Flip identities, mini-factions, 6-per-deck, alliances; (at what point) has A:NR "jumped the shark"?

I don’t think this is the case. Alliance cards will encourage players to branch out into a specific chosen faction for their influence to get a reward rather than simply taking all the best cards. This encourages more variety in deckbuilding and adds to the in-game experience by revealing information (eg, if you see an alliance card, you know where most of their influence is spent, but not exactly). I’m looking forward to how this opens things up and encourages people to play cards they normally wouldn’t consider to meet Alliance requirements.


Netrunner first has to jump a quanju pt over 14 Eli 1.0s in the HB HQ parking lot, explode in fiery crash and then reveal on reality 3d that it wasn’t netrunner on the cycle but its sacrificial clone…then netrunner can jump the shark.


For reference:
“Jumping the shark is an idiom popularized by Jon Hein that was used to describe the moment in the evolution of a television
show when it begins a decline in quality, signaled by a particular scene, episode, or aspect of a show in which the writers use some type of gimmick in an attempt to keep viewers’ interest, which is taken as a sign of desperation, and is seen by viewers to be the point at which the show strayed irretrievably from its original formula. The phrase is based on a scene from a fifth-season episode of the sitcom Happy Days when the character Fonzie jumps over a shark while on water-skis.” (Wikipedia)

I don’t think FFG has come anywhere close to “Jumping the Shark” i.e., straying so far from the original formula with a gimmick that turns the game on it’s head. I mean if you want to talk about Magic, it has gone through hundreds of mechanics and none of them have been close to a Fonz waterskiing over a shark.

Netrunner would first have to be losing fanbase rapidly, and then come up with something so ridiculous and gimmicky in a desperate effort to retain interest. Flip IDs and 6 ofs in deck don’t meet that criteria.


Just in case you wondered what the fonz water skiing looks like.


Isn’t having a good metagame a prerequisite for fun elsewhere? It’s wrong to suggest that it’s unimportant as the game would not be fun to me or I’d say a lot of people if the competitive meta was easily solvable with obvious best Corp and Runner.

You don’t need to choose between fun and having a good metagame as the game is more fun with a healthier metagame. An uninteresting metagame isn’t good for any type of player.

I think it’s wrong to say that the team doesn’t care about a balanced metagame, that has been the case in the past and I don’t think it’ll change any time soon. The evidence for this is there, and concern for the metagame is why Criminal haven’t had almost any playables printed since Genesis.

It would be bad for everyone if FFG stopped caring about the metagame.

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Oh I remember this, I forgot that expression came from here :slight_smile:

I neither disagree with any of your points nor do any of them contradict anything in my post you replied to. If you read carefully you’ll notice I used the word ‘prioritization’ which involves a hierarchy of concerns, not an exclusion of certain concerns.

I don’t worry about new mechanics at all,the only way netrunner would “jumped the shark” is when the balance is broken.Did new mechanics break the balance?Certainly not.
Is the mechanics interesting?I don’t know,maybe we should play with those new toys first then we can judge.
So my point is this:

When will Kola Ghoda be released?

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Well, I think we have an answer to this question now.


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