Been having really good results with a similar list to @Saan’s above. The list is derived from @Selverin’s Warsaw winning “Run Express” deck. It has a couple key insights that my previous Ken decks were struggling with:
all tag-me, all the time. the deck eschews resources (save SOT’s) and runs 3x plascrete, allowing you to go all in on siphons and blaze through tagging ice and news teams willy-nilly. Closed accounts and psychographics are the main risks here, but I think the deck has decent answers to both (recovery econ cards and deep RnD digging, respectively), and neither is too common.
criminal draw sucks, so don’t play draw and focus on making your draws as high quality as possible. I’m still really uncomfortable with this but it worked for him and so far it’s working for me. Criminal and neutral draw cards really do suck to play, and spending influence on draw kind of defeats the purpose of playing Ken, in this case at least.
cheap but robust breakers: a large portion of the deck is given over to breakers and special orders, and a “complete” breaker suite costs only 6 to install (3 if you find faerie instead of mongoose). throw in a few redundant breakers to handle stacked/taxing sentries and cover any marcus-batty related program trashes and we’re ready to break surprisingly quickly.
Kenny T and the Express Street Band
Ken “Express” Tenma: Disappeared Clone
Event (24)
3x Account Siphon
3x Dirty Laundry
2x Easy Mark
3x High-Stakes Job
2x Inside Job
2x Legwork
2x Lucky Find ••••
1x Notoriety •
3x Special Order
3x Sure Gamble
Hardware (8)
2x Desperado ☆☆
3x Plascrete Carapace
3x Public Terminal
Resource (3)
3x Same Old Thing
Icebreaker (8)
1x Breach
1x Corroder ••
2x Faerie
2x Mongoose
1x Passport
1x ZU.13 Key Master ••
Program (2)
2x Medium ••••• •
15 influence spent (max 17-2☆=15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Kala Ghoda
the changes I made are -3 TME -1 easy mark +2 medium +2 inside job. HSJ and DL have such incredible synergy with medium that I think it’s a shame to forgo this by over-focusing on maximising Ken’s ability with TME. and, given that we’re making this change, the chance of making very high value inside job runs also goes up (this also keeps up our count of run events). while easy mark (together with lucky find and SG) is a cornerstone of the “get money when you aren’t ready to run yet” part of the econ, I find that inside job can often double as econ and early pressure by saving us a lot of money (often more than 3) that would have been spent breaking ice.
Is anyone else testing along this “Polish Ken” vein? It seems like a really strong way to take advantage of a lot of the good stuf crim has to offer without getting mired in what they “don’t do well”. personally I think medium is the account siphon of RnD and the twin threats make it very easy to spread the corp very thin and take advantage of wherever they’ve neglected to defend well enough. “real” breakers also give you “real” accesses, meaning popular counters to siphon spam like crisium, wrap, and turing often end up falling flat.
Anyways, I’m having a ton of fun with Ken right now, even if I don’t know ultimately how competitive it is (@Selverin is a great player and could probably win with anything, though I think he has a great track record building solid decks) and just wanted to see if anyone else was playing for high stakes