How do we make Weyland good?

assuming kate only ever needs to make that one run, and doesn’t mind telegraphing 2 turns ahead, then yes, this is a way to beat this one piece of ICE. (I’m not being facetious here; sometimes you really need the runner to not get in this one time and patchitect might fall short there). the difference is, if this one run isn’t enough, and the runner want to come back in again and again, the ichi 1.0 is long since dead, as are other ice with the now-clone-chipped parasite, and the architect is still plugging along.

Not trying to argue for this deck as a whole - it’s definitely not there yet, thanks to the general weakness of Weyland’s card pool w/r/t upgrades and ICE, influence is spread very thin. I do think this combo has legs though; when I’m winning games with these lists, it’s because runners either have no good answer or are too hesitant to commit so many of their decks resources to beating it.

In Weyland, Oaktown is undeniably the best Rush agenda.

But in the game? That honor goes to Astroscript. No other Agenda is so easy to Rush out, and can put the game out of reach for the Runner.


Actually, Weyland DOES have an Upgrade that protects their scoring server: Off the Grid.
When you look at it, it’s very similar to how Ash works; the Runner has to make two runs to get into one server. The problem with this upgrade is that it doesn’t Double the cost to run, it just adds two different servers together.

Oh god, a Patchitect on HQ with Crisium Grid and Off the Grid sounds… Brutal.
Huh. The Twins interacts favorably with Patch’d ICE… Hm.

Also, as a result of checking Weyland’s card pool to see if I was missing any other Scoring Upgrades, I happened to see Salvage. … UGH. WHY. WHYYYYYY?! claws eyes out How did a card that bad get printed?


I would differentiate Rush from FA here, as the game plans are not the same. You can ‘rush out’ an astroscript, but you are on the FA plan.

I disagree. Astro gives the Yellow rush decks a fast advance threat for free. Even if you have no support for it. APP certainly supports any sort of rush plan and probably does it better than Oaktown does.

If the runner can’t get to Oaktown you’re 2 points and 3 (or 6 depending how you’re counting) credits better off. If the runner can’t get to APP you’re likely 4 points better off and the train is sitting at the station.


OTG was never playable due to 6rez IMO. That’s why it has only been tried in BS, to my knowledge. The 0 trash is just as big a problem. It is way too soft in centrals, although I suppose Caprice is too. OTG is a fine card in concept, but the execution made it hard to justify. It also is potentially slower than Ash and Caprice, since it requires you to build up an HQ before a remote with at least 1 piece of ICE. Lastly, with Councilman and Operative on their way, OTG looks even worse.


beat me to it. compared to both ash and caprice, it has twice the setup, triple the cost, zero trash cost, and must be telegraphed (i.e., sometimes you can pretend that a breaker bay grid is caprice and they’ll buy it and not bother running). OTG is super unplayable outside of the jankiest Blue sun shenanigans.


Well, I tried! :smiley: I want Weyland to be the best at SOMETHING. Die Astro, Die! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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A deck can be both a rush deck and a FA deck though (I’m thinking of TWIY* 40-card FA rush with biotic).

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Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that OTG was as good as Caprice/Ash/SSCG. I was merely pointing out that Weyland’s version of those cards is OTG. It is a card that says ‘You must make a second run to get into this server’, the same as Caprice and Ash. It’s weaker, because the setup time and cost are prohibitive, but it’s also ‘stronger’, because there’s no tricky ways around it (Beat Ash’s trace, or guess right on the psi game.) Interestingly, you can double down with Ash+OTG, putting Ash on either HQ (with Crisium Grid) or on the OTG server. I think only Blue Sun has the Money to pull this off?

I don’t think Ash and Crisium Grid work together on HQ because Ash only fires on successful runs? I think you’d have to rely on Caprice if you wanted to double down on HQ.


You’re right, Ash would have to go onto OTG server.

Caprice HQ + OTG + Breaker Bay + Fast Track so you don’t just lose on R&D?

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That’s the dream! I’ve managed to get Caprice on HQ and OTG + Breaker Bay out of Blue Sun but never got fast track in on the combo. I think a semi-realistic defensive upgrade might look something like this:

Private Data Vault
Weyland Upgrade:
Rez: 3 Trash: 3 Inf: 3
Install only in a Remote Server.
Whenever there is a successful run on this server, you may pay up to 5 credits. As an additional cost to access a card in this server during this run, the runner must pay the same number of credits.

I’m not quite sure about the rez/trash ratio, but I think this would allow Weyland to actually leverage their cash to protect an agenda. It also protects the upgrade which is nice.


Now yall got me considering a turtling BS/Titan list with Patchitects lol… Almost certainly worse than BS Glacier, right?

Answer to this thread’s question is actually: get Weyland players to stop trying silly things :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Although… I really do like patchitects in Gagarin. There’s loads of other good targets for patch (Spiderweb, Datapike, maybe Tour Guide), so I don’t feel like its a wasted slot if I don’t see my architects. I think there might be something there.

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I keep pondering The Root, Off The Grid, and Breaker Bay Grid.


BBG/Root Gagarin is solid. Give it a shot, I’d love to hear someone else’s results with it.


I’ve gone with Root/Expo Grid to help recoup some of the costs. I don’t run enough expensive assets besides The Root to justify it. Its pretty sick with Oaktown Renovation in order to score an agenda and also get 8 credits. Here’s the list I was playing tonight:

Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon (Order and Chaos)

Agenda (10)
1x Chronos Project (First Contact)
3x Global Food Initiative (Data and Destiny) •••
3x NAPD Contract (Double Time)
3x Oaktown Renovation (Chrome City)

Asset (11)
1x Corporate Town (Chrome City)
1x Executive Boot Camp (All That Remains)
2x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) ••
3x PAD Campaign (Core Set)
3x Public Support (The Universe of Tomorrow)
1x The Root i[/i]

Upgrade (7)
2x Ash 2X3ZB9CY (What Lies Ahead) ••••
2x Crisium Grid (First Contact)
3x Expo Grid (The Universe of Tomorrow)

Operation (9)
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
3x Patch (Order and Chaos)
2x Paywall Implementation (The Spaces Between)
1x Restructure (Second Thoughts)

Barrier (5)
2x Ice Wall (Core Set)
3x Spiderweb (The Underway)

Code Gate (5)
2x Datapike (Creation and Control)
1x Tollbooth (Core Set) ••
2x Wormhole (Order and Chaos)

Sentry (7)
2x Archer (Core Set)
2x Architect (Up and Over) ••••
3x Assassin (Data and Destiny)
15 influence spent (max 15)
22 agenda points (between 22 and 23)
54 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

It went 3-0 tonight in Madison and has done pretty well on so far.


Interesting that you cut Atlas. I have been thinking about doing the same once the drip 4/2 neutral comes out. Also interesting to see only 2 Jackson, since he turns on Expo Grid. I guess the EBC helps

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