GRNDL Supermodernism

I am playing a Titan Supermodernism (Core: look at the 1441 - Titan Hyper Fast Advance thread) that is quite successful. I believe that it makes a lot more sense to play Supermodernism in Titan because of the speed you gain through Atlas tokens. Not only is it THE single best Corp tutor out there, but it also translates to a click. And the extra influence goes into fast advance tools (Biotic, SanSan) as well as for example Sweeps Week. No Snare!. The deck threatens so many things. First of all, it reliably wins in less than 10 turns. Yes, reliably, you read correct. Of the games I win, 70-80 percent are in less than 10 turns. Overall win rate well above 60% (my number of plays with that should be more than 500 by now…). And the deck gained an incredibly awesome new card: Public Support. Lose-lose for the runner. Either I get the point (and more importantly: Archer fodder), or they bankrupt themselves getting the breaker(s), getting into the remote and trashing the Public Support, which allows Sea Source Scorch kills (which is ridiculously easy if you have Atlas tokens…). At the same time, they have to respect your fast advance threats. And then you are the most annoying Corp ever and Interns all the stuff back that they just trash. Don’t give the runner room to breathe. Keep them busy, keep them poor. Yes, keeping runners poor is very well possible in the early game. Because that is the boardstate in which you want to keep the game. Particularly as Weyland you have awesome access to cheap gearchecking ICE and also archers, which can reset the runners boardstate again. You play nice and efficient operation economy and always threat the Scorched Earth. Dayum.


I’ve looked at Titan versions of the archetype, but builds like 1441 always put me off because I feel like if the runner steals a Project Atlas at any point then you can never win. The extra click you gain on that atlas is strong, but GRNDL also gains you clicks by giving you 5 extra credits at the start without needing to play (and potentially click to draw) an operation.
In my opinion Public Support seems terrible in that deck because you barely have any ICE, and you definitely don’t want to clog up your scoring remote for 3 turns just for 1 point. I haven’t been tracking how many turns I normally take to win with this deck but I’m fairly sure it’s in the same region as you have with Titan.


I think your being a bit short sighted here. The fact that you can’t see how it wins shouldn’t trump the fact that it clearly has the capacity to, and against good runners. Raveladvice won with this list at a ANRPC event that had Cerberus, mendax, evilgaz, Vapo, MasterAir and a lot of other really good UK players at it. He’s well known for piloting decks like this at major UK tournaments and placing well.


Just a note on Public Support: Just from my experience I completely disagree with your thoughts.

First: The 1441 primarily wants to fast advance. You do not need a scoring remote usually, so Public Support does not block anything (even though it should be protected by an ICE).
Second, and more importantly, I feel it creates a very powerful swing. Either you convert 2 creds and a click into an agenda point, or the runner needs to spend at least a click and four credits plus what he needs to spend to get into that remote, but not get any advantage out of it. Remember the meta we are talking about: 2/3 Kate+Noise. Guess how much and how easily Noise can afford to repeatedly go through an Archer just to bankrupt himself trashing Public Support.
While Kate has Sharpshooter, Clone Chips are limited and therefore this calls for a high strength Atman which is a huge upfront cost and often enables Scorch kills. Remember: You got the Atlas tokens to tutor your kill pieces.

I just feel that Public Support enables either of two great things: It gives you points and takes you to matchpoint earlier, which is huge, or it keeps the runner stuck in the midgame because they have less time and resources to build a sustainable boardstate and therefore you are able to profit from that.

One last word: 1441 can still win well enough, if runners steal Atlas. It is when they steal both Atlas and Hostile that you need to put some more effort into it, but thats exactly where Public Support comes in handy. Also you are able to fast advance Oaktown. ANd there is Scorch. While of course more difficult, winning despite stolen Atlases is far from impossible…

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I actually found it to have a pretty decent PPVP Kate matchup, FWIW.

I didn’t even have to do anything all that intelligent. Just don’t ice centrals, build a 3-deep remote, and dump agendas in there as fast as you can Atlas them or Fast Track them, occasionally pausing to Power Shutdown a Datasucker or a Clone Chip or something, and maybe IAA’ing Hostile Takeover or something as a bluff.

Atman is split between wanting to be at 6 (for Archer), or 4 (for Changeling), Grim is lurking at 5, and there’s only so much recursion of Sharpshooter, Datasucker, Parasite, and Lady that can be happening.

The only time it really goes belly-up is if she starts the game with Indexing; otherwise, she’s kind of toothless on centrals and you go on about your merry way more or less ignoring them.

