[Kate] Redefining Shaper Control Decks

Looks reasonable. You might not need Net-ready and Datasucker, since they both do similar things, so something else might be good (maybe a Scavenge for moving around Cyber-Cyphers and refreshing Ladies?). I’d say Sharpshooter is probably more important right now than Deus X, because Assassin is in all sorts of decks right now, and Ichi is just as prevalent as ever.

In terms of commonly played ICE that isn’t easily dealt with by mimic,

Sharpshooter deals with Archer, Ichi1/2, Assassin
DeusX deals with Vikram, Komainu, Assassin & Janus, with the fringe benefit of dealing with the surprise Snare! or Psychic field

DeusX gets the chop because to some extent vikram and the rare Janus out of blue sun can be mitigated by clicks, whilst komainu can be broken by mimic/parasited.

Ichis Is why I lke to have both NRE and datasucker, also NRE allows me to dodge CVS. NRE and datasucker also allows me to deal with ST5 sentries like Assassin. Maybe I am too ambitious there thinking about having both NRE and datasucker always installed.

At first I had a sharpshooter instead of Deus X, but deus ex breaks Assassin too for just one credit more, and while it does not help me with Ichi it can help me with Komainus or Vikrams and I swear to God i always face Jinteki PE when I play a tournament.

I miss one scavenge too, tho.

Oh, look… more Faust. Thanks, Damon.

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It should be pointed out that Faust in this deck isnt to entirely be a single breaker that solves all your problems. Its there to deal with problem ice against the designated server that is being targeted as a best case scenario and average case its just your cheap EtR breaker. Mainly Enigmas, Quandaries, Wraparounds to preserve Lady counters and so on.

Inspired by @bblum’s preformance with it the day before, I brought @bahram’s Chameleon Kate list to a SC and went 4-0 with it.

Some people classify this as jank, but I assure you, it works very well. It’s definatly different that ProCo Kate, but I like it more as you don’t have to play the ProCo sweepstakes. It’s better than Hayley Chameleon because of the help that Kate goves you early game, although Hayley may give you more value over the cource of the game, Kate goves you the help when you need it: early.


and im just sitting here, coin flipping into geist instead of my kate during her best tournament weekend ever, winning with geist instead.

karmic justice is gonna have my ass in the near future. i can sense it.



Chameleon Kate is crazy. I keep winning games but it always feels like I’m flying by the seat of my pants. Is there something else to it or does lizardslinging always feel scary (and super click intensive)?

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Load lizards on PW on dead turns, set up and draw a lot. Try to keep it to value runs, but keep the corp honest too.

I dont think its scary… but i been playing the deck for 8 months now apparently… so im not the person to ask about its difficulty to play XD


Hi everyone! New to the forums here but I’ve been playing the game for about 6 months now. I never played PrePaid Kate pre-MWL, but lately have been trying to create a list for her since being inspired by the “Runner Engines” article here on Stimhack.

Obviously PrePaid Kate took a major influence hit, but I’m wondering whether anyone has tried to continue with the archetype at all. My sense is that it still has some substance to it, and some potential to shine. I think so many people wrote it off but I think the economy engine is there, it’s just not as dominant as before relative to other engines.

My hardest part with trying to make it work is including utility programs to maintain the remote lock AND the Clot lock. Does anyone have any creative ideas for influence spending? I would especially be curious to hear whether you think she might be viable without Parasite or D4v1d, as those are the cards I’m having a really hard time squeezing in. Thanks!

The problem is if you don’t slot in Lucky Find then PrePaid engine feels not worth it at all.SOT for Sure Gamble as a late game pseudo-LF is really shit.

I try these suit for a while:

3PPVP,2LF,2Lady,2CC,1Clot,1Datasucker,1Mimic.This one is the most used suit I went with after MWL,you don’t feel much difference about econ,but losing lot of good cards could be problem,it’s decent,just have some extremely bad match-up.

3PPVP,1LF,2Lady,2CC,1Clot,1Datasucker,1Mimic,1Legwork,1Stimhack.Tried it couple of times,not rich as the above suit and still suffer from same weakness,abandoned.

3PPVP,2Lady,3CC,1Clot,1Datasucker,1Parasite,1Mimic.Last time I gave PrePaid Kate a try,and questioned myself why should I still bother with it.Never play with PrePaid again.

