From good to great

Monthly: Custom Biotics Haas to be good now!
Monthly+1 day: Oh god, why?

Proof, from this morning:


As someone who played Custom Biotics as my tournament deck for months, and actually won some GNK stuff with it, the lack of faith is disturbing.

Honestly the main thing that made me stop was David, because it was an OAI/BER build. Super fun, just a little rough on agenda variance. (3x1 3x5)

But the deck was solid tier 1.5 at least! When it locked you out, you were OUT.

BER? 10char

Basics were

3x OAI
3x BER (bioroid effeciency research)
3x Heimdall 2
Wotan, the ice
3x Curtain Wall
Archers, Jackson, Marked Accounts, Ash

Profiteering and Veterans Program, Prio Req and the Project Wotan

Grndl Refinery, Agg Sec, Hedge Fund, and Rip the Profiteering for 2 BP every time. Next suite, or just Eli/Quandry/Rainbow/Roto

It ws a lot of fun. Google ‘Netrunner Fortress America’ and you will probably see a writeup i did for it.


last post, way off topic; Want to try deck with subboost; might solve d4v1d issues, as well eli with 3 subs is stupid.

And that cut to 32.

It will sound strange coming from me but I think a great player should never disrespect his opponent and his deck. It can be easy to mock people making strange moves and play some janks but sometime, those jank and weird plays will be thing you will never see coming and it can throw you off and even make you tilt.
What I learned last year when I was playing Supermodernism again and again to prepare myself for the regional season is that even really good players can sometime underestimate a given matchup because it should be an easy one for them. Recognize the potential threat of every deck you face and think about what solution your own deck can have against it.
It helps, a lot.


possible! sub boost BER’d Heimdall 2 is the tits.

and i agree, last post on the matter :3 message me on octgn sometime and i can throw the band back together and show you the fury that is custom biotics.

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100% agreed. That’s why I recommend against drinking in splitsville. You can’t be smashed against the guys with replicator in their decks, because you need to remember what the other half of the cards do.


I know you’re serious, but your topic reminded me of this great Matt and Kim song. Listen to it on your rise from good to great.

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Everytime I sit down across from custom I say “so what do you plan on doing with all the tags you’re going to try to give me?” Usually my opponent is like “how you no?”

Psycho Ares?

Psycho vitruvious to make me mad with whatever you’re going to do ad nauseum?

Shoot the moon with big ice?

tag and bag?

Its probably tagging stuff though.


power shutdown, grail, jackson, and 2 archers. You heard it here first folks


in addition to aggsec? you make me sick sir.

you’re forgetting archived memories.

This is why no one likes Custom. You are spending your influence on nonsense people! :stuck_out_tongue: <3

I’m sorry; Totally off the rails, I know.

How Do I Great, Again?

It was round 2, didn’t you have a bye? I had to get bloody with the fools in round 1 and hard earn that sweep.

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step 1: git gud

step 2: don’t lose

It’s kinda difficult to give blanket advice, unless the player is new, the best I can give is that you should be super critical of your own play.


Our league encourages bringing new IDs each week by awarding a bonus point (equivalent to an extra game win) for each new ID. I typically bring one new ID each week, so in the current league I’ve played Kate alongside Bootcamp Glacier, NEH Grailstrobiotics, and RP. Each Kate deck has been different as well (roughly: Calimsha, Comet, and Spags). Before O&C, I played EtF glacier for quite a while (including at Worlds), and took Stealth Andy for a spin. At SCs this year so far I’ve played Kate, Blue Sun, RegMaxX, and RP.

That said, I’ve taken a cursory look at player loyalty in the 400k OCTGN dataset, and I found no correlation between playing the same ID through a rating period (either a week or a month) and change in rating. I do still need to investigate sustained loyalty across multiple months, but the initial results make me think that it doesn’t particularly matter if you play only one deck or many different decks as long as you play some minimum amount.

(I say “some minimum amount” because I also found no correlation between number of games played during a rating period and change in rating, but again, that’s with short windows to optimize the rating algorithm. I’m still confident that playing a lot over a sustained duration makes you better!)

Maybe the thing to do is show up, submit my lists, sit down, and play some Hearthstone.


welcome to my life, I tend to complain to anyone who will listen that I am tense as hell until the first round of games is over. After that it’s generally smooth sailing, but I’ve been very fortunate in my first round results thus far so maybe the day I go 0-2 in round 1 I continue to feel the pressure. Probably not