I had a lot more trouble with the Anarch matchup, because a) Anarch central pressure is the real deal and b) this is especially true when Snare! into IHW accelerates them into finding their Atman or whatever they needed to break my 3-deep remote instead of hurting their tempo.


Dis gon be gud.

FWIW, he hit all 3 :blush:


Ugh. @SneakySly, can we please get this moved to the the appropriate thread?

:wink: Seriously, so gross.

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Long dead thread.

I got on trail of this deck because @TheBigBoy made his Weyland teaching deck a version of this one.

Very rich runners and Faust make rush hard. I figured that out when I was playing a rush NEXT deck for a while. I could often get to 5-6 points but rarely get to 7. The Snares help slow the runner down, I’ve found, but rezzing Archers slows the Corp down quite a bit, too.

I know the general sense is that this is not a top deck, but I still am interested in tweaks based on current card pool.

I find the Anonymous Tip is not often a hugely impactful card. I wonder about some other options for that slot. Some thoughts:

Targeting Marketing - Currents are not a big problem for this deck since it is immune to Employee Strike and Rumor Mill. But could a Targeting Marketing slow down a runner from building his rig?

Prememptive Actin - Snare recursion to keep the R&D and HQ spiky? With extra influence maybe upgrade Lotus Field to Tollbooth or Little Engine?

Any other ideas?

For reference, here is the list I am using as a starting point (with TarMar in for Anonymous Tip at the moment):


GRNDL: Power Unleashed (Fear and Loathing)

Agenda (11)

Asset (3)

  • 3x Snare! (Core Set) ●●●●● ●

Operation (19)

Barrier (6)

Code Gate (5)

Sentry (4)

Other (1)

10 influence spent (max 10, available 0)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Chrome City

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

I suspect that switching from NEXT rush to GRNDL rush isn’t going to change much about the fact that runner’s currently have more money, more meat damage protection and better ai breakers than they’ve ever had which makes rush/weyland kill tougher than it’s ever been. That said, one thing that would potentially help in your list is consulting visit, you’ve only got a single SEA in the whole deck and 0 card draw so unless you manage to overscore an atlas you’re going to have to hope you draw into it pretty fast to have any real scorch threat.

By the same token I’d be inclined to run midseasons over SEA just because if you’re forced to convis for your tagging you only have 1 click left to land the kill and with scorch that is often impossible, midseasons allows you to tag then kill the turn after and opens up boom and traffic accident as possibilities.

I have been playing this modification of the @TheBigBoy teaching deck.

adv weyland learner

GRNDL: Power Unleashed (Fear and Loathing)

Agenda (11)
1x Geothermal Fracking (Opening Moves)
1x High-Risk Investment (Order and Chaos)
3x Hostile Takeover (Core Set)
3x Oaktown Renovation (Chrome City)
3x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)

Asset (3)
3x Snare! (Core Set) [color=#DC143C]●●●●● ●[/color]

Operation (17)
2x Best Defense i[/i]
3x Fast Track (Honor and Profit)
1x Hard-Hitting News (23 Seconds) [color=#FF8C00]●●[/color]
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
2x Oversight AI (A Study in Static)
3x Restructure (Second Thoughts)
3x Scorched Earth (Core Set)

Barrier (6)
1x Bulwark i[/i]
2x Ice Wall (Core Set)
3x Spiderweb (The Underway)

Code Gate (6)
3x Enigma (Core Set)
1x Little Engine (Chrome City) [color=#FF8C00]●●[/color]
2x Mausolus (Martial Law)

Sentry (6)
3x Archer (Core Set)
3x Sapper (Martial Law)
10 influence spent (max 10, available 0)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Martial Law

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

How does it play? It looks very different than the original. That one was a rush deck. This looks like something different to me.

That still looks fairly rushy to me (lots of low cost ETR ICE, 3x Fast Track, 11 agendas) but with some more midgame resilience in the form of some slightly better ICE (Bulwark, Mausolus, Little Engine) as well as additional R&D access punishment (Sappers). The slightly beefier ICE is made more rez-able through Oversite AI as well, so you can rezz something like a Little Engine, Bulwark, or Archer for just a credit in order to keep the runner out of somewhere for a turn when you need it. Seems like a fairly cool deck, I kinda like it.

Less overall money, though (no Beanstalk Royalties). I’d almost like -1 Best Defense -1 Fast Track -1 Sapper, +1 Consulting Visit, +2 Preemptive Strike. The Preemptives could be used to recycle money, Snare!s, and OAIs, and enables chucking the occasional agenda in the bin. Consulting allows access to any good operation, and I don’t think 3x Sapper is needed (same with 2x Best Defense, especially since you can now tutor one with Consulting).

