for this reason.


Gambles for Days was better in Exile.

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I played a Gamble for Days all through the Store Championship season and I loved it. I’m really excited to try it with Wasteland. The problem with deck wasn’t really money, though, it was having efficient central runs. So in direct comparison to Kate, the card draw was so much better than discount credit, but you were using influence elsewhere that I felt compromised those efficient runs.

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I played Exile for almost half years when I was a noob,something like Test Run/Scavenge Femme/Torch deck,and those Pawnshop deck.Drawing cards and cheat out your big breaker feel so good.
And life went on I played Kate instead,don’t ask me why.