Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core)
Total Cards: (45)
Event (15)
Modded (Core #35) x3
The Maker’s Eye (Core #36) x3
Test Run (Cyber Exodus #47) x3
Quality Time (Humanity’s Shadow #87) x3
Diesel (Core #34) x3
Hardware (12)
Rabbit Hole (Core #39) x3
The Personal Touch (Core #40) x2
The Toolbox (Core #41) x1
Cyberfeeder (Core #5) x3 ■
HQ Interface (Humanity’s Shadow #85) x1 ■■
Akamatsu Mem Chip (Core #38) x2
Program (9)
Femme Fatale (Core #26) x2 ■
ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead #7) x1
Gordian Blade (Core #43) x1
Morning Star (What Lies Ahead #4) x1 ■■■■
Snowball (Trace Amount #27) x1
Deus X (A Study in Static #66) x1
Yog.0 (Core #14) x1 ■
Medium (Core #10) x1 ■■■
Resource (9)
Aesop’s Pawnshop (Core #47) x2
Underworld Contact (A Study in Static #69) x3
Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow #91) x1
Armitage Codebusting (Core #53) x3
Influence Values Totals -
Anarch: 11
Criminal: 4
Shaper: 53
I like quite a bit about your list but there are a few things I’m unsure of. Is deusx worth playing? Would it not perhaps be better as a second toolbox? I also think you probably want 2 Kati Jones if you are not playing with Opus. I suppose playing Morgningstar is great but 8 cost is so prohibitive.
Thanks Sirprim. Will try this and another viewer submitted kate deck on friday and then come back with updated impressions.
re Deus X: it is one of those corner cases. But it actually does a lot of nice things. It trashes an oversighted Janus, it blows up Jintekis Fast Advance Junebug stash and protects me from Snares. And basically every Test Run can copy for Deus X, because well you trash it.
re Toolbox: I’m perfectly fine with one, I usually build it up in small increments (Memchip, Rabbit Hole, Cyberfeeder) and if I draw Toolbox fine I pawn extras off until I am only left with the console and maybe Cyberfeeders. Or you could keep some stuff for special match ups. But if I don’t draw it, no big deal.
re Kati Jones: she is basically my 4th Armitage, I don’t rely on her (The Mathematics of Kati Jones - StimHack :P)
re Morningstar: while being super expensive at first, he really makes it up over the long game (and actually only needs a couple of runs to get ahead). There are almost no barriers that he can’t break (and that get played). Also Personal Touch
As for playing this deck, the goal is to rig up fast (Modded, Diesel, Quality Time) while trying to not let the corp get away with cheap agendas (Femme + Test Run). Adapt your breaker suite to your opponents Ice and then start controlling the corps R&D with Makers Eye and Medium. I used to get angry when Makers hits nothing, but now I’m often actually glad, because it usually means I have three more turns to rig up and you just can’t let that happen, because I’ll likely have the next Makers Eye in time and have full control over your R&D.
I’m actually not sure HQ Interface is needed here, but it is kinda nice.
So probably lots of rambling, lots of unorganized thought. Have fun with it, heck even tear it apart
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Just almost lost a game, because I had no economy… Drawing Diesel and Quality Time before any economy cards hurts pretty bad. (But Morning Star was MVP vs Heimdall)
I’m assuming you personal touched it. Otherwise, Morningstar cannot break Heimdall. Also, add that second Kati!
Exactly. Sorry for being not clear enough
So the deck did pretty good. Won both games, and test run was great. Even got to use the Deus Ex,
That said, what did you think of our thoughts on the deck afterwards?
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Just watched the first game so far, and so far there’s only one thing I got to say:
You realize you played against a Jinteki Core Set deck?
Alright, watched the second game. Really liked your plays there (not so much in the first one tbh). As far as comments go: I actually thought about adding one Opus back in the deck, so I agree. And I kinda should switch Modded for Sure Gamble, because it is much more universal and would’ve helped you much more I think.
