HB:EtF variants in the SanSan Cycle

You still have access to all the high cost assets and Crisium isn’t too shabby of an include, if you can spare the influence.

I will admit that people should start playing with Geist more. His lategame is insane and you can’t leverage your economic advantage early game like in other matchups with HB.

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Siphon isn’t a huge issue; you have a lot of things to rez. I think every Criminal but Andy is a quite favorable matchup for HBFA. The problem is that Andy completely turns your tempo game on it’s head. The other Criminals you can turtle up and play glacierish and you’re fine.


Hello Dan,
I have two questions:

  1. What makes you say Ichi 1.0 is the best piece of ice? Just trying to understand here. I always thought Eli 1.0 was ) After all, Eli does EtR and Ichi does not. Sure Ichi can inflict pain on the runner, but good players do avoid it.
  2. If we like Eli and Ichi so much that we run 3x of each, why no love of Victor 1.0? After all, Yog is almost completely gone from the meta. Replacing Tollbooth and Pop-ups with Victors could open influence for a Caprice, or two Spiderwebs, for example. What do you think?

Ichi 1.0 is really good against Noise.

He almost always runs with programs installed and his economy relies on selling them to Aesop’s. He has no way to pressure centrals without relying on installed programs. He’s often on 3-click turns because of Wyldside, so at least one of the subroutines will fire. He’s zero-link, often runs poor, and his economy depends on crucial resources. Which means the trace-1 subroutine is actually important in the matchup. It’s also strength 4, so it doesn’t fold immediately to either Parasite or D4v1d, and it takes 4 cards to break with Faust.

It’s, like, aight against Prepaid Kate. Not great, but serviceable, and with Cyberdex Virus Suite you can force a Mimic / Datasucker rig to burn a tutor on a Sharpshooter.

Eli is pretty good against Noise (takes a long time to die to Parasite for a 3-rez), kind of bad against Kate (broken very efficiently by Lady), and good against Criminal (cheap to rez and taxes Corroder for a lot).

Viktor 1 is porous like Eli, but Yog blanks it (and Yog is not “completely gone from the meta”, all the non-Noise Anarchs and the occasional crim are still playing it) and it doesn’t stand up to Parasite as long. You don’t really want to include porous-but-taxing ice that might get blanked. You generally prefer Enigma due to its ability to actually keep someone out of a server for a turn before being invalidated by Yog or Parasite.

Dunno if that’s how Dan sees it…


Nailed it on all counts. It’s taxing vs everyone, a punishing facecheck regardless of whether they can click it, a potential blowout with CVS, and a double gearcheck on Mimic and Sucker against most runners. Eli is still great but is essentially trash tier against Kate, (you generally never want to rez one after the Dog comes out). Viktor is in competition with Enigma, Viper, IQ, and Turing, all of which are better because they either hard etr or are more taxing to break with common breakers.


Thank you very much for your answers guys. There is still a lot of subtle details about this game out there to learn for me )

Eli is fine vs kate in a server with other barriers

I run 2 WOS and 3 Eli for this exact purpose. Maybe thats just me.

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Taxing Lady out comes up every so often, but I would say 9/10 times it’s a waste of energy. Recurring Lady is pretty trivial with just one copy of Scavenge, and Kate doesn’t need to make a lot of runs on the same server. The only time I end up doing it, I find, is when they’ve discarded the Scavenge and Lady has an odd number of counters so adding more ICE can overtax recursion. Usually, the best option vs Kate is just to gear check, (1 barrier, 2 servers with code gates, a sentry with 4+ str) and then Tollbooth as hard as you can. The suite is just so good at breaking almost everything else.


How do you beat GFI/Sponsorship ETF with Kate?

I’ve found the opposite, that I can’t beat Kate with HB EtF. What lists are you facing?

By understanding when you have to trash stuff and when you need to let the corp get his money.
It’s a hard call.

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I have been testing this a lot and I must say I really like NAPD and Future is Now. Much less so GFI and Vitruvius.

Thus the following agenda suite:
3 Future is Now
1 Pet Project
2 Vitruvius

There aren’t many games where you’ll find yourself with 5 separate scoring windows in order to score 3 separate one-pointers. Surely against noise you’re having to use TFIN defensively right? If so dropping 2 for a Vitruvius to slot an Archived would seem better.

An agenda suite with DFPP and Future is Now only scores 1 for points, and maybe 1 more for the ability. You aren’t planning on scoring 3.

I still love HB 8 Agenda. I still love my GFI Rush deck with Red Herrings.

I have no idea what I am gonna play at the Worlds team thing. I need to re-read this thread for inspiration sometime.

Just dropping in to say hi in the meantime.




Even when using two one-pointer agendas, I hate getting both of them in hand because scoring both is relatively useless because I’d rather score a two-pointer over the agenda text (with 3/4 one-pointers, you essentially need to score three of them to bring you closer to winning, which is completely unreasonable I feel). I also don’t like dropping Chronos Project, it’s a fantastic agenda that can single-handedly win you games (even ones you have already lost).

That said, The Future is Now is awesome.

TFIN is disposable and the worst thing it can do is get you money via Adonis.
I find myself scoring TFIN most of the time into tempo pieces like ABT, TS, SSCG.

Had a few hilarious games lately where with a TS in play I was able to TFIN into ABT, install ABT in into scoring server via TS, score ABT next turn discovering an ICE and an agenda, then install that agenda from archives via TS the same turn, etc.

I’ve been playing an HB FA/Light Glacier hybrid lately and TFIN has felt very clutch. Being able to cascade scoring windows with TFIN and continuously advance board position with ABT+Team Sponsorship feels awesome. TFIN lets you be rushy which is important in this meta.

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Oh man that’s good. I completely forgot Team Sponsorship lets you install things from HQ as well. Will definitely try swapping Chronos Project for another TFIN.