I ran this Kate list at my second SC yesterday and went 3-1. It absolutely should have been 4-0, but I made the mistake of not staying well fed throughout the tourney and made one of the worst blunder’s I’ve ever committed in this game at the end of round 3.
I was 6-2 overall (3-1 with TWIY* FA) and finished 5th of 22; if I’d gone 4-0 with Kate I would have made the top 4 elimination cut.
First, here’s the list. Still undecided on the name.
Macman (v1.0)
Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)
Event (18)
2x Account Siphon (Core Set)••••• •••
2x Blackmail (Fear and Loathing)
3x Diesel (Core Set)
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
3x Indexing (Future Proof)
2x Quality Time (Humanity’s Shadow)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
Hardware (7)
2x Akamatsu Mem Chip (Core Set)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control)
2x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
Resource (5)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
2x Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow)
Icebreaker (9)
2x Atman (Creation and Control)
1x Corroder (Core Set) ••
2x Cyber-Cypher (Creation and Control)
1x Deus X (A Study in Static)
1x Femme Fatale (Core Set) •
2x Sharpshooter (True Colors)
Program (6)
2x Datasucker (Core Set) ••
1x Parasite (Core Set) ••
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)
15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Fear and Loathing
Deck built on NetrunnerDB.
I felt very comfortable playing this deck, which is really a first for Runner decks in ANR for me. I’m still playing other Runner decks for fun and testing, but I’m sticking with this one or some version of it for next week’s SC. There is definitely room for some tinkering, though.
First, I’m not 100% sold on Account Siphon. It’s somewhat antisynergistic with how dependent the deck is on Daily Casts for the occasional boost of cash. I haven’t tested with Desperado, but I assume the economy is smoother with Desperado over Siphon. That said, Siphon is the deck’s only denial, and it was huge for me in a couple of my games. So if I cut Siphon, I want to keep some amount of denial – Imp, Emergency Shutdown, something like that.
Second, I put Blackmail in my two flex slots. There’s a ton of bad pub in my meta, and Blackmail did get me into a remote that had 5 ice on it when the Corp player was 100% certain that I wouldn’t be able to get in. But in other matchups it was just dead, and there were a couple of times when I had a Cyber-Cypher on R&D, but R&D access was still a problem because of large barriers or nasty sentries. I think two copies of Tinkering could be a very solid alternative.
Another option is to put in Same Old Thing to recur Indexing or put the two R&D Interfaces back in. There were times when I really wanted another Indexing and didn’t get one for quite a while, but I won those games anyway. So I lean strongly toward testing with 2x Tinkering.
A copy of Levy could be nice, but only once I’m out of Clone Chips. But on the subject of Clone Chips, those things border on being overleveraged in the deck – they’re really the linchpin, and with only three of them I get a little paranoid about using them. I can’t think of another decent way to recur stuff (Test Run is too pricey), though, and it hasn’t actually been a problem – I’ve always had enough tutor/recursion to get where I want to go as long as I have enough money. So for now I think if it isn’t broken, I won’t try to fix it, unless some really nice recursion cards come out in the near future.
So, the error. I was up 6-2 on a Weyland player. He had a 5 ice scoring remote that I’d previously Blackmailed into. I had a full rig, Clone Chips, and plenty of cash. He played something in the remote and took money.
I ran it with one card in hand. >_<
I was thinking the entire time that it was likely to be a Snare, but I was starving and not thinking clearly at all. I paused during the run and again before the access, but never for long enough to actually think through what I was doing and realize how stupid it was. Sure enough, it was a Snare. Flatline, gg. Ugh.
On the plus side, it was a clear lesson that I need to take better care of myself during tournaments. Bring snacks, stay hydrated, etc. My decision-making ability plummets when I get hungry. Making such a huge error and having it translate directly to missing the top 4 cut by one game means it’s a lesson I won’t soon forget!