[Kate] Redefining Shaper Control Decks

Yes, my main deck right now is Apocalypse Kate. I play it all the time. It has been working very well for me. Crushes NBN and has a brilliant RP matchup (as long as I don’t mess it up).

Did you cut one Apocalypse to make it MWL legal, or did you make cuts elsewhere. This is what I’ve been playing, and been loving it:

El-Ad’s Dreams of Apocalypse

Event (21)
3 Apocalypse ●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​
2 Day Job ●​●​
3 Diesel
3 Dirty Laundry
2 Indexing
1 Levy AR Lab Access
2 Quality Time
3 Sure Gamble
2 The Maker’s Eye

Hardware (5)
2 Astrolabe
2 Clone Chip ○​○​
1 Plascrete Carapace

Program (12)
1 Atman
1 Cerberus “Lady” H1 ○​
2 Cyber-Cypher
3 Hyperdriver
1 Mimic ●​
3 Self-modifying Code
1 Sharpshooter

Resource (7)
3 Aesop’s Pawnshop
3 Daily Casts
1 Same Old Thing

Here are some vids of me playing it. I’m seriously considering taking it to SCs.
Dreams of Armageddon cjfm vs NEH deaglesuk - YouTube

Dreams of Armageddon cjfm vs Blue Sun Raikhan - YouTube

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What are your normal aesops targets with this list?

Pretty sure Aesop’s is mostly to get important cards into the bin after Apocalypse.


You install it after an apoc so that you can start recycling your breakers and stuff back into the deck before you Levy.

Cut Apocalypse?! That’s crazy talk! :sunglasses: and I am anything BUT crazy.

This is what I’m currently running:

Dreams of Armageddon v1.05 (post-MWL)

Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)

Event (17)
3x Apocalypse (Data and Destiny) [color=undefined]••••• ••••[/color]
3x Diesel (Core Set)
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
3x Indexing (Future Proof)
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control)
1x Lucky Find (Double Time) [color=#708090]••[/color]
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (7)
2x Astrolabe (Up and Over)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control) [color=#32CD32]☆☆☆[/color]
2x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)

Resource (8)
3x Aesop’s Pawnshop (Core Set)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
1x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)
1x Symmetrical Visage (The Valley)

Icebreaker (8)
2x Atman (Creation and Control)
1x Cerberus “Lady” H1 (All That Remains) [color=#32CD32]☆[/color]
1x Deus X (A Study in Static)
1x Inti (Creation and Control)
1x Sharpshooter (True Colors)
2x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead)

Program (6)
3x Hyperdriver (The Underway)
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)
11 influence spent (max 15-4☆=11)
46 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

As @dogs pointed out, Aesop’s is mostly here for post-Apoc. However, I sometimes install it pre-Apoc, for several purposes. One, it’s great to eat up Daily Casts and used Lady. Two, a few cards in the deck become Easy Mark with Aesop’s on the table – Astrolabe, Zu, and Same Old Thing, also Clone Chip and SMC. Three, I might eat something important on the turn I Apoc, for example Baby might go if I need some more cash for Apoc.

Papa don’t preach, I’m in trouble deep
Papa don’t preach, I’ve been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I’m eating my baby, oh
I’m gonna eat my baby, mmm…

Remember that you’re going to eat your Aesop’s post-Aesop’s, another nice trick to keep in mind. Oftentimes if I have two in hand I will slap one on the table.


Yet you cut the Clot…

Here’s what I’m trying out now, based on El-Ad’s list. It’s been solid against decent decks, but haven’t really put it to the sword yet.

Event (17)
2 Apocalypse ●​●​●​●​●​●​
3 Diesel
3 Dirty Laundry
3 Indexing
1 Levy AR Lab Access
2 Stimhack ●​●​
3 Sure Gamble

Hardware (5)
2 Astrolabe
3 Clone Chip ○​○​○​

Program (14)
2 Atman
1 Corroder ●​●​
1 Deus X
3 Hyperdriver
1 Inti
3 Self-modifying Code
1 Sharpshooter
2 ZU.13 Key Master

Resource (9)
3 Aesop’s Pawnshop
3 Daily Casts
2 Drug Dealer ●​●​
1 Same Old Thing

3 Apoc could be right for sure it’s very strong early game, but I feel like some draw power is lacking. Maybe QT/Day job would be better in place of the dealers. Day Job is still ballin with Hyperdriver.