I didn’t realize you added some thoughts about my deck at the end of the stream and while I watched the Chaos Theory games, I made some modifications to my deck, which interestingly enough are pretty similar to your suggestions:
-1 Quality Time (yeah, still enough card draw)
-1 Gordian Blade (too many decoders)
-1 Modded (not universal enough early)
+3 Sure Gamble (yeah, what was I thinking?)
-1 Kati Jones (going slightly different here)
+1 Magnum Opus (I guess you were right about Opus, probably adds lots of late game consistency)
and I retooled my influence:
-3 Cyberfeeders (not good enough)
-1 HQ Interface (not exactly needed)
+1 Sneakdoor Beta (probably better than HQ interface, combos with Test Run, adds pressure to archives)
+1 Parasite! (Your talk about Chimera made me think and Parasite is actually better than Crypsis here)
+1 Personal Touch (the in-faction better Cyberfeeder)
+1 Personal Workshop (why the heck not?)
What do you think?
Quality Time (yeah, still enough card draw)
-1 Gordian Blade (too many decoders)
-1 Modded (not universal enough early)
+3 Sure Gamble (yeah, what was I thinking?)
I like those changes a lot. A good improvement.
-1 Kati Jones (going slightly different here)
+1 Magnum Opus (I guess you were right about Opus, probably adds lots of late game consistency)
Reasonable. Seems fine.
-3 Cyberfeeders (not good enough)
-1 HQ Interface (not exactly needed)
+1 Sneakdoor Beta (probably better than HQ interface, combos with Test Run, adds pressure to archives)
+1 Parasite! (Your talk about Chimera made me think and Parasite is actually better than Crypsis here)
+1 Personal Touch (the in-faction better Cyberfeeder)
+1 Personal Workshop (why the heck not?)
Seems better. I like the sneakdoor a lot, but am a bit uncertain on the parasite, I would probably change that into something else. Overall I think this makes the deck much stronger.
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What would you choose for the Parasite?
a 3rd Femme feels like a little bit too much for me. I am usually pretty happy with Test Running them for a while at least.
Actually after thinking about it, it’s not unreasonable to test run for the parasite to kill chimeras and rototurrets. I would still like a crypsis in that slot, but then you have 2 unspent influence. Try out the parasite and see what you think of it. Alternatively, inside job, stimhacks,
Well, you could always switch out the Deus X for Crypsis, if you suddenly develop a fondness for Shaper
I’ve finally made the switch from CT to Kate due to the addition of Replicator and R&D Interface.
With 3x Cyberfeeder and 3x Underworld Contract, that’s 6 credits a turn. I run MO for good measure, and with 3 RDI, I have +12c per turn to run R&D and access four cards. Additionally, a combo I have found to work beautifully is Mr Li coupled with Quality Time. Combined, they allow you to swim through your stack in no time, and Replicator/Test Run allows you to fish out anything you placed at the bottom.
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This seems very interesting Lysander, do you have a decklist of this new iteration?
Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core)
Total Cards: 45
==Event (11)==
Tinkering (Core) x2
Test Run (Cyber Exodus) x3
Infiltration (Core) x2
Quality Time (Humanity's Shadow) x3
Special Order (Core) x1
==Hardware (16)==
Dinosaurus (Cyber Exodus) x2
Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead) x2
R&D Interface (Future Proof) x3
Cyberfeeder (Core) x3
Replicator (Humanity's Shadow) x3
The Personal Touch (Core) x3
==Program (9)==
Gordian Blade (Core) x2
Femme Fatale (Core) x2
Magnum Opus (Core) x2
Corroder (Core) x2
Crypsis (Core) x1
==Resource (9)==
Access to Globalsec (Core) x2
Underworld Contact (A Study in Static) x3
Public Sympathy (Cyber Exodus) x2
Mr. Li (Future Proof) x2
I’m just now getting into Kate and am in the process of refining the deck, but it’s worked quite well so far.
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