[Jinteki RP] Perfecting Perfection: The Best Deck Ever

Here is the list i used to win the Nationals.

Replicating Perfection

Agenda (9)
1x Fetal AI
3x NAPD Contract
3x Nisei MK II
2x The Future Perfect

Asset (9)
3x Jackson Howard •••
3x Mental Health Clinic
3x Sundew

Upgrade (4)
1x Ash 2X3ZB9CY ••
3x Caprice Nisei

Operation (8)
3x Celebrity Gift
1x Fast Track
3x Hedge Fund
1x Interns

Barrier (6)
2x Eli 1.0 ••
3x Himitsu-Bako
1x Wall of Thorns

Code Gate (7)
1x Crick
2x Lotus Field
1x Tollbooth ••
3x Yagura

Sentry (6)
3x Architect ••••• •
1x Cortex Lock
1x Susanoo-No-Mikoto
1x Tsurugi




Submit to tournament winning decklists please!


hoping to hear more about these choices – reasoning and how they played out


I would like to run this deck. Where are the net damage ice most effective? Esp yagura? Fast track looks like a great include also. How is the noise match up?

The Himitsu-Bakos are there to provide early end the runs for either an important central or a sundew/mental health clinic. They also have the benefit of being only parasitable mid run. They can also be used to build a scoring remote that taxes lady, which i did twice during the tournament. They aren´t as good against corroder but you have 2 Eli 1.0 to tax it, they still have to find it and it isn´t even seeing that much play anymore.

Yagura is just a piece of ice i always loved and never understood why it did not see more play. It often gets in at least 1 net damage since people don´t expect the damaging code gate and can secure r&d early on. But you can also put it on other servers where it is still taxing and sometimes the 1st sub won´t be broken and you can control your draws with it. If they play a Yog against them i am happy that they paid 5 just to invalidate my rezzed yaguras (most of the time 1-2, i am sad when there are 3 out). They really did shine in the Top-Cut where i drew multiples early and my opponents didn´t have ways to deal with them. All around a piece of ice that never disappointed me.

The Architects were put in especially against noise (and anarchs in general). I wanted ice in front of r&d that isn´t parasitable to discourage those deep medium digs. Also if they facecheck you can get immense value from it. I also love it in front of archives since Noise oftentimes only plays around crick and sometimes in front of an economy remote.
I really liked it since i finally wasn´t being medium raided anymore and was able to sometimes get trashed econ/ice/jacksons back.


Great job.

That quick ETR, combined with Fast Track, can lead to some rush-y situations, as well. @Paranoid was behind Architect in RP all Regional season, and he kicked some major ass with it, BEFORE the rise of Anarch. An even smarter play now.

I assume this was pre-Film Critic?

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Yes it was up to The Underway

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The Noise Matchup will always be a tough one where you have to be lucky. I lost to a Noise 1st round but that game started by TFP getting milled and stolen in the first turn. The Deck is designed with this Matchup in mind. Putting in more ice to close out centrals early and to replace parasited ice. You also need to get some Economy going early. And you should start scoring early. To do all these things you have to have a good draw which doesn´t always happen.
It´s overall still the toughest matchup but i think with this list it got more managable.

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i really like the use of Yaguras (and Architects) acting as a pseudo DBS, too, freeing up that influence and card. i used to play two Yaguras (three still seems wayy risky) but stopped after Yog became really popular – it’s a little less popular now as everyone jumps onto Yogs, but i wouldn’t be surprised if half of Anarchs still include it.

just noticed you’re not playing Pup at all too! :open_mouth::open_mouth:


Ok RP boys, has anyone been playing this deck in the Film Critic meta? Have your films been critiqued? Can’t decide on a corp deck for this ANRPC tourney this weekend. Wondering if the old girl still has teeth.

I was just playing against @basoon yesterday trying to figure out this very thing. Nothing to do with Film Critic, but was it worth playing RP in a Noise meta. I had the unholy privilege of playing Noise in the matches, and you basically need to get really, deafeningly lucky with RP to sneak a game past usually. This was with our updated, list as well with Crisium, Swordsman, and CVS. Swordsman landing and killing Faust and hitting the second Grimoire out of HQ, along with drawing all three jacksons naturally managed to give Ben a win in one game, with about 4 cards left in R&D.

It was really disheartening. I’m going to go take a shower.

Basically don’t play RP without Cerebral Static.


I honesty wouldn’t play it until GFI hits.

Is Static really the solution? If you get it in the right circumstances (centrals all shored up, no way for Noise to pick up easy agendas), it can put an end to his scoring means, but if you have just one agenda in archives and no Jackson ready, it becomes a dead draw. I wasn’t that happy when I was playing it :worried:

RP has the hardest agendas to steal to begin with. I’ve played it a few times, it’s certainly at its best there. It’s not a 100% guarantee, but if you have a jackson in play, and iced R&D/HQ reasonably, it quickly gives you an edge.

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I’d like my hate cards to not be situative at all in their match ups, but I’m probably demanding too much from good ol’ RP in that regard.

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I just got rolled by Valencia in the finals of the ANRPC HAC qualifier. It was @tmoiynmwg’s build with a few changes to fit in Film Critic. It seriously felt unwinnable.

That’s what I’ve been running…I miss desperado but damn Its good

What’s the list?

@thebigunit3000 just took down mid-atlantic ANRPC championship with a Val DLR Wireless Net Pavillion build, along with NEH Team Sponsorship Turtles.


I played this list, except I went down to 8 agendas and played 3 pup.

My opponent was playing this Val list, but -1 Career Fair, -1 Utopia Shard, +2 Film Critic.