Flashpoint Cycle!

Wow, you could save the card by changing the word “by” to “to”.

It’d also make Emptied Mind and The Noble Path at least sorta more relevant.


@TheBytemaster “Réduire à 1” vs “Réduire de 1” (to vs by), I guess it was spotted by the one who translated the cards back to en. Btw, he may be french, walloon, swiss or canadian.
I did not watched the video yet.

SIFR is not that strong, in a sense that if it’s an enabling card for a combo deck, then the deck will not work with it because there is no tutor for hardware.
Sunya seems to be way more dangerous to me, esp in Quetzal who allready plays e3. This removes the need to pay inf for a killer in her deck and free inf for more e3.

Quetzal’s Darwin / SIFR / Sunya / Multithreader / whatever decoder / e3 deck incoming.

SIFR doesn’t seem OP to me. Seems like an expensive albeit effective console option for Reg Anarch. I don’t think it’s good for Parasite abuse. There are better ways to abuse Parasite. SIFR seems best suited to neuter big ICE in tandem with Mimic and Yog. The new killer seems weak compared to Mimic, too. Sentries still tax on subs.

SIFR to my mind as @moistloaf said doesn’t strike me as OP. It strikes me as a good D4v1d replacement that costs more both in the slot it occupies and raw cost. This of course is for anarch, and in the current meta. Loosing the card draw that anarch has always wanted in terms of Obelus, or the utility of Grimoire and the comically underplayed imp. I just don’t see it as a (currently) better console for reg-ass.

That said I feel that it may cause a resurgence of dumblefork builds, it strikes me as powerful in a ice destruction focused, faust and parasite suite as a replacement for D4. This saves them influence to possibly add back in a clone chip, and removes a lot of the dependence on datasucker.

Where I can see this card shinning the brightest is in Temujin Katman, where there has been problems fitting the D4 in after the mwl. A mu hungry deck that will have a console that actually will have synergies with its game plan. It would lesson the weakness to cyberdex, but would most likely cost them the clot.

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There is now good to very good consoles in Anarch.
It’s a though choice, it’s a good thing for the game !

Tracker seems like a Siphon enabler. Too bad you can’t use it the same turn you install it.

You can’t play events with Tracker. It’s “Click, 2 cr: make a run”.

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btw, I did the translations on reddit, and I don’t speak French. :stuck_out_tongue: So, feel free to correct if there’s mistakes. It was just google translate and common sense, and a bit of help from the slack chat.

Pics of the cards here: http://imgur.com/a/bAEUU

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Oh right, duh. >.<

On SIFR, it’s “reduce by 1” in french, you translated it right.

I think there is less than 4-5 cards with a translation problem between english and french, so we can fairly assume it’s “by 1” in the us version too.

k, the only problem I see on Sifr french version is the translator who did not get the “Cypher” in “can i haz cheeseburger” language reference.

Gosh, inf 1, I did not noticed this !

I’m surprised everyone on here is so blasé about Sifr. It enables parasites and cutlery in a pretty wild way and it’s “disadvantsge” can comfortably be played around as long as you’re not doing it more than once per turn.

It is also a card that essentially says “don’t play high-strength ice”. Who puts Sherlock 2.0 or DNA tracker with this power available


nothing like a bit of nerd rage to start off the new year.
like everything else, it will pass.


I think the real problem here is that ICE has been pounded into the dirt. Is this card OP? Probably not, but only because there’s already an endless supply of ways to invalidate ICE. I do think it’s strong (potentially very strong), but it’s just another tool that does the same thing; a further push for players to keep building bullshit asset corp decks.

As an extension of that problem, I don’t think there’s any going back from where we are. ICE is going to be gimped for a very long time in Netrunner’s future, given the recent card pool. Corps are going to need more cards that significantly boost the effectiveness of ICE, without boosting the effectiveness of asset spam suites tremendously. An interesting problem…


Sifr hype seems unwarranted. Ice destruction is limited by finding the destruction cards fast enough, not by the str being too high. Dumblefork proved that a long time ago.