My overall conclusion is that the influence hit is massive.You can still built a decent PPVP Kate deck (like the first 1) for sacrifice certain cards,but it’s no longer a powerful deck like it used to be before,and you really should ask yourself is it worth it to sacrifice efficiency for an econ engine.Of course you can try other build,like cutting 1 PPVP or something,but I highly doubt before MWL change will Prepaid seeing played again.

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I run a ppvp kate deck atm, it plays two prepaids, two lucky finds, just one cerberus, two clone chips, no parasite (this is the big downside really). It’s pretty fun, it has a couple of hyperdrivers which makes turns with prepaid and procon up ridiculously awesome, and it also has room for film critic and deus X, so really covers all its bases atm, but would really like to be able to play parasite in there, that card is sick, by which I mean good

Is Lady so critical to the archetype that you can’t switch to a different Fracter? Eli’s not in every deck anymore, I feel like you can drop to a standard less-efficient Fracter like Snowball or (if you can find the MU) Battering Ram. That frees up 2 influence and reduces your reliance on clone chips at the cost of some run efficiency.

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Just try Snowball and Battering Ram,try it,you will feel like every credit you make from PPVP engine is wasted on these gigantic fracters.CC is not only for Lady recursion,it has a variety usage.I tried Snowball,Battering Ram,even Corroder.Nothing compares Lady and I won’t sacrifice that level of efficiency for the sake of an econ engine.


Thanks for the feedback so far! It’s really interesting to me to see the different ways people have explored the influence spread.

Here is what I’ve been toying around with currently: 3x Lucky Find, 2x Clone Chip, 3x PPVP, 1x Lady, 1x Mimic, 1x Clot.

To help make up for the 1x Lady, I’ve added 2x Scavenge to help reset her. Only other target is Cyber-Cypher (I run 2x), and I have 1x Levy, so I think it will end up being ok. The problem is that if I’m also trying to use Clone Chips for Clot recursion, I’m going to be running on a limited timer for how many barrier subs I can break.

I have toyed around with the idea of -1 Lucky Find, -1 Mimic, +1 Parasite, +1 Chameleon. This would be nice to squeeze in Parasite for particularly problematic ice on the remote or R&D (e.g., Komainu), but without Datasucker, it really is best reserved for low-strength ice. I do like the idea of Chameleon, however, as it might provide auxiliary fracter support and allow for some earlier aggression if you draw into it and another breaker.

I’m running Net-Ready Eyes at the moment in place of Datasucker, which would allow Chameleon to break anything <4 strength, and to support Atman (my other auxiliary breaker). I like it in combination with Plascrete because it means that card is less frequently a dead draw, depending on draw/install order. NRE also helps if I would be discarding at end of turn due to Diesel/Quality Time overdraw.

I have done very minimal play testing yet with this current breaker suite. I can echo that Battering Ram is expensive and doesn’t feel good when you hit something with an odd number of subs. Paying 2c to break 1 sub is never fun. Combos well with Escher, though, so I think there is room for it. I do like it more than Snowball.

I’m on 1x Lady + 1x Snowball OR Inti since MWL, and it was doing just fine for me.

I think Inti looks really good right now - it handles all the used NBN barriers and also does a ton of work again NEXT or GRAIL decks, where Lady would be traditionally taxed heavily…


I’ve found that stealth is a pretty good way to save on the influence. I’ve been running a Stealth + Prepaid list around the Bay Area SCs this year and made three top 4s.

The setup’s a little slower, but not too bad with 3x Cloak and Ghost Runner, and it doesn’t seem any worse than any ProCon setup.

The influence is 3 Lucky Find, 3 Prepaid, 2 Clone Chip, 1 Corroder, 1 Clot. The Prepaid money goes a long way when you aren’t spending real credits to boost strength. There’s also room for quite a few tech slots. I’ve been including Deus X, Sac Con, Film Critic, and Artist Colony, but it’s easy enough to change those to fit the meta, and/or switch Corroder to 2x Lady.


When you artist colony a news team:


Before my last time trying save PrePaid I actually tried Stealth build and in fact I checked your list,I think it was a good way to go (as for PPVP) but somehow lacks the speed of Stealth Andy and Hyper Kate.It’s like somewhere in between and I don’t quite like it.Actually no matter your build or mine our same nemesis is Gagarin.It’s a nightmare,and you will really want Parasite to deal with Tour Guide.
And switch Corroder for 2 Lady of course.

seems like a couple of stealth kate lists did well recently, but they don’t run plascretes or deus X, which seems ridiculous (or just very good meta calls). I know I can’t afford to play one if not both in my meta, there’s always meat damage and net damage kill decks floating around…