You already know.
I’m so sorry.
You already know.
I’m so sorry.
Surely if there’s an ID that doesn’t want to put cards on top of the corps deck it’s one that claims that forcing them to draw cards is detrimental! It might (but probably doesn’t) make FIS better.
Fisk (and FIS) probably won’t be great for GBI. Think about it this way - say the corp has an expensive or redundant piece of ice in hand that they don’t really care that much about, or maybe they have some other card they don’t need at the moment. You then force them to draw 1-3 cards, and then put all those cards back on top - well, they’ll just put the best hand on top of the deck and get to ignore the worse cards for a while. Doing both in the same turn essentially is letting the corp draw 1-3 cards, then put 1-3 cards back on top of his/her deck.
I think the intriguing part of this card to me is the head games. Playing it with Utopia on the table or playing it first click forces the corp to think about what they want where. If you have a loaded medium do they try to bury things lower and how can the runner respond to that? I do think there’s a certain meh factor to the cost/benefit of the card, but I also think -very much like Laramy- there’s a certain pressure that’s hard to identify until you’re playing against it. I still think the card might be too expensive, but I also wouldn’t be surprised at all if it turns out to be very strong.
Forcing the corp to bury a combo before running archives or a jackson remote to make them shuffle… I’m thinking -I know, it’s idealistic- hand reveal cards might even become useful.
Bottom line, I wish it was a little stronger, but I like the concept a lot.
Clic 1 Syphon, clic 2 CBI, clic 3-4 draw.
It’s a nice card to float tags aswell.
Problem is, they might see it coming and use Jackson during the raid - or let you do it, because they were really, REALLY flooded.
It seems to me that the optimal play would be to CBI Raid the next turn, not the same turn. Imagine the Corp has five cards in HQ and you as Laramy Fisk run a seminar, then make the Corp draw again on a central run. The Corp mandatory draws to ten cards in HQ and plays their turn. Now they discard. What did they discard? More importantly, what did they keep? Whatever it is, you CBI it next turn. Option one, they were forced to keep a load of agendas. Uh-oh. Their next couple of turns will be rough, just drawing to flood themselves. Option two, they ditched a load of agendas. Jackson (as he often is) is pretty much the only escape route from the bind. Trash him first if possible! Without Jackson, agendas in Archives isn’t clever. Option three, they missed all the agendas and only had to discard three or so useful cards and lose five clicks!
Even if you trade for a Jackson, which is probably the best Corp result, that’s one down! Account Siphon ought to help prevent them using many cards on that one turn (maybe even Unscheduled Maintenence!).
For option one, Legwork seems better in almost every case.
Yeah, you’re probably right. But even then if you don’t outright win on the Legwork, while you’ve snagged some points you haven’t set the Corp back quite like you would have done with CBI Raid. Maybe the obvious exceptions are Punitive Counterstrike shenanigans and spiky Jinteki. Given that spiky Jinteki is a bit of a nemesis to criminals, is that useful maybe?
Do you know every time where the agendas are? Blind legwork, even if you have a reasonable idea it’s a good idea seems worse than safely checking R&D and controlling the Corp turn. If you just take the whole turn to draw, it would seem to me that you’re not likely to self flood, so then hit R&D. It seems great with utopia shard hq interface and imp, I bet Leela will want it for sure. She even makes unscheduled maintenence work, I’m a believer
So I thought about it a bit and there seems to be two main reasons to run CBI at all outside of CBI+Keyhole
CBI + Gorman is pretty frustrating for your opponent. Especially if you have two out. It seems decent to good. The main problem with it is that this does not play nice with Pheromones.
Stealth Andy. Just replace the Siphons with these and slot in some pol ops. I think there is a strong argument for slowing down the corp so you can get your stealth rig online.
I hope CBI Raid was 0 cost.2 cost at best,any run event cost 3 or more need a really really decent reason to justify the cost.Currently there are 6 events (not counting CBI):
Escher:powerful potential,yet after PPVP Kate down and RP is not the deck to beat,it’s no longer been used that much.
Retrieval Run:only MaxX (Eater and DLR) and some janky Exile deck.
Run Amok:I didn’t see people use it.
Running Interference & Singularity:huh.
HSI:this is an interesting card since it’s an update Dirty Laundry.Decent,yet only see in Ken and maybe some Gabe.
By far they are overall played not much and they do need a decent reason and powerful effect to justify their cost.Sadly I like CBI but I assume it ends up like these cards.Hope I’m wrong,but if you have to build a lot around a single card to convince yourself to slot it in,unless it’s a win condition(DLR) itself,otherwise I’ll just stick with my beautiful 0 cost Siphon.
Oh against CI it’s indeed a win condition.
I feel like you can play around siphon more than you can play around CBI raid. You’re probably right about the stealth Andy thing, and that’s probably how this card is going to be played. But it still remains to be seen how good it is. Anyone proxy it?
I’ve been hit with it twice in proxy testing, and neither time I’ve cared. Granted, however, I did effectively lose a turn drawing back up, so it’s possible for Runners to make use of that time; it just didn’t have as much impact in the games that I had it used on me as I would have liked to have seen. Still, given time for players to better understand when to use it and when to hold onto it, it could be a worthwhile 1- or 2-of in Criminal decks.
I’m going to start experimenting with cards that let you see your opponents hand, like Bug, Expert Schedule Analyzer, Reflection and Enhanced Vision, and see if something can’t be made there with The Turning Wheel or something, and use CBI Raid to effectively control what the Corp can do. I believe it can be done, this card was designed for a reason.
TL;DR Jank bullshit
Doubles deck featuring executive wiretaps. Go hard, or go home.
Analog Dreamers much? Also it’s a runner effect that shuffles R&D, could be useful for CBI Raid follow up!
Oh dude, you guys are so on to something. Doubles jank it is, with analog dreamers, which I always said was a criminal card anyway.
Drive By all day.
Power Nap is a hellova card.