You are basically playing it the same as the original list generally trying to score on turn 1 or 2, than moving into a remote of two ice that has an outer sentry.

As far as ice placement goes you want to keep the mausolus on centrals as a tax, as you won’t have the time to advance them. The sappers you generally want in R&D at start of game to slowdown runners that run with a partial rig, once they are in hand they become valuable as mongoose tax infront of archers.

The current flex spots are the Bulwark ( it hasn’t been exceptional ) and the Best Defense ( helps slowdown shapers and tag me anarch ).

The idea with the HHN is to use it as pressure when trying to score an agenda when you have a money lead. Do they risk the scorches / best defense or allow the score to happen.

Yes the reduction in money can be a problem and does require you to be more credit aware.

I like your suggested changes as they solve some of the decks consistency issues, will still providing more gas. I have always wanted to slot Preemptive Action but never settled on what to drop, and your suggestion sounds perfect.

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Man. Trust your R&D is tough when Omar drops a Medium on turn one and goes digging for 4 points.

Its the bane of playing supermodernism, when the cards flow right you are all but unbeatable. When R&D thinks you could use a smoke, and proceeds to hand out your agendas like party favors… well that happens too.

My version, very different as I have cut snares, I find sapper does the trick. I never pass turn one with less than 15 credits, keeps Mid-seasons on track unless they have Temujin and Dirty Laundry in their opening hand (basically just Andy). Been playing iterations on this deck since making day two of worlds with it.

GRNDL: Power Unleashed (Fear and Loathing)

Agenda (12)
3x Hostile Takeover (Core Set)
3x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
2x Geothermal Fracking (Opening Moves)
1x Chronos Project (First Contact)
3x Oaktown Renovation (Chrome City)

Upgrade (2)
2x Crisium Grid (First Contact)

Operation (21)
3x Consulting Visit (The Liberated Mind)
1x Ark Lockdown (Escalation) ••
2x BOOM! (Escalation)
1x Best Defense (Intervention)
2x Preemptive Action (Intervention)
1x Biotic Labor (Core Set) ••••
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
2x Oversight AI (A Study in Static)
1x Midseason Replacements (Future Proof) ••••
3x Restructure (Second Thoughts)
1x Fast Track (Honor and Profit)
1x Snatch and Grab (All That Remains)

Barrier (7)
1x Bailiff (Democracy and Dogma)
2x Bulwark (Intervention)
2x Ice Wall (Core Set)
2x Changeling (Up and Over)

Code Gate (5)
2x Mausolus (Martial Law)
2x Enigma (Core Set)
1x Wormhole (Order and Chaos)

Sentry (2)
2x Sapper (Martial Law)

10 influence spent (maximum 10)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Martial Law

I agree the Snares are not central to the deck idea and often do nothing for you. In my last five games with the deck, I had zero times a Snare was triggered. So, I’ve adjusted my deck, added in some different tech cards, and used the free influence to Sifr-proof the deck a bit more.


GRNDL: Power Unleashed (Fear and Loathing)

Agenda (11)

Operation (22)

Barrier (5)

Code Gate (5)

Sentry (5)

Other (1)

10 influence spent (max 10, available 0)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Fear the Masses

Going back to more classic Supermodernism. If Power Shutdown is your tech card, are there cards to trade those out for that make you more resilient to an early Faust and/or Blackmail spam?

Hunter Seeker when it comes out?

Drop the largely useless kill package for other tech?

Or does thinking about tech just lead to anti-rush thinking and lose you the game.

I actually liked GRNDL rush when I was playing it, even if I did not win a lot. Trying to figure out if there is a way to salvage it as a deck.

The thing that worked the best for me against Blackmail was slotting 2 Oversight AI and using them to rez an Archer on the remote (it didn’t work particularly well, but … you know). This was pre-En Passant, though. I imagine GRNDL rush folds like wet cardboard against En Passant / Siphon Val, because it’s always been pretty bad against Siphon and Blackmail individually, so the combination seems like a problem (Targeted Marketing tends to be decent tech against Siphon, but that Val is packing Rumor Mill and a ton of recursion, so no dice).

If you’re playing against Faust Anarchs, Snare! is also pretty bad, since they have I’ve Had Worse and, increasingly, Aaron. Pre-Aaron, I would’ve recommended Casting Call as a replacement for Snare!, since Dumble really isn’t that great at shaking a bunch of tags early. If they have Aaron, Casting Call sucks, so … who fuckin’ knows? You could rely on a combination of SEA Source, MCA Informant, and Casting Call, but that all seems kind of bad next to just playing Midseason.

Sapper is lousy against Faust but often pretty good against Blackmail. Swordsman is a decent slot against Faust.