[Kate] Redefining Shaper Control Decks

Levy is your late-game econ.
In practice, you will generate way more cash than any deck with some kind of infinite econ engine like Opus/Kati.

In any case, it’s important to remember that Blue Sun can’t Fast-advance so putting a remote lock is often more important than try to get accesses on centrals. Also, it’s sometime a good call to let the corp score an NAPD in a remote you just broke-in to open a scoring window in a central server.


Seems like a recipe for hitting some IAA’d trap. Then again, it’s not like I have any idea how to avoid Blue Sun doing that to me when I’m playing other runner decks either ;_;

If they put Jackson in their scoring remote, do you go after him or do you just let him sit there? My guess is you let him sit there.

Another unrelated question - any tips on deciding what to discard after you’ve overdrawn?

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I feel your pain. ;_;

Been playing a variation of this deck lately with D4v1d and Day Jobs replacing the Lucky Finds.

Day Job packs a little more econ into one card than LF, so it pretty much makes up for being clunky. My worry is that while Day Job is strong early, it may be unplayable in the late game. I’ll have to test more and see.

D4v1d makes the Blue Sun matchup even easier, but I’m worried it will do next to nothing against RP, i.e. the deck to beat. What I really want for that matchup is Imp. Gonna test it this week end once I get the time. Probably still be able to play one Lucky and a couple Day Job.

Lastly, I don’t waaana give up the second Legwork for a Clot. Legwork is so strong in the early midgame that I’d hate to give up the second copy, even though I rarely play it more than once a game.

Mistake to not run Clot.


Could be, but I get this feeling everone’s counting on other people to include it in their decks. Who actually wants to play sheriff so no one puts Biotic Labor in their NBN deck?

It’s such a downer of a way to spend 2 influence in an otherwise optimal build like PPVP Kate.

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yeah, I get it. Someone (see: me) will call your bluff.

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Yeah, well, I hope you drown in 4-influence, purple tears. Astrobiotic 4 life, huh?

Lastly, I don’t waaana give up the second Legwork for a Clot. Legwork is so strong in the early midgame that I’d hate to give up the second copy, even though I rarely play it more than once a game.

You don’t have to! The inf I’ve been running is -

3x Lucky Find
2x Legwork
1x Mimic
1x Clot
1x Parasite

I think something along these lines is optimal but I’m not 100% sure just yet: the meta’s still adapting. I’m not sure you need D4V1D, BS is torn apart by prepaid Kate, I’m not sure it can win unless it gets very lucky. I tried cutting a Legwork myself for Rachel Beckman believe it or not, but there were just too many situations I wanted the second Legwork. Day Job seems acceptable, but only if there are significantly enough use cases that make it better than other influence. It does let you fit in some other cards, like Stimhack, Utopia Shard, Beckman, etc that you might not want more than one of.

I think the most flex part of my influence spread is the Parasite, but cutting that is a hard sell.

Who says I’m playing NBN?


Solve your problems by playing The Professor.


From my brief testing so far. Criminal don’t want it. It taxes MaxX’s recursion (you still run it, obviously, but it’s harder to utilise). Other Anarchs need to run multiples to see it early (or are playing Chanaka and don’t need it). PVP Kate (well, SMC Shaper in general) is the deck that has to run sheriff because it makes the best use of it.

That sounds about right to me. Luckily for us she’s a pretty popular ID.

I didn’t want to run Clot either, but the fact that it stuffs the 2-advancement agendas has actually been handy so far.

Clot helps a notable amount

-Vs NBN. Obviously.
-Vs HB. HBFA Obviously, but a lot of list just throw in a Biotic or 2 because its a nice bail out of a shit situation sometimes.
-Vs The new Jinteki ID. Being able to stuff the Biotic>Flip>Nisei combo is nice. And if they are running that combo, they probably have Biotic>3 for 2 plays too.
-Vs Titan. Trick of Light zzz.
-Vs CI. Zzz.
-Vs Tennin. Even without being a FA variant, it probably runs Trick.

Thats enough decks to spend 1 card and 2 influence on. It let me set up a hard remote lock vs a Making News deck, and helped me in a few games vs the new Jinteki ID.

I threw together a rough cut Kate build to test out Symmetrical Visage, and I had Clot x 1, no Legworks. Was never really in a hard want for it since all the situations I am desperate for a Legwork on, Clot helped me too.

Its worth the include imo.

Hey everyone. I’m thinking of putting Clot into my PPVP deck I’ve been perfecting for a long time.

I think we should name is Creations Kate. You know, because I invented it and shit.

Calimsha Creations Kate

Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)

Event (23)

Hardware (9)

Resource (1)

Icebreaker (8)

Program (4)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Valley

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.


Cool deck bro

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Super-unique build. Never would’ve thought of putting these cards together.


That’s why I’m not posting my Silhoette deck - the cards could fit into basically any ID with only very minor changes. That deck, though, looks so similar to Calimsha Kate I think he’s just joking.

And in other news, the sky is blue, cats are dicks, and Argus is trying to kill you.