Imaginary Cards

Oh right; that’s the intended terminology.

Bypass Circuit
Hardware * Install: 2 * Influence 4
Click: Place a tag counter on an installed ICE. That ICE gains “Remove a tag counter: Gain tags equal to the number of subroutines on this ICE (cannot be prevented). Bypass this ICE. Use this ability only when encountering this ICE.”

It’s really hard to balance cards that use tags as a cost, because its just too easy to build a deck that doesn’t care about tags. Siphon is one thing- you need to build your deck around the cost, and its powerful but can only be repeated so many times. This ends up being infinite bypassing on all of your opponents ice for no downside if your opponent doesn’t have tag punishment. That seems way too strong.

After willingdone’s video on ONR cards he’d like to see reprinted I decided to work out a templating of Theorem Proof that avoids the messy issue of installing it as program (and gets round film critic).

Theorem Proof
Agenda (Haas-Bioroid) 5/3
Theorem Proof is worth 0 agenda points in the Runner’s score area if it does not have a power counter on it.
If the Runner has at least 3 unused MU they may spend [click][click][click] to put a power counter on Theorem Proof if it is in the Runner’s score area.


From the discussion in the Weyland thread, I think this might be interesting as a Weyland version of architect:

Weyland Codegate
Cost: 5 - Str: 4 - Inf: 4

Foreman cannot be trashed while installed.

[Sub] : At the start of your next turn, you may play an Operation from HQ lowering the play cost by 2.
[Sub] : You may shuffle an operation from archives into R&D

This does allow for a SEA source -> Scorch, Scorch, Scorch turn but Weyland kill would actually be something to reckoned with if you could burn through a plascrete. The cycle of your economy operations is nice as well given that Weyland doesn’t have a dedicated econ operation aside from the rarely played beanstalk royalties.

What are everyone’s thoughts?


Q-Plex Solver
●○○○○ (Shaper) 0c
Hardware: Chip
[click]; Put 10c on Q-Plex Solver
Use these credits to pay for using decoders.
At the end of any turn where you used credits from Q-Plex Solver, trash it.


So I assume this is used just for a one time burst to get Study Guide up to snuff?

So essentially this is 3 creds + 3 clicks for a permanent strength 5 decoder or 3 credits + 4 clicks for a str 10 decoder? That seems way to strong to me. Maybe it could be balanced by making the click ability put 3 creds on Q-Plex Solver?

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I like the design of Corporate Town and how you can have assets that mess up the runner if they aren’t quickly removed. How about another one for Weyland that lets them kill the runner without having to import NBN cards? As a side benefit, it’s a target for Helium-3 Deposit.

Corporate Death Squad
Asset 0 Rez 6 Trash

As an additional cost to Rez Corporate Death Squad, forfeit an agenda. At the start of your turn, put a power counter on Corporate Death Squad and deal meat damage to the runner equal to the number of powers counters on Corporate Death Squad.

“You can run but you can’t run forever.”

Weyland 4 Inf


Though assets that need agendas to be forfeit are really cool, this is less of a Corporate Town, more of an “if I rez this when you’re around 0 credits, I win”. Obviously, it’s hard to find a balance between “this is something worth forfeiting an agenda for” and “rezzing this means I win”, but I feel like you want to make this a static amount of damage or cap it at 2 or 3 and change the numbers. Even if the effect wasn’t crazy (it basically says win the game in three turns with no further click/credit investment required), this card also just has really, really good numbers which makes it extra scary.

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Nah cause you run Muresh Bodysuit & it’s all good


Maybe change this to an IT dept-style ability where you may spend a power counter to do x meat damage, where x is the number of power counters remaining. Still powerful, but needs some support (Hiro, brain damage, or time) and isn’t a constantly escalating threat with no cost to the corp.

I think if Corporate Death Squad needs to be nerfed, I’d probably change to be something like “Click, Trash: Deal meat damage to the runner equal to the number of power counters” instead of doing the meat damage automatically.

The flavor I was going for was a slow death where the corporate death squad slowly homed in on the runner and mechanically, I think if corporation can defend a remote server for 5 turns, they deserve to win the game. Might be a problem if combined with caprice/ash but caprice combined with anything is a problem.


I think a slow death could be something that works. Maybe something like the following?

Chimera Protection Services
Weyland Operation - Current
Cost: 3 - Inf: 4

This card is not trashed until another current is played or an agenda is stolen.

At the end of your turn, you may pay 3 [credits]. At the beginning of the Runner’s turn, do 2 meat damage to the runner.

What’s the target?

Protection and Insurance Division
Weyland Asset - Grey Ops
Rez: 4 - Trash: 3 - Inf: 3

When the Runner’s turn begins, deal the runner 1 meat damage unless the he or she pays 1 [credit]

The money is for your protection, terrible things can happen in this city.


What about something like this:?

Corporate Death Squad
Asset - 0 Rez - 5 Trash

As an additional cost to Rez Corporate Death Squad, forfeit an agenda.

At the start of your turn, place a power counter on Corporate Death Squad. The runner may pay 2c to prevent this.

18c, 6 hosted power counters: Deal 10 meat damage to the runner. The cost of this ability is reduced by 1 for each power counter on Corporate Death Squad.

Weyland 4 Inf

The numbers can be tweaked obviously, but I think it’s important to give the runner ample time to deal with a game ending threat in case it gets installed in some sort of crazy server that locks them out with multiple very powerful ice and upgrades.


Weyland asset. - new technology
4 rez 8 trash 2 inf

As an additional cost to rez this card, forfeit an agenda or pay 4 credits and spent 1 click.

When you rez this card, remove up to 2 bad publicity.

All ice has plus 2 strength. All ice has "when the runner encounters this ice the runner loses 1 credit. "

You may play an additional agenda or non ambush asset in this server.

I don’t think 4c and [click] is equal to an agenda forfeit (since even hostile takeover take at least 4 clicks and 2 credits to deploy)

I love the Asset.

The Current looks workable, as well. Something like City Surveillance with Meat damage instead could be good.

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Thanks! It’s hard to get the balance on these right so I’d be open to suggestions for costings. Additionally, I think the asset (definitely based on City Surveillance) would be interesting in a rush deck. It forces the runner to accelerate their game plan which is what you want. Either:

A) They continue to go slow so you drain their creds or cards
B) They go fast without being properly set up so they risk being scorched.

The current I see as being more useful in a glacier deck build. Its expensive to maintain so you need to be in a good position economically. The upside being that the runner’s clicks are compressed because they need to redraw and put down cards they don’t want to lose, or try to run to kill the current without being able to draw back up risking more death.

It’s the surprise factor, since you can’t rez it on the runners turn without forfeiting an agenda. Costing 8 is a drawback enough, but 4 and an agenda in the right situation might be worth it. I was considering letting it add trash program subroutines that the runner could pay money to avoid, but that seemed complicated. I think having a power card is what weyland wants, especially something that acts as an upgrade that can be tutored for. It’s not op, I don’t think.

This is twice as much text as any card can support. Also severely broken in every way, especially in a world with BBG