Is the MWL the best solution for problems in competitive Netrunner?

I just spitballed some ideas to generate discussion beyond the same old “current MWL is bad” we’ve been having for 6 months now.

If there’s one universal truth to this discussion, it’s that there is no possible list that could make everyone happy.


I hate 1 per deck stuff. It makes sense I guess with Astro, or Museum, where they benefit from themselves, but otherwise it is just “1 autoinclude that sometimes breaks the game” as opposed to three that always do.

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How about a weird restricted list:
You have to pick:
Faust or Pancakes, Parasite or Datasucker. Sansan or Astro. Mimic or Yog.0

Then 1 per deck Museum.

Ban MCH, or errata it to cost three clicks to use.

Keep MWL for the remaining stuff, as it works well for cards like Napd and Eli. Keep parasite and Yog on the MWL as well as the restricted list. Add Faust and Pancakes to MWL.

The restricted list idea solves a lot of the problems. Fast advance is put in check without hurting the ability to run other archetypes like the MWL did. The old parasucker is gone now. Faust can’t work without pancakes, and vice versa (somewhat). Anarch breakers are put in check with the final decision, though this isn’t as necessary, and can be removed if desired. If so, Mimic goes MWL.

What about that?

I agree with most of the op’s post, but I’m not going to offer a solution, because there are already several above that are decent and a few that are nutty.

Let’s just wait a bit and see what FFG does after Gencon/Worlds. I personally like the MWL as it lets them rotate card popularity pre-rotation and keep the game fresh. My only issue is that they aren’t using it like that.


Mixing a bunch of different restrictions is messy as hell.

I’d rather stick to just MWL or MWL + banned list. Supposing we don’t ban anything I would MWL:

Mumba Temple
Breaking News
Spy Camera (srsly fuck this deck)
Au Revoir (Fuck this deck too :P)

If we could ban things I would ban MCH, Au Revoir and Levy, and MWL Temple and BN.


Spy camera? Did I miss something? Since when is that broken.

Replicator Spy Camera Bazaar Tech Trader Tech Writer Hayley. It’s the new monster deck.

I think I’d take messy restrictions over crappy meta any day.


I don’t necessarily see why the first option is a bad thing. To me, Limit 1 Per Deck is a perfectly acceptable method of balancing a really powerful card, and I think it creates a really interesting deck building dynamic. Do you spend a card slot (and possibly influence) on a card that you may not see all game? It is high variance, but if its a card that straight up wins you games occasionally it might be worth it. Even if it is something like Astro which would almost certainly be an auto include even as a 1x, I still think that option is more balanced and dynamic than 3x auto include gamebreaking cards.

That being said, here are my proposed changes:

Astroscript: Off MWL, Limit 1 Per Deck
Adjusted Chronotype: Limit 1 Per Deck
MCH: Limit 1 Per Deck
Jackson Howard: 0 influence

NBN FA gains 3 influence and loses 2 Astros. I think this is a pretty significant nerf, but the 3 influence is nothing to sneeze at, and for the same reasons stated above, I feel like Astro still remains a strong include and a fun and interesting card.

Anarch can keep its super powerful Faust + Wyldside engine, but loses a lot of consistency. Maybe some decks would even plash Hostages to find their Chronotypes early. I think this would make for much more dynamic games and deck building.

MCH: I don’t think much needs to be said here. I doubt anybody would really consider this over the top.

Jackson: NBN gets 3 influence back from Astros, but so does every other Corp. Instead of making NBN pay for Jacksons, how about we make him free for everyone like he should have been from the start?

I think these are all really simple errata and it would go a long way to helping balance the power level of these top tier decks, without hurting the tier 2 and fringe decks by docking more and more influence from them.



Too much tutoring in this game for 1 per deck to work.

Besides, Jackson is getting redone in this cycle most likely.

So, you are saying that needing to slot between 1-3 extra tutoring cards, and possibly paying influence for them, is not a considerable enough nerf to make a difference between having a single OP card in your deck and having 3 copies of an OP card in your deck? And that even if you could tutor it and score/use it, only having 1 copy as opposed to 2 more to score/use isnt a significant nerf? Why do think too much tutoring means 1 per deck errata wont work?

Fixed that for you.


Whatever you say :slight_smile:I did warn you…


The time has come for Levy to be MWL. The ability to recycle your entire deck as a Runner is definitely worth an influence.


Your logic of “do I waste a slot on a card that may not show up” is faulty.

If I have one deck slot left, the best card is the one that is best to put there. So I would obviously pick the limited card. The logic of “it may not show up” doesn’t work, because every card you put in your deck “may not show up”. That third copy of RnD interface has just as low of a chance of showing up as the 1 per deck card. Its just like the mill conundrum. You will still always “use a deckslot” on the 1 per deck card, because it is better than the other available cards. Now obviously this doesn’t apply to cards like Museum or Astro that stack, but for cards like clone chip or sansan, it does. Do you get what I mean?

I haven’t got a chance but I’m 90% certain foodcoats beats it most of the time because you can’t contest early just people haven’t learned how to play. Give it a week for people to learn to play it.

Levy is great for deck building possibility and Levy haters are just whiners.

I think you need moh also on mwl to kill the decks. Weyland can make a reasonable list with just 6 inf hit I think.

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While I think MWL is super elegant in the context of Netrunner deckbuilding, I have decided I don’t like it. I gave it a chance, defended it for a bit, and now after this season I want to see it go away.

The reason is that far, far too many lower tier decks are just flat unplayable now, and that seems to concentrate play on the top tier decks.

I’m not stupid; I know this community has always gone to the competitive darling decks in droves and we will with MWL or not. But MWL actively rewards this by making splashing those super good cards into decks that are ‘almost there’ much harder and barely punishing the top tier decks because, honestly, they can afford the Influence hit.

I want restricted pairs of cards, and only with clearly abusive combos. IE, no including X if you have Y. Examples are Astro/SanSan or Breaking News/Global Food (EoI Combo) or Museum/MCH. These probably should not go in the same decks.

I just think that’s something that would make for a far better play experience. Revisit again every 2/3 months.


y’know. I don’t agree with a lot of your post. But “Revisit every 2/3 months”. I can really really really really really really really really agree with that notion with the current state of the meta right now and how a lot of it’s characterisitcs have been going on since January.

Sorry I had a shot or two I love you all thank you for contributing to the thread orbital tangentman


I still think MWL is right for cards that are just a bit too good in power level, the ones that aren’t really part of a combo in any deck but are just powerhouse cards. Eli 1.0, Faust – cards that don’t really pair up with anything that you could say “OK, you only get one of these X cards,” but rather cards that are simply excellent in every regard. But yes, I agree that if you use the MWL to break up combos, what you do is concentrate the combo even further in the archetype it originated in while making it harder for less competitive decks to use the pieces that are part of the combo.


Sure, but that’s not a reason it can’t be MWL. Clone Chip and PPVP are great deckbuilding possibilities, too, but they are MWL, and justified, under its pronounced intentions. I don’t think Levy haters are whining. It’s by some standards the most powerful card in the game, giving your entire deck twice the value. The fact that it’s an auto-include in 2 of the 3 factions is very telling, and it’s not uncommon in Criminal, either.