Full Text Spoiler for First Contact

Cutting eli’s tax in half is HUGE. Every corp deck plays 3 of that card these days.

I think in principle they can, if they don’t do much else… My worry isn’t so much the long game, it’s the short-term problem of getting them all out while still doing enough other things to be useful. If there was some kind of click efficiency card like “install X connections from your grip” or something that could spam loads at once then it might have legs. There are enough economy and utility connections to make it viable - being able to play Calling in Favors for 10+ is huge, but getting to that stage is currently pretty tedious.

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Personally looking forward to tweaking the Stirling Cooper Draper Price deck to fit The Supplier(s) and one Rachel Beckman. Beckman is tutorable in faction with Hostage anyway, and Iain has plenty of time to set up. Then once he is, he will have 5 clicks with Keyhole per turn. In my mind, it seems really fun and potentially strong.

Rachel Beckman is trashed when the corp scores Breaking News. No need for any tricks, just IAA-score, safe and cheap. IMO this alone will make her unplayable in top competitive level decks.


Not if youre running New Angeles City Hall and/or multiple Decoys haha

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I think Quetzal has the potential to actually be one of the best Anarch IDs we’ve seen so far. A single installation of E3 Implants and you cannot be taxed by ANY large barrier at all until they install more than one. Oddly enough, I think the first thing I want to do with Quetzal is try out the full fixed breaker suite of Morningstar\Yog\Mimic + E3. With Quetzal’s ability plus Morningstar and E3, I will never have to Parasite\Datasucker a single barrier, which means (in theory), that I should have more Parasites\Sucker tokens free to help out Yog and Mimic.

The only issue I see with this setup is Lotus Field, but for that I’m thinking about trying Personal Touches. A permanent strength boost on a fixed breaker seems good, plus I only need to see one copy to make Lotus yog-able. Long story short, I think Quetzal could have the ability to shake up the meta some, which is fantastic.

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Dude. Relaaaax. There’s fun stuff in here. Have fun!

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Anarch has for me always had problems with consistency of access to icebreakers. We’ve tried to fix the problem with card-draw, tutoring, whatever we could think of to get more consistency into their play, but it’s always been tough, and somewhat slow.

Quetzal’s ability mitigates that weakness in a big way, and affords us the opportunity to start running quickly with good access, which in turn gives us the opportunity to set up for mid-late game more consistently than the other anarch’s, who tend to suffer in the early game, and therefore either struggle or not even make it to the late game.

Hope that makes more sense now. I agree completely that it’s not really possible to play this game without running a lot, and the best time in the game for runner’s to score is early on.

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Decoy = connection and guards against SEA-Scorch. This seems like an obvious direction for the connection deck and probably means you save card slots by not taking several Plascretes (if you still are).

Which is true. But as you said earlier, the problem with Rachel Beckmen is the early-game, and relying on getting two Decoys out to protect against Making News is (yet another) break on the runner getting everything set up. Not to mention that you’re then two Decoys down and potentially still have to negotiate Scorch (depending on the build of NBN you’re up against).

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Yeah absolutely, it’s not there yet for sure.

In case you haven’t seen yet


Ooooh. I had not. 0 Link is 0 surprise, but it’s nice to know her subtitle and see the art and quote for her.

Still not certain how best to make use of her ability, but I have faith someone will crack it sooner or later, certainly lots of ideas floating around.

Unless you’re running the Clone Chip Andy, then you are already in that position, so Chronos Project doesn’t change things much for Andy

With respect to BOX-E:
It seems like maybe they are trying to support a Savoir-Faire deck. It gives you an extra MU for the Savoir-Faire and also gives you more room in your hand to store surprises for the SF insta-install. Note that BOX-E could be used with the Professor! And finally, increasing the handsize can also be thought of as brain-damage protection, something we don’t have a lot of.

Order of Sol with a Ghost Runner will allow Nasir to steal those pesky NAPD’s!

I’m excited to see what her console is like

Honestly, Savoir-Faire was yet another cool idea that FFG overcosted and made unplayable. I don’t think 2c is worth the surprise factor. I don’t even know if it would be playable unless it was free.


Huh, neat idea. I’d be willing to try 3x Omnidrive (to support that Savoir-Faire idea you had, Djinn too), the upcoming Trade-In card, and then you can run the 1x BOX-E and expect to be able to tutor for it.

Crisium Grid 4 lyf!

Some pretty strong corp stuff yet again: Chronos, Crisium, Manhunt, Eliza’s. Gonna have to test IQ, but it seems good. I :heart_eyes: strong code gates.

Stealth gear still makes me wish there were more sources of Stealth credits, and I’m definitely interested in seeing if Rachel wants to join the superfriends at Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price :).

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I’d really like to see a Stealth ID. My idea is something like this:

Criminal - Natural
0 Link - 45/1
Stealth cards do not count against your influence limit.
Avoid receiving the first tag you would receive each turn.
No need to hide when you can’t be found.

Too powerful? I don’t think so. We need (more) powerful runners.
Wrong thread? Oh well. :smile:

She might not have one. Not everyone does, and there might not be one this cycle (though with Shaper and Criminal both getting them, hopefully there will be, I guess, though there aren’t many unspoiled Anarch cards left).