German Nationals 2016

Too many people have accessed this thread without liking it. I don’t know what replacement effect is happening, but I’m going to make sure Damon clarifies.

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No problem! I’m glad we figured it out.

I updated the FB page with that rule clarification. See you soon !


Nice writeup.
Hope to meet you again next year. :slight_smile:

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" oh, I don’t know how this interaction works. There’s no official ruling, but ANCUR says this. That’s not official though, so I should probably just make up a ruling on the spot "

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Hi there, i am Falko :slight_smile:
The judge in question and subject of discussion by the ANCUR Founder active in this thread and the thread starter evilgaz. From this point on i will follow the thread and answer every question, what happened before i read in a hurry.
To the core: I was aware of some card combination problems before the tournament and wanted an official answer by FFGOP via email for that and other stuff, like ANCUR. The answer came and said: rulings must only reference official FFG documents and no ruling can be based on ANCUR, Damon twitter or anything else.
This i brought to the EO of the german national and translator of the german FAQ and discussed the ruling with him. The final ruling i announced before the tournament was fully backed by the EO, Heidelberger Spieleverlag, and sanctioned.
IMHO ANCUR is great ressource and thank you very much for collecting and maintaining this portal.


I was particularly perturbed by the random beer breath check on Saturday. That’s definitely not in the rules. :wink:

Anything on ANCUR that isn’t sourced to a rules document is just another ruling made up on the spot. In the absence of an official ruling, you will get a “spot” ruling. Many different people will come up with many different spot rulings, this is completely natural and to be expected where there is nothing official.


Yo, let’s keep it civil. You may criticize someone’s actions all you want but personal attacks are never appropriate, least of all when they’re already trying to address criticism productively.


im not a native speaker. playing since the core set. without access to any additional rulings, id rule exactly the same as TO here. nothing to be ashamed of.

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Okay, i was a volunteer from wednesday to Monday morning on the event “german nationals”, did the the netrunner swiss rounds thursday, Netrunner Draft with my cube friday, Netrunner top cut saturday and another netrunnder draft sunday for no compensation than a split TO price (we were a judge (me) and TO for Netrunner) out of the Netrunner kit. I understand that some people take Netrunner very seriously, but this is a step to far imho.
The netrunner community has been firendly and welcoming, until the last months. Now it seems that some people take it to seriously.


I completely agree with your words, as i told you after the draft on sunday, im really thankful that you did that job.
And I know that even the stuff you got for it will be given out as price support for the Euregio.

But now you fed the troll…

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I think we either need a thread name change or a lock after this level of salt. Jesus.

Amusingly, all the vitriol seems to come from people who weren’t there and it didn’t effect!

But it would be better off everyone got back to talking about how awesome my blog is.


[quote=“jakodrako, post:9, topic:8039, full:true”]I made ANCUR for this exact purpose, and pretty much everyone is on board with that. For the German community to not be on board for some reason, is just irresponsible IMO. […] they’re just playing the game however they want.
This paragraph really bugs me. A TO makes a call you (and many at the event) don’t agree with and suddenly the whole german community is irresponsible and playing the game however they want?
Less hyperbole and emotion please.


Hi Falko!

Yourself and the EO of the National, and the German translator, came to a different ruling on the day than various places like ANCUR. Would you be willing to share where your reasoning departs from the argument set out on ANCUR? We can move this to the Offical Rules Thread, if you like, but I’d like to see where the disagreement emerged and if we can clarify why the rulings have diverged in different parts of the world.

To clarify, I’m interested in this because I think it’s better if everyone in the world plays to the same ruleset. If there’s a very convincing argument one way or the other, I think we can accomplish that even without an official ruling. If there’s a convincing argument that is wrong, it would be good to have a strong answer to that on ANCUR to hopefully prevent future divergences.


Your blog is awesome. :wink:


I also think that would be better, as should every player with a sane mind.

But i hope you can also agree that this ruleset should be made by FFG as the publisher of the game, and by FFGOP as the part of FFG that is responsible for organized play.

What has to be avoided by any means is that any third party creates solutions for cases that are not defined by the official rules, and tries to make those solutions obligatory.

Of course we cannot and should not make them obligatory. But with some discussion, I would hope the solutions that aren’t provided by official sources can be made obviously correct, which is a far happier situation. That didn’t happen here. I would like to know why.

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There is two different interpretations about the Salsette / CTM situation.

Since there is no official rule about it, one Interpretation tries to do find a solution a logical base:

Salsette says: One time, …remove when playing the trash cost. Obviously its not a trash, so CTM should activate on the first real trash.

The other interpretation uses other rulings and a state of game that is not part of the rules, but makes sense to them:
The trash cost are paid, so at that time, both effects trigger, and salsette gets priority, so CTM should not trigger again.

The thing is, neither of those is right, cause the text on Salsette is misleading and there is no official rule in the FAQ or anywhere else.

So both are perfectly fine and as long as there is no official ruling, judges have to pick one. So they ofc pick the One they agree.
No discussion will help here, just an official ruling.