(Disclaimer, this isn’t my event and I can’t make it due to work, but I figured I would help promote it a bit)
Howdy chummers!
Monster Comic Lounge has its Summer 2014 Tournament kit in, Mike confirmed this date would work for a tournament. If you’re looking to score some sweet alternate art cards (and, should you triumph, a playmat), or if you simply want to have a fun afternoon playing Netrunner with friends, come on down!
Day: Saturday July 26, 2014.
Time: 1200
Place: Monster Comic Lounge!
Format: Standard Tournament Rules (http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/android-netrunner/support/FAQ/Android-Netrunner%20Tournament%20Rules.pdf).
Cost: $5 per player
This is the brand new 2014 Summer Tournament Kit, with some very nifty items to be won:
a) a new playmat, showcasing Renia Roja!
b) Deck Boxes! One Anarch, one NBN. One for the champion, one for the runner up.
c) an very nifty Alternate Art Jinteki: Personal Evolution for the winner; and,
d) Participation Card: Aesop’s Pawn Shop.
(Pics, for the curious: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4762)
Hope to see you all there!