Is there a bye for worlds, are non Greek nats eligible to win this?
To the best of my knowledge there is a bye for worlds, at least that’s what FFG has communicated to us, although there seems to be some controversy on the subject on a european level, and ofc anyone bold enough to win the final is eligible to take it home and hug it smile emoticon
What time is the event likely to start/finish.
Registration opens at 9:30, first round at 10:30, six round swiss followed by top 8 double elim (most likely until late sunday night) - Will there be Ouzo?
There will be ouzo and other crazy going ons since we are also hosting the final L5R european championship on the same weekend (at the same place). For any other questions feel free to contact me.
I am pretty sure non-greek speakers are welcome. At least I am
Also, as far as I know, the Greeks play with English cards.
No idea about times, but I am fairly certain, Ouzo will be a thing.
I will likely be there from Friday evening to Tuesday. Maybe there’s the
possibility for some pre- and post-hanging out?
Hello, anyone is welcome smile emoticon To the best of my knowledge there is a bye for worlds, at least that’s what FFG has communicated to us, although there seems to be some controversy on the subject on a european level, and ofc anyone bold enough to win the final is eligible to take it home and hug it smile emoticon
Registration opens at 9:30, first round at 10:30, six round swiss followed by top 8 double elim (most likely until late sunday night)
There will be ouzo and other crazy going ons since we are also hosting the final L5R european championship on the same weekend (at the same place). For any other questions feel free to contact me.
For venue info, please look at the bottom of this page:
Damnit, I’m already booked into an RPGcon that weekend or I’d be getting my act together. Surely Constantine has more details, even though he lives in Holland. I can’t remember anyone’s handle on forums, so someone will have to tag him in. Keficil or something?
I will be there from Friday so I’m up from some pre-nats training @Marsellus !
Depends on what the guy I will be staying with is up to as well.
Regarding the Worlds Bye, we had an official response from FFG Organized Play and it was:
"All National Champions have a spot and bye reserved for them at the 2015 World Championships. Our international partners (your distributors) should be getting in contact with them shortly. Champions will still need to pay for the event and provide their own flight unless they won in one of the countries outlined in our World Championship announcement back in May: "
Also before that:
“Bye cards were not included in National Championship kits, as we ask our partners located in each country to report their Champion to us. If you have any concerns about the winner not receiving his or her bye, please have them contact us directly ( along with our partner, and then we can follow up with our partner.”
The more you know. has us way more organized and ready than ever before, so don’t hesitate asking us to forward a question to Fantasy Flight Games when needed (won’t be right away, but we will collection questions and get in contact with them when needed.)
Guys, I am also in for tourist stuff (and Ouzo). I will return back from my semester abroad in Izmir, Turkey, and will stop in Athens for Nationals. I will arrive on either Friday or Saturday, my flight back will be on Tuesday. So I am up for some awesome stuff!