Kate Blitz: Who says only Criminals are aggressive?

I’ve contemplated Kit several times, and I agree this deck would work for her. My primary issue I think is that I’m just bad at playing her. The only other issue is that after midgame, she’s pretty much lost her ability and she has very few tricks to get back into the game.

Still, I think someone can (in theory at least) get quite a bit of mileage out of this archetype with Kit.

I’m not so certain her ability is lost after midgame - if your decoder needs to be pumped by two less than your fracter, you’re still getting 2 credits per turn/run out of it. If a code gate is first on each relevant server, doesn’t that just mean you get so much more value out of Escher and Parasite?

Do we actually need the Plascrete when we have Indexing, Imp, and Magnum Opus? With MO we can stay ahead economically so we don’t lose the trace, be it Midseason, Sea Source or Punitive Counterstrike. With Indexing and Imp we get some degree of control which cards the corp has available.

I considered the same, but with Jackson being a thing, we definitely need them. Imp and Indexing have allowed me to greatly push back the opponent’s timetable, but especially with heavy draw, it’s not unlikely for the opponent to get the necessary components.

Plus we’re about to have to start preemptively Plascreting against most Jinteki opponents.

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This is my version on this deck that i ran today at Chronos Protocol, got top 4.
if you have any questions or thoughts, they are more than welcome. (i posted an earlier version on the BBG forums)

Total Cards: (45)
Event (14)
Diesel (Core #34) x3
Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control #52) x3
Sure Gamble (Core #50) x3
Scavenge (Creation and Control #34) x2
Escher (Creation and Control #31) x1
Test Run (Cyber Exodus #47) x2
Hardware (11)
Clone Chip (Creation and Control #38) x3
Akamatsu Mem Chip (Core #38) x2
Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead #9) x2
R&D Interface (Future Proof #107) x2
Desperado (Core #24) x2 ■■■
Program (16)
Atman (Creation and Control #40) x2
Cyber-Cypher (Creation and Control #44) x1
Deus X (A Study in Static #66) x1
Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control #46) x3
Femme Fatale (Core #26) x1 ■
Datasucker (Core #8) x2 ■
Parasite (Core #12) x2 ■■
Corroder (Core #7) x1 ■■
Magnum Opus (Core #44) x2
Sharpshooter (True Colors #67) x1
Resource (4)
Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow #91) x2
Daily Casts (Creation and Control #53) x2
Influence Values Totals –
 Anarch: 8
 Criminal: 7

Edit: posted this after a full day of netrunner and a total of 5 hours driving (over the whole day)
will have better thoughts tomorrow


Looks very similar to my original decklist! I’m glad to see it worked well for you.