Fire up the Grill! - Weyland meat lovers thread

Oh, I’ll rez this oversight AI over this oaktown. Down
OK, I have Navi, fuck of d4v1d.
Oh, I guess I’ll just keep making money off oaktown till you scoooore it.
Oh guess I’ll have to consult some guys about your viewing habits and find out exactly where you live 22 times over
Oh you put a plascrete down? Jeeves, fetch me 2 booms and a subliminal messaging.

By film critic.

Hard Hitting News is a card you play after you tag once, Closed Accounts, and then fire the End of all Actions.


Been having fun with this Argus list recently. It’s basically a Supermodernism deck, but with fun HHN shenanigans.

Crime and Punishment

Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed (Order and Chaos)

Agenda (13)

Asset (8)

Operation (15)

Barrier (5)

Code Gate (4)

Sentry (4)

15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to 23 Seconds

I’m still working on the right mix of cards, but so far this feels pretty good. I had 3 Snares, but kinda wanted a second HHN in here so I see it more often without necessarily having to use an Atlas for it. My previous version also had Dedicated Response Teams in it, but if I want to win a trace I just needed more money instead, so those went out in favor of 2x Stock Buyback and 1x Restructure. Stock Buyback has actually been pretty good, and I might bring the number up to 3 of them and just drop the Restructure all together, but I’m not 100% on it yet.

As far as HHN goes, rezzing a Judge at the same time is fun, as is the False Lead forfeit. I always kinda liked False Lead in Argus anyhow, and both Judge and HHN has given me reason to play it again. It really messes with when runners feel comfortable running, and hitting a Snare! with a Judge on the table and a FL scored is almost always death. HHN is also a decent way to get that last agenda out. Install, do a thing, HHN. Now you either gotta decide to live with tags against an ID that is always trying to kill you or to go run what might win me the game.

So far it’s been pretty fun =)


Nice. Any worries about NACH possibly becoming more popular with the advent of HHN? I’m debating whether I need to have Ms. Mills to come in on her day off in case we need to blow…er, “renovate”… one up

Ironically you could kill both these birds with 1-stone, since if Weyland had a FA/defensive upgrade that was efficient (even if it had draw backs) you push tags from Posted Bounty.

To opine on the Boom! I think the card is great…for splashing kill packages into HB or Jinteki since you get lethal meat off a single 3-inf card.

Floating the account siphon tags against an HB glacier sounds a lot more scary now. CI combo can shutdown/diagnostics into SEA Source/Big Brother/Boom! for only 6 influence!

If it sees more play, honestly, Argus is probably just a terrible ID to be playing. The only real advantage it has is the constant threat of death, and the removal of tags from that equation neuters it almost entirely. If everyone plays NACH, I’m playing a different deck.

Have you tried fitting in a consulting visit or two? Seems like it could be good to find the HHN, or a second scorch after you’ve landed tags, or even a stock buy back when that would be worth 2 clicks and 2 credits.

It’s not a terrible idea, and one might be able top go in over maybe a Beanstalk? That way it might be possible to go back to 3x Snare! and drop HHN down to a 1-of. Not sure if it’s worth it, as that’s dedicating more cards to the kill, when the real goal is to try and rush out. I almost think if I were to add in a card, I’d want to try and fit a Fast Track in here somewhere; it’s super good in any rush deck.

Door to Door + Primary Transmission Dish + Gagarin?

Edit: or Net Police? lol

Very good point. I do love Posted Bounty.

Boom definitely seems a rather inconsistent swerve back towards NBN meat damage which is supposedly meant to be on the decline.


[quote=“Seamus, post:92, topic:7586”]Boom definitely seems a rather inconsistent swerve back towards NBN meat damage which is supposedly meant to be on the decline.
While I’m always happy to see dark green cards that do meat damage (and have wanted to see more of them for some time), I feel the decision to make this one tie into multiple tags and, particularly, be only 3 influence, was not a particularly wise one.

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While I’m always happy to see dark green cards that do meat damage (and have wanted to see more of them for some time), I feel the decision to make this one tie into multiple tags and, particularly, be only 3 influence, was not a particularly wise one.

It’s also a double, which means BN has to be pre advanced or use 24/7 News Cycle, which makes it harder to land (and 7 meat has to be enough to kill them that turn, because unless you have a double advanced BN, you can follow up with a Traffic Accident). Otherwise NBN and Weyland are going to be relying on the same tagging methods to turn it on, and I think Weyland has the advantage with those methods (Midseasons, HHN) because of their cash advantage. And it can be trashed on access. I think it is fairly well balanced.

Couple of things, unfortunately:

  • Sansan an installed Breaking News or the now rarer but still existent Astro token (or indeed both).

  • 24/7 (as you mention) is almost certainly going to be the most common way to get this to fire.

  • Sync in particular, but some other NBN decks too, will sometimes force the runner to live with a couple of tags for a turn or two which Weyland rarely can.

  • NBN has better tools to dissuade repeat runs on centrals - where Boom can be trashed - such as Data Raven, Gutenberg and even Pop-up Window.

I’m more down on Boom than most and I’ve been (frequently) wrong in the past but I don’t see me running it in Weyland.

Quite frankly, without the trash cost and a higher influence I think it would have been balanced. Although I don’t think Chrysalis looks great, it gets a benefit for gaining a trash icon. I don’t think the stats on this justify it. Off the top of my head, I’d have liked to see this do a small amount of meat damage on access with the low trash cost it has.


I think it would need to be simply not playable out of faction to be balanced without the trash cost. The trash is, as far as I’m concerned, the single balancing factor on this card. Otherwise it’s kinda bonkers in (as you note) NBN.

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You reckon even at 5 influence?

NBN decks have 17 influence and don’t splash for Jackson. So yeah. Even a high number like 5 feels like you’re handing NBN a really strong card with no counterplay. At least right now you can try to trash the thing, and I think that makes the card feel a lot more palatable.

(24/7 seems the real problem, but oh well.)

I agree with your assessment.
It’s very annoying that all weyland meat damage cards have to be power limited or else they would just be overpowered in NBN.

I am wondering if the solution lies in a card that is in faction, comes out on the MWL, and is 5 inf, so it is just too expensive for NBN to use. Probably never going to happen.

Cards don’t need to have an influence bar…


I’m convinced we’ll see this at some point, maybe even in this cycle. (Non-neutral) Agendas don’t have influence bars, and they can’t be splashed. It would only require a small rules update to codify it for non-agenda cards (or for non-neutral agendas printed with influence bars…)


I think this is a really good nuclear option but I can imagine the designers might be keener for a more elegant solution than saying: “no, you can’t.”

Meat damage independent of tagging seems pretty under-explored but I imagine would be a nightmare to balance. However, if it were above the power level of Punitive but not strictly better than Scorch with accessible tagging I think that could be manageable.

However, I would return to my thinking further up the post. Scorched Earth is an amazing card and if it remained the fundamental core of meat damage I think that would be ok if Weyland’s other issues were addressed to some degree.