This can bring parasite back. As a replacement for datasucker this may not be as efficient, but it’s not vulnerable to cvs or other purges

Setting aside the discussion of Parasite + Sifr, Sifr seems just too generally good to me.

Take any deck that doesn’t use the console directly for its win-con (e.g. not Nexus Kate/Andy, not siphon spam + obelus + anarch, etc). Replace the console with Sifr and think about what it opens up for your deck.

The econ savings and ability to swap out imported breakers for in-faction choices, buff to reg-ass anarch, etc just seems too globally useful. Shapers can run with Atman (0) and/or Inti, and might as well spend influence on importing parasite while they’re at it. Criminal cloud breakers work really well against strength 0 ice. Mimic/Yog need less support (and icing centrals + purging is no longer the reset to sucker based builds that it used to be).

The fact that Sifr can only be used once per turn is good, but I don’t think that limitation is going to be enough to prevent it from becoming really ubiquitous.


I don’t think SIFR’s the problem. It costs a lot of money for Anarchs, and doesn’t make the ice free (unlike Nexus + Rabbits/Power Taps), just cheaper. The problem is Anarchs being able to afford to drop fat stacks of money on an economy card like this, which means the real problem, again, is Temujin Contract.

Frankly, if SIFR makes Katman a thing again, I call that a plus.

The real power card is Aaron Marron, which takes a sledgehammer to Breaking News combos (assuming you can use him even if you have no tags). That card makes me feel more comfortable with losing NACH.

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I don’t know. That card is good, but good enough to be ubiquitous? I doubt it. From the current good runner builds, I basically only see it fitting in Anarch builds (and not even all of them):

Temüjin Whizz for sure, here it’s a nice include.
Dumbefork? I can see it doing work good here.
Val? Could work, mainly as Parasite support. Although the Obelus draw is really sweet in a 50 card deck …
Hate Bear? Nope, needs Obelus.
Minh Maxx? Nope.

Other then that … Andy will probably still run Desperado (or Nexus). Desperado saves you money against ICE and asset spam, Sifr only against ICE. Ghost still wants Forger. Leela is better off with Desperado as well, I think.
For Shapers, Nexus Kate has Nexus, Congress Kate is better off with Toolbox. Smoke has better options (Astrolabe, Mirror, Gauntlet). Dyper has no use for it. For Hayley I’d still prefer Astrolabe - you need the draw.

Of course good cards can inspire new archetypes (or bring old ones back), I get that. But right now it seems like a solid Anarch console with good synergy with fixed breakers and Parasites …


I agree that Aaron Marron seems like the biggest card for the runner in this pack.Of course it’s just tag tech, so won’t always be the best card to have, but it’s really good at what it does. Breaking news plays are the most devastating thing NBN can do atm, allowing them to wipe credit pools, boards, swing agenda points or even kill the runner - this takes all of that away, and makes HHN pretty poor as well once he’s got a few counters. Crims can tech against NBN with fewer card slots, and still get some use out of him in other matchups, say with Siphon or John Masanori.

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I think this describes more of a past problem, and maybe a future one as well once Whizzard disappears.

Based on the competitive room of Jinteki, I feel like ice is in a pretty good place? Following spags ETF list, I’m running into a ton of HB that is capable of building some really taxing servers; I’ve also been playing a list with NEXT ice and Surat City Grid to great success. The new friends in high places is often being used to recur destroyed ice rather than spamming the board with assets. Palana has recently seen play with a grail/archer list, using clone retirement to duck blackmail - I don’t know if you’ve seen that list on netrunnerdb but the ice is absolutely brutal. Even some CTM lists are playing some respectable ice.

We’ve seen alot of nasty codegates recently, and against alot of corps I don’t feel safe facechecking until I’ve got a decoder and killer out. From the looks of it we have more good ice in the pipeline. Really ice doesn’t seen nearly as weak as it was 6 months ago, maybe some local metas are different.

Thinking about SIFR itself, it seems clearly competitive, but I’m not sure it’ll be overpowered. It’s expensive to install, and doesn’t address the anarch problem of being gearchecked in the early to mid-game, It also competes with some decent existing consoles. I don’t think the sky is falling just yet.