I have never been a fan of Clot. I played with it and against it quite a bit and felt that while it slows down AstroBiotics, it also puts a drag on the Runner who is piloting it (especially if you’re floating a Self-Modifying Code). It could be a question of playstyle but I never managed to get it to work. Fortunately, it is completely unnecessary for this specific build – NBN is one of Apoc Kate’s best matchups.

A bunch of interesting ideas, would love to hear how you fair (especially given the 2x Apocalypse, I always felt that 3x is necessary).

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How does your rig look before the Apocalypse? Without Leprechaun Hyperdriver leaves you with 2 MU - seems a little low to run all three centrals.

I think you Hyperdriver, then install SMC from hand/CC it. Typical Shaper Bullshit.

That is correct. There is little to no rig until you Apoc. I might install a Zu or Lady from hand, if I draw them. Also, I often install SMC and probe centrals to figure out what’s there before the Apoc turn. Oftentimes I have an icebreaker and Hyperdriver, pop Hyper, install SMC, then Clone Chip + SMC take care of the rest. Shaper Bullshit is the sweetest bullshit.


I’m not sure what you’d cut for it but I’m wondering if a one of Notoriety would be worth it. The idea being with a deck like food codes they run all 2 pointers (with the GFI counting as a 2 pointer for the runner). This way you can win with scoring 3 agendas and the one Notoriety. It shouldn’t be too hard to score with Apoc clearing out the ice / hyper driver on the Apoc turn. What I don’t know is is this worth it or is it just a win more card. I certainly want to try this deck out. I love the concept of it.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to add silver bullets to your deck that target dead archetypes.

I’ve tried Notoriety a whole bunch of times. I agree with you that in theory it’s perfect, fits the deck well and lets you use “leftover” Hyperdriver clicks. I had anywhere from zero to three copies at different stages … and I have never, ever played Notoriety. Crazy, right? I either discard it pre-Apoc, or end up not needing it. I think that once you get to 3x Indexing (plus SoT, plus Levy) you’re in a decent spot to fish the agendas out of their deck.

Foodcoats is still alive and well. Not sure why you think it’s dead?

0/10 top lists in Stimhack league. 9 influence missing from a faction that treasured every drop versus 0-3 influence missing from RP and 9 influence (more like 7.5 considering EAP is a good card) missing from yellow factions that used to throw influence on low impact stuff like Green Level Clearance because they needed influence so little.

I’ll eat my words if Foodcoats raids MWL store champ top 8s, but I don’t expect to be ruining my diet.

That’s what I was thinking. If you’re in a place to be using it you’re probably already winning. It’s a card I want to be good but really it only helps you close the game, else it’s a wasted click / card. I guess the other situation it would be nice is going from 4 → 5 points because of how much extra pressure it puts on the corp.

Not just foodcoats, there are plenty of decks that only run 2 pointers. Not many decks run non-GFI 3 pointers.

The only other deck I can thing of that runs only 2 pointers is a glacier Weyland deck that dislikes Hostile Takeover. That’s not “plenty of other decks”, that’s one other deck. Pretty much every yellow deck is going to run some of their awesome 2/1’s, every red deck is gonna run either House of Knives or Future Perfect, whichever end of the spectrum they’re on. And purple is the thing we were talking about to begin with.

The Apoc list looks great! That’s a unique angle of attack out of Kate. I was wondering why more people don’t play mimic. I’ve found in other decks that run apocalypse architect is a big pain because it doesn’t die. Do other people have this experience?

My other question was on fractar choice. People seem to be split between some combo of inti/lady/corroder. What made you choose your fractar and did you consider other choices like snowball or even battering ram?