Getting back into Netrunner

Time, primarily.

In time for Thrones 2.0? That game has got me hot. I never played 1.0 but Iā€™m a Thrones boy so this is quite exciting.

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specifically for me, a lack of it for symmetrical games. Honestly, I play so many games these days that ppl are crazy about and Iā€™m like ā€œthis would be better if it were more like netrunner.ā€

Iā€™m constantly surprised by the meta right now. There isnā€™t even close to a best runner, and corps have an incredibly wide game as well with 3 factions having viable glacier archetypes, and 2 each of solid rush and kill archetypes, with plenty of hybridization going on.


Me during magic draft: wish I could just click for a cardā€¦ so slowā€¦ so boringā€¦


Metas in a good place right now. Corps have a big rep from each faction and while harder to do than Runner - a good player can bring almost any ID and place. Lots of skill and thought in the forefront. RP ran rampant for a couple months and now everyoneā€™s teching against it, and RP has the ability to tech the tech or change ID.

This cycle is a great time to play. So was the last half of lunar.

Has Warhammer broke past its own problems of not drawing good cards in the top 15 you lose, Cato vs Cato for all eternity, and Space Marines or a Doom faction or go home? I mean it in a nice way, just summarizing from our local cynic a couple months ago.


This is all a problem. Whenever this happens, I always say, ā€œIā€™d rather be runninā€™ netsā€.


ā€œDear FFG, pls make Netrunner bad so that your other games are playableā€


Well, one could say that maybe they are trying.


I expect to see either some shitty card/pack releases or a stale Netrunner meta when Agot 2.0 hits the stores.

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Iā€™m not sure wrecking your flagship card game to help a new one (even if itā€™s a reboot) is something FFG would even contemplate.


Of course they (intentionally) wonā€™t. Unintentionally, letā€™s hope not. Just goofinā€™.


Well, Gencon is all about AGOT 2.0, which is cool. Also, they really want to push that Star Wars thing (Armada, Xwing, LCG, Assault, etc.), as they should.

ANR was an unintended success they werenā€™t prepared for. FFG was used to 40 person AGOT Worlds, not 240 people for ANR. Theyā€™re still playing catchup/cap-it.


They had 120 person AGOT worlds before Netrunner got big. :stuck_out_tongue:

AGOTā€™s real success has been in europe. Weā€™ve had 240ish people at AGOT European Championships twice now.

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Any business worth a damn will see that as an opportunity, not a problem. It just takes time.


Loving Netrunner and Conquest both. Wish I had time to play them as much as Iā€™d like toā€¦(I know, I know, who doesnā€™t)

I moved 16 posts to a new topic: Warhammer 40k Conquest

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Or donā€™t argue it at all because itā€™s a thread about getting back into Netrunner, not how the games compare to one another :stuck_out_tongue:

IMO anyone that stopped playing Netrunner from H&P through the Lunar Cycle should find that the meta has stabilized to a preferable spot since O&C was released.

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Please donā€™t

I put Val, Andy, Noise, and Maxx well above Leela and Reina. Leela has no hope vs RP, which is the most popular deck, so until people start playing something else, you can expect to have no hope in about 25-40% of your games. Anarchs are certainly in an interesting spot; obviously I like Maxx but Val Whizzard and Noise all have shown a lot of promise recently as well.

I think that while EtF is good, itā€™s noticably worse than Butchershop and RP. I would probably put Butchershop and RP at T1 for corps, and BS Glacier, EtF, and Astrobiotics at 1.5, but I think for corps the power levels are a lot closer and subject to metagame considerations.

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Question, where are the other shapers put into?
I always thought Stealth Kit, or Kit in general, was a contender for tier